Team:BGIC China/Demonstrate

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  • NGBC prototype demonstration

    NGBC v0.1

    Fig.1 shows NGBC v0.1 which is the first prototype of our BioChips. We made the carrier of genetic circuits by filter paper manufactured by Whatman®. The black area of the filter paper is wax printed by wax-printer.

    Fig.1 NGBC v0.1

    Test for paper-based cell-free system

    We first cutted the filter papers into small pieces of squares(3mm x 3mm) and placed them into wells of 384 well plates. 60ng of plasmid pCpxP-LacZ in 2ul of S30 cell-free system(pH = 7) and 400ng of X-gal (dissolved in DMSO; conc = 20ug/ul) was then added into each well and was immobilized onto filter papers by using freeze-dried technology. 2ul of PBS buffer solution(pH = 7) has then been added into each well to rehydrate the filter paper. After having reaction under 37℃ for 1 hour, we examined the result by looking at the colour of the filter paper. The change in colour of the filter paper demonstrated that the transcription and translation of β-galactosidase from LacZ gene had taken place (Fig.2 & Fig.3). Thus, it shows that the paper-based cell-free test paper works in laboratory condition.

    Fig.2 Photo taken from 384 well plate. Left: Blank; Middle: Control; Right: pCpxP-LacZ immobilized filter paper.

    Fig.3 Picture generated by using average color depth of each cell. Left: Blank; Middle: Control; Right: pCpxP-LacZ immobilized filter paper.

    Supplementary pictures


    Fig.5 NGBC v0.1 dyed by different concentrations of purified EGFP protein solution

    Fig.6 NGBC v0.1 dyed by different concentrations of purified EGFP protein solution