


Fragments construction.


Group 1:

Test of PCR standard for tsf & tufA gene


Group 1:

Gel electrophoresis of tsf gene and tufA gene

Gel extraction of tsf

TfuA gene PCR (test the optimal condition

Gel electrophoresis of tufA gene


Group 1:

Plasmid extraction

Isolation of plasmid pACYCDuet from Top.10 cells


Group 1:

Extraction of QBeta genome


Group 1:

Transformation of pQBeta7 to competent cell Top.10


Group 1:

Incubate transformed competent cells



Fragments construction.

Ligation of genome fragments.


Group 1: Tu PCR.


Group 1: Tu PCR.

Group 3: gel extraction.


Group 1: do the pcr purification for Tu gene


Group 1: Gel extraction.

Group 3: ligate genome fragment 1 and 2.


Group 3: Gel extraction.


Group 1: Rep PCR.



Recombination of plasmids.


Group 4:

Transformation for QBeta 7 Select HB107 with PUC19 plasmids and cultivation Result: no rep has been detected. Construction of pACYC-TS

1. PCR of tsf Result: tsf has been coamplified 2. Electrophoresis to examine the length of tsf Result: tsf has correct (expected length) 3. PCR purification 4. pACYC and tsf double digestion with NcoI and BamHI 5. Ligation of pACYC(digested and tsf (digested Result: the mixture might contain pACYC-ts 6. Transformation of pACYC-ts


Goup 1:

Check the fragment inserted in pACYC 1. Cell amplification 2. PCR of a fragment on pACYC containing ts 3. Gel electrophoresis 4. Second turn PCR


Group 1:

Tuf PCR 1. Tu nesting PCR 2. Gel electrophoresis of the PCR product 3. Tu nesting PCR product purification 4. Tu PCR 5. Tel electrophoresis of the PCR product


Group 4:

HB101 selection and cultivation 1. Select HB101 with PUC19 plasmids and cultivation 2. PCR for testing the product of HB101 3. Select A1¬,B2, C3, D1, E3, F2¬ tubes which contain HB101 with pUC19 into conical flask 4. Cultivate over night


Group 1:

Ligation of Tu and Transformation of pACYC-tu 1. Double digestion of tu and pACYC 2. Ligation of tu onto pACYC 3. Transformation


Group 1:

Check whether tu has been inserted into pACYC 1. Cell amplification 2. Tu testing PCR 3. Gel electrophoresis


Group 1:

Ligation of tu & transformation of pACYC-tu 1. Ligation of tu onto pACYC 2. Transformation



Fragments PCR.

Recombination of plasmids.

Ligation of genome fragments.


Group 1:

Digestion of plasmid pACYC-DuetI and DNA tufa & ligation and transformation of pACYC-tu

1. double digestion of tu & pACYC

2. Clean up of digested pACYC-DuteI and tufa

3. Ligation of pACYC-DuetI with tfuA

4. Transformation of pACYC-tu into Top-10 cells


Group 4:

Transformation fot Duet (Duet to BL21

Check whether tfuA is inserted into pACYC-DuetI

1. Cell amplification

2. Tu testing PCR

3. Gel electrophoresis Results: none of the colonies selected contain s the recombinant plasmid pACYC-tu


Group 1:

Amplification of E.coli cells containing pACYC-ts

Group 4:

Double transformation for duet and acyc


Group 1:

Digest pETDuet-1 with enzymes and test

Gibson assembly of intron a, b and kan

Run electrophoresis to test

Clean up


Group 1:

Digestion of plasmid pACYC-DyetI and DNA tufa & ligation and transformation of pACYC-tu

1. Digestion and ligation of pACYC-DuetI and tufa (same as the recording on 7.2

Transformation of recombinant plasmids into Top.10 cells

Group 4:

Part II

1. Digest Duet with enzyme

2. Clean up

3. Gibson assembly

4.Transformation to BL21


Group 1:

PCR testing of tu insert

1. Cell amplification

2. Tu testing PCR (same as the recording on 7.4

3. Gel electrophoresis

Results: A6 has the target length of band

4. Amplification

Result: 600nm (Abs: 0.103

Group 4:

Part II

1. Gibson assembly: intron+ kana

2. Run gel electrophoresis to test

Result: intron a_ kan was not connected

Intron b+ kan connected a little

3. PCR the bacteria BL21 contain recombinant Duet-1 (Target+ Ndel & Xhot


Group 1:

