Template:Chalmers Gothenburg/style

@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Rubik%7CLato);

  • {


body {

   background-color: #FAFAFA;
   font-family:'Lato', sans-serif;


/*---------------Index page header (above header nav bar)------------------------------*/

/*This is for the part above the header navbar with the title and logo*/

  1. header_navbar_top {
 background-image: url("T--Chalmers_Gothenburg--fabric-of-squares.png"), linear-gradient(to bottom, #7bac78, #016243);
 background-repeat: repeat;
 height: 210px;/*220px*/
 min-width: 1400px;
 margin-left: auto;
 margin-right: auto;
 /*padding: 20px;/*Find another way to move the logo down a bit?*/
 border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;
 -moz-border-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #016243 0%, #b5deca, #016243 100%);
 -webkit-border-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #016243 0%, #b5deca, #016243 100%);
 border-image: linear-gradient(to right, #016243 0%, #b5deca, #016243 100%);
 border-image-slice: 1;
 -webkit-touch-callout: none;
 -webkit-user-select: none;
 -khtml-user-select: none;
 -moz-user-select: none;
 -ms-user-select: none;
 user-select: none;
 cursor: default;


/*This is the title of the project*/

  1. header_navbar_top_title {
 font-size: 55px;
 line-height: 210px;
 vertical-align: middle;
 color: white;
 font-family:'Lato', sans-serif;


  1. header_navbar_top_logo {


/*--------------------Header navbar--------------------------------------------*/

/*body {

   font-family: helvetica;

margin:0; }*/

/*The wrapper and the nav bar have to be the same height, or the page will jump when the nav bar sticks.*/

  1. header_navbar_wrapper, .header_navbar_ul {
   height: 70px;


.header_navbar_ul {

 list-style-type: none; /*No bullet points*/
 margin: 0;
 padding: 0;
 background-image: url("T--Chalmers_Gothenburg--fabric-of-squares.png");
 background-repeat: repeat;
 background-color: #016243;
 top: 0;
 width: 100%;
 min-width: 1440px;
 -webkit-touch-callout: none;
 -webkit-user-select: none;
 -khtml-user-select: none;
 -moz-user-select: none;
 -ms-user-select: none;
 user-select: none;


/*Having the header navbar stick to the top of the screen after it reaches that position*/ .header-nav_stick {

   position: fixed;
   width: 100%;
   top: 0;
   z-index: 9999;


/*Current page header highlight*/ .home #home_link, .team #team_link, .achievements #achievements_link, .HP #HP_link, .modelling #modelling_link, .notebook #notebook_link, .parts #parts_link, .project #project_link, .safety #safety_link {

   color: white;


.dropbtn {

   background-color: transparent;
   color: white;
   padding: 8px;
   /*font-size: 16px;*/
   border: none;
   cursor: pointer;



  1. header_navbar_home {
   position: relative;
   display: inline-block;
   font-family:'Lato', sans-serif;


.dropdown a,

  1. header_navbar_home a {
 display: block; /*Displaying the links as block elements makes the whole link 
 area clickable (not just the text), and it allows us to specify padding (and 
 height, width, margins, etc. if you want)*/
 color: #b5deca;
 text-align: left;
 text-decoration: none;
 padding: 8px; /*Since block elements take up the full width available, they 
 cannot float next to each other. Therefore, specify some padding to make them look good*/
 font-size: 14pt;
 line-height: 54px;


/*Size settings for the dropdown menu content*/ .dropdown-content a {

   line-height: 30px;
   font-size: 12pt;


/* Change the link color on hover over either dropdown button, or the dropdown menu items. Also, rounded top borders */ .header_navbar_ul li:hover > a {

   background-color: #7bac78;
   color: white;
   border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0;


/*No rounded borders for home, which doesn't have a dropdown*/

  1. header_navbar_home a:hover {
   color: white;
   border-radius: 0 0 0 0;


/*Top right rounded highlight for first list element in dropdown menu*/ .dropdown-content a:first-child:hover {

   border-radius: 0 10px 0 0;


/*bottom rounded highlights for last list element in dropdown menu*/ .dropdown-content a:last-child:hover {

   border-radius: 0 0 10px 10px;


.dropdown-content {

   display: none;
   position: absolute;
   background-color: #7bac78;
   box-shadow: 0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
   width: auto !important; /*to avoid line breaks*/
   white-space: nowrap; /*to avoid line breaks*/
   min-width: 200px;
   border-radius: 0 10px 10px 10px;


.dropdown-content a {

   color: white;
   padding: 12px 16px;
   text-decoration: none;
   font-weight: bold;
   display: block;


.dropdown-content a:hover {

   background-color: #016243;
   /*border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; /*Temprorary solution. I'd prefer to only round the corners that touch the corners of the menu*/
   color: white;


