

Thursday July 7th, 2016

Thursday, 7/7
Members Present: Karim, Marc, Kat, Caline, Bohdan, Andrea
PCR amplified:
Long Linear plasmid GolS
Long Linear plasmid GolS P118A
Short Linear TetO-mCherry
Note that these were done together because their extension temperatures are similar due to their similar size (~990bp)
Restriction enzyme digest of:
Long Linear plasmid GolS
Long Linear plasmid GolS P118A
Short Linear TetO-mCherry
72.4C Backbone
Ligation of:
Long Linear plasmid GolS
Long Linear plasmid GolS P118A
Short Linear TetO-mCherry
Glycerol Stocks of BL21 cultures (both LB and 2xYPTG
Transformation with ligated constructs.
Run Gel:
iGEM - july 7 - PCR-golS-p118a-mcherry-1.jpg
GEL: Lane 1: PCR amplified short linear mCherry Lane 2: Digested Short linear mCherry. Lane 3: PCR amplified Long Linear GolS Lane 4: Digested Long Linear GolS Lane 5: PCR amplified Long Linear Gols P118A Lane 6: 2-log ladder Lane 7: DIgested Long Linear GolS P118A Lane 10: Digested pSB1C3 plasmid. Lane 11: Miniprepped O2 lane 12: Miniprepped O5 Lane 12: Single RE digested O5/O2 Lane 13: Double RE digested O5/O3 (sorry about the labelling am tired)
For the next day:
LAB MANAGERS: pick up package from Phill (CPRG)