Mini prep and planting of pACYC-tu (check pACYC-tu is the only plasmid

1. Planting of transformed Top.10 cells

2. Miniprep of plasmids

Re-testing by PCR of plasmid pACYC-tu (check whether pACYC-tu is the only plasmid

1. PCR testing of ty insert

2. Gel electrophoresis

Results: there is the target insert

Transformation of pACYC-tu into Top.10 E.coli cells


Group 1:

Amplification of Top.10 E.coli cells containing pACYC-tu


Group 4:

PCR testing of pACYC

Gel electrophoresis

Digest Duet-1 with Xbal &AfI III

Clean up

Gibson assembly

Transformation Gibson assembly product into BL21


Group 4:

PCR the bacteria BI21 contain pACYC, intron a-kan-intron b-DuetL(group 1


Group 4:

Digest Duet-1 with Xbal and Afl II

Clean up

Gel electrophoresis

Gibson assembly



Group 4:

PCR the bacteria Top.10 contain intron a-kan-intron b+-Duet-1(Xbal & afl II


Group 1:

Construction of pACYC-tu-ts

1. Double digestion with NcoK and BamHI

2. Ligation of tsf onto pACYC-tu

3. PCR for tsf amplification from pACYC-ts

Result: tsf has been amplified successfully

Group 2:

Use bigson assembly ligation genome 1, 2, 3, 4

PCR to replicase genome 1, 2, 3, 4 (S15 system

Group 3:

Digest Duetl WITH Xbal and afl III

Gel electrophoresis

Clean up

Gibson assembly

Clean up

PCR reaction of a+b+k

Gel electrophoresis

Clean up a+b+k

Assemble a+b+k+Duet-1 with Gibson assembly kid

Clean up a+b+k+Duet-1

Transform plasmids (step 9 into Top.10, then plate them onto AMP plates


Group 1:

Construction of pACYC-tu-ts

1. Double digestion of the pACYC-tu with NcoL and BamHI

2. Ligation of tsf onto pACYC-tu

Group 2:

Amplify the Gibson product (1-2-3-4


Gel electrophoresis

Bacterial glycerol stock

Extract plasmids

Group 4:

Gibson assembly:

Clean up:

PCR a+k

Pick up colonies from two AMP plates made on 7.24

Inculbate 35 colonies under 37℃ over 2 hours


Gel electrophoresis


Group 1:

Ligation & transformation

1. Continue the process of ligation after over night incubation at 16℃

2. Transformation of pACYC-tu-ts

Group 2:

PCR genome 1~4 from plasmid, which was entracted from Top.10

Gel electrophoresis

Results: sample1 and 4 has similar gel electrophoresis result

Group 4:

Get the PCR product +(a+k

Agarose gel electrophoresing of maturase

Gel electrophoresis

Gel electrophoresis

Clean up


Group 1:

Check the inserted fragment of tsf in pACYC-tu-ts

1. Cell amplification

2. PCR to check the fragment on pACYC-tu-ts to see whether ts can be generated with taq enzyme. 30 tubes were used

3. Gel electrophoresis to see the results from PCR tsf amplification

Result: no target length of the fragments appeared. Experiment need to be repeated.


Group 1:

Check the inserted fragment of tsf in pACYC-tu-ts (the same procedure as in the experiment on 7.28

Result: still no target length of the fragments appeared

Group 4:

PCR testing of pACYC

Gel electrophoresis

Clean up and nanodrop

PCR the plasmids from bacteria Top.10 contain a-kan-b-Deut-1: D2, B6

PCR testing of pACYC



Recombination of plasmids.

Ligation of genome fragments.


Group 1:

Check the insert of tsf in pACYC-tu (same as 7.28) Excluding gel electrophoresis

Group 4:

  • PCR testing of pACYC Gel electrophoresis Clean up+ nanodrop
  • Gibson assembly

    PCR the reaction of a+k (Q5

    Gel electrophoresis+ cleanup

    PCR the reaction of a+k (S15


    Group 4:

    Extract the gel containing a+k (S15)

    Gel electrophoresis

    Gel extraction

    Check the pACYC+ matuase in bacteria

    Cell amplification

    PCR reaction for each colonies

    Gel electrophoresis

    PCR: knock our for plasmid in acyc


    Group 4:

    Gel electrophoresis of the knock our PCR product

    PCR reaction for intron a and kan

    Gel electrophoresis

    Gibson assembly of intron a and kan

    Group 1:

    Plasmids (pACYC-ts-tu)

    Result: concentration of nucleic acid: 168.1ng/Μl 260/280: 1.92


    Group 1:

