
Welcome to the Safety page!

We're here to help you with any questions or problems you might have about safety in iGEM.

You can contact us at email (safety AT igem DOT org).

Ask your Instructors!

Your first resource is always your instructors, advisors, and professors. They have experience working in their own lab facilities, and they know how to work with your university to ensure lab safety. Other local resources include:

  • The laboratory manager for the lab where you work
  • The safety office or Biosafety Committee at your university/institution
  • Members of your local or national government

Contact the iGEM Safety Committee!

Email safety AT igem DOT org any time, with any questions you might have! We are friendly and available, and we will do our best to answer your questions quickly. Any team member can ask a question, whether you are a student, a leader, or an advisor. You should not fear that your team will suffer consequences simply because you asked us a question.