    Gel electrophoresis of rep fragment from PCR

    PCR purification: use QIA quick PCR purification kid (250

    Double digestion of Rep and PET-Duet-1

    Incubate at 37℃ waterbath for 2 hours

    Use MiniElute reaction ceanup kid (QIAGEN Cat No.28204

    Ligation of pETDuet-I and Rep

    Incubate at 16℃ incubator for overnight

    Group 4:

    PCR reaction for intron b. (412

    Gel electrophoresis

    Clean up

    Check mutuase in bacteria

    Cell amplification

    PCR for each colonies

    Gel electrophoresis

    PCR reaction for intron b


    Group 4:

    Gel electrophoresis

    PCR of matuase

    Transformation of ligation mixture (over night at 16 degrees)


    Group 4:

    Geo eoectrophoresis

    Knock out T7 promotor of pACYC

    Gel electrophoresis

    Clean up


    Group 1:

    construction of pACYC-tu-ts and transformation of the recombinant plasmid into the competent cells

    1. Double digestion of pACYC-tu and tsf

    2. Ligation of tsf onto pACYC-tu

    3. Transformation

    Group 4:

    Transformation of pACYC-T7 and maturase into Top.10

    Gel electrophoresis

    Clean up


    Group 1:

    Check whether ts has been inserted in pACYC-tu

    Cell amplification

    PCR with the amplified cells as template

    Construction of pETDuet-Rep

    Transformation of pETDuet into Top.10

    Group 4:

    Gel electrophoresis of PCR products: K1, K2, A1, A2

    Clean up

    Gel electrophoresis

    Digest Duet-1-target with Xbal and Afl III

    PCR: 8.10 PCR of intron A

    8.11 PCR of kan sample

    PCR of intron b

    Knock out T7 promotor of pACYC

    Gel electrophoresis clean up and nanodrop


    Group 4:

    Gibson assembly

    Transformation of M-pACYC-T7 into Top.10

    Digest Duet-1-target with Afl III and Xbal

    Gibson assembly

    PCR of a+b+k


    Group 1:

    pETDuet-Rep testing

    group 4:

    Gel electrophoresis of PCR product

    Clean up

    Digest Duet-target with Afl III and Xbal

    Gel electrophoresis

    Clean up

    PCR of a+b+k

    PCR OF Duet + target

    Gel electrophoresis


    Group 1:

    Redo the experiment in 8.12 procedures

    Result: no expected bands presented in electrophoresis gel

    pET Duet-Rep testing using S15


    Group 4:

    PCR of intron a.

    Gel electrophoresis

    Clean up

    Gibson assembly

    Gel electrophoresis

    PCR of Gibson products

    PCR of intron a


    Group 4:

    Gibson assembly


    Gel electrophoresis


    Group 4:

    Gel extraction: k+b: 23.5ng/μL


    Group 4:

    Digest Duet-1 with Xbal and Afl II

    Clean up

    Gibson assembly

    Transformation of Gibson

    Gibson: gel extraction


    Group 4:

    PCR the bacteria Top.10 contain Duet+ akb

    Gel electrophoresis

    Agarose gel electrophoresis

    After clean up

    The concentraction: 202.2ng/μL

    260/280: 1.84


    Group 4:

    Gibson assembly

    Transformation to Top.10

    Gibson assbmely

    Clean up

    OCR of k+b

    Gel electrophoresis and gel extraction

    Digest pETDuet-1 with Xbal and Afl III

    Gel electrophoresis

    Clean up

    Digest Duet-target with Xbal and Afl III

    Gel electrophoresis

    Result: no target sequence


    Group 4:

    PCR the bacteria Top.10 contain pACYC-ts and maturase

    Gel electrophoresis

    Digestion of maturase-ACYC plasmid


    Group 4:

    PCR of kan sample

    PCR of intron b

    Overlap PCR of kan+intron b

    Gel electrophoresis

    Clean up


    Group 4:

    PCR of intron a (plasmid to get intron a (enlonged

    Gel electrophoresis

    Result: no target sequence

  • PCR the bacteria Top.10 contain pACYC+maturase

  • Gel electrophoresis

    Gibson assembly



    Verify the retrohoming function of Group 2 intron.

    Measurement of Red florescence protein to compare the function of temperature controlled switch after mutation.


    Group 4:

    Obtain the pACYC plasmid containing LtrA protein.

    Transformation of pACYC and PETduet into BL 21, then spread it into double-antibody plates with resistance of Amp and Cmr.


    Group 4:

    Select colonies cultured last night for incubation within LB broth.

    Measure OD600 of bacteria fluid till it reaches 0.8 and Induce it with IPTG and arabinose.

    Spread the induced bacteria fluid into both single-antibody plats with Kan and triple-antibody plates with resistance of Amp, Cmr and Kan.


    Group 4:

    Conduct the PCR and gel electrophoresis to check the retrohoming function of intron in single-antibody plats with Kan and triple-antibody plates with resistance of Amp,

    Cmr and Kan.

    Transformation of pACYC and PETduet into BL 21 and spread it into double-antibody plates with resistance of Amp and Cmr.

    Single endonuclease digestion of pACYC plasmid.

    RFP group:

    Measure the Red florescence protein and OD600 of BL21 incubated for 18 hours at 26℃ and 37℃ respectively from the first pool.


    Group 4:

    Select colonies cultured last night for incubation within LB broth.

    Measure OD600 of bacteria fluid till it reaches 0.8 and Induce it with IPTG and arabinose.

    Spread the induced bacteria fluid into both single-antibody plats with Kan and triple-antibody plates with resistance of Amp, Cmr and Kan.

    Conduct the PCR and gel electrophoresis to check the retrohoming function of intron in single-antibody plats with Kan and triple-antibody plates with resistance of Amp,

    Cmr and Kan.


    Group 4:

    Reselectc colonies from single-antibody plats and the triple-antibody plates last night.

    Conduct the PCR and gel electrophoresis to check the retrohoming function of intron.

    Extract the plasmids from both single-antibody plats and the triple-antibody plates.

    Double endonuclease digestion of the extracted plasmids.

    RFP group:

    Measure the Red florescence protein and OD600 of BL21 incubated for 18 hours at 26℃ and 37℃ respectively from the second pool.


    Group 4:

    Reselectc colonies from the plates in October.5 and induce.

    Spread the induced bacteria fluid into both single-antibody plats with Kan and triple-antibody plates with resistance of Amp, Cmr and Kan.

    Conduct the PCR and gel electrophoresis to check the retrohoming function of intron in single-antibody plats with Kan and triple-antibody plates with resistance of Amp,

    Cmr and Kan.


    Group 4:

    Extract the plasmids from both single-antibody plats and the triple-antibody plates.

    Double endonuclease digestion of the extracted plasmids.

    RFP group:

    Select 10 colonies from the second pool.

    Measure the Red florescence protein and OD600 of BL21 incubated for 18 hours at 26℃ and 37℃ respectively.


    Group 4:

    Transformation of pACYC and PETduet into BL 21, then spread it into double-antibody plates with resistance of Amp and Cmr.

    Spread the induced bacteria fluid into both single-antibody plats with Kan and triple-antibody plates with resistance of Amp, Cmr and Kan.


    Group 4:

    Conduct the PCR and gel electrophoresis to check the retrohoming function of intron in single-antibody plats with Kan and triple-antibody plates with resistance of Amp,

    Cmr and Kan.

    Extract the plasmids from both single-antibody plats and the triple-antibody plates.

    Conduct the PCR and gel electrophoresis to check the retrohoming function of intron using the extracted plasmids.


    Group 4:

    Double endonuclease digestion of the extracted plasmids.

    Reselect colonies to conduct the PCR and gel electrophoresis, checking the retrohoming function of intron in single-antibody plats with Kan and triple-antibody plates with

    resistance of Amp, Cmr and Kan.


    Group 4:

    Transformation of pACYC and PETduet into BL 21, then spread it into double-antibody plates with resistance of Amp and Cmr.

    Spread the induced bacteria fluid into both single-antibody plats with Kan and triple-antibody plates with resistance of Amp, Cmr and Kan.

    Conduct the PCR and gel electrophoresis to check the retrohoming function of intron in single-antibody plats with Kan and triple-antibody plates with resistance of Amp,

    Cmr and Kan.


    Group 4:

    Extract the plasmids from both single-antibody plats and the triple-antibody plates.

    Double endonuclease digestion of the extracted plasmids.


    Group 4:

    Transformation of pACYC and PETduet into BL 21, then spread it into double-antibody plates with resistance of Amp and Cmr.

    Spread the induced bacteria fluid into both single-antibody plats with Kan and triple-antibody plates with resistance of Amp, Cmr and Kan.


    Group 4:

    Extract the plasmids from both single-antibody plats and the triple-antibody plates.

    Conduct the PCR and gel electrophoresis to check the retrohoming function of intron using the extracted plasmids.

    Double endonuclease digestion of the extracted plasmids.