.dropdown:hover .dropdown-content {

   display: block;


/*Styling for
between menu itmes in the dropdown menus*/

.header_navbar_ul hr {

   border: 0;
   height: 1px;
   background-image: linear-gradient(to right,  rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), #ccc,  rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));
   margin-top: 0;
   margin-bottom: 0;


/*I don't think this one does anything. Probably because of "".dropdown-content a:hover" covering it.*/ .dropdown:hover .dropbtn {

   background-color: #111;


/*---------------------------Footer with sponsor logos----------------------------*/

footer hr {

   border: 0;
   height: 0;
   border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
   border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
   width: 80%;
   text-align: center;
   margin-left: 10%;
   margin-top: 50px;


  1. footer-contact-row {
 padding-bottom: 50px;


  1. footer-contact-row a {
 color: #cdcdcd;
 text-decoration: none;
 padding-left: 15px;
 padding-right: 15px;


  1. footer-contact-row a:hover {
 color: #278c60;


  1. footer-contact-row hr {
   border: 0;
   height: 0;
   border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
   border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
   width: 30%;
   text-align: center;
   margin-left: 35%;
   padding-bottom: 10px;


  1. logorow {
 padding: 2em;


.footerimg {

 max-height: 100px;
 max-width: 250px;


.footerlogo {

 display: inline-block;
 vertical-align: bottom;
 padding: 1.5em;


.footerlogo .on {

 display: block;


.footerlogo:hover .on, .footerlogo .off {



.footerlogo:hover .off {



/* should we use this? .img-responsive {

 display: inline;


  • /

/*---------------------------Center page styling---------------------------------*/

/*The wrap class is used for
in order to define a space where the

side navigation bar and the page content (text, images etc) is kept*/ .wrap {

 width: 1200px;
 text-align: center;
 margin: auto;
 margin-top: 40px;
 background-color: #FFFFFF;
 box-shadow: 0 0 10px 0 #888;


/*This is the content of the page, i.e. text images etc. Fits inside
with the wrap class*/

.wrap-content {

 padding-right: 100px;
 padding-left: 250px;


/*Like .wrap-content, except with even margins, for pages where a side navigation bar is superfluous*/ .wrap-content-no-side-nav {

 padding-right: 75px;/*50px*/
 padding-left: 75px;


.wrap-content, .wrap-content-no-side-nav {

 padding-top: 25px;


/*----------------------------Side navigation bar-------------------------------*/

  1. side-nav {
   width: 25%;


  1. side-nav nav {
   width: 200px;
   padding-left: 25px;
   float: left;


  1. side-nav a {
   color: #333;
   display: block;
   padding: 10px;
   text-align: left;
   text-decoration: none;


  1. side-nav a.active {
   background: #fff7b5;
   color: black;
   border-style: solid;
   border-width: 1px;
   border-color: #b07a12;


  1. side-nav a:hover {
 background: #dcdbdb;
 color: black;


.side-nav_stick {

   position: fixed;
   top: 0;
   z-index: 9990;


.hidden-sidenav {

 opacity: 0;


  1. side-nav nav {

-webkit-transition: opacity 200ms ease-in-out;

   -moz-transition: opacity 200ms ease-in-out;
   -ms-transition: opacity 200ms ease-in-out;
   -o-transition: opacity 200ms ease-in-out;


/*---------------------------Profile card styling-------------------------------------*/ .profile-table {

 margin: 0 auto 0 auto;
 border-spacing: 30px;


.profile-main {

 height: 350px;
 width: 300px;
 position: relative;
 margin: 10px;


.profile-container {

 height: 350px;
 width: 300px;
 position: absolute;
 display: block;
 top: 0;
 left: 0;

-webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px #666; padding: 1%; background: #fffef9; background: rgb(252,255,244); /* Old browsers */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fffffb 0%, #fffef9 100%); /* FF3.6+ */ background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,rgba(252,255,244,1)), color-stop(100%,rgba(219,218,201,1))); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fffffb 0%,#fffef9 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */ background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fffffb 0%,#fffef9 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */ background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fffffb 0%,#fffef9 100%); /* IE10+ */ background: linear-gradient(top, #fffffb 0%,#fffef9 100%); /* W3C */ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#fcfff4', endColorstr='#dbdac9',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */ }

.profile-image {

 margin: 15px auto 0 auto;
 height: 250px;
 width: 250px;


.profile-content {

 display: none;
 width: 300px;
 margin: 70px auto 0 auto;
 text-align: justify;


.profile-container:hover .profile-content {

 display: block;


.profile-container:hover .profile-image {

 position: relative;


.profile-name {

 padding-top: 15px;
 color: #278C60;
 font-weight: bold;
 font-size: 15pt;


.profiletext {

 font-size: 12pt;
 margin-top: 10px;
 line-height: 150%;
 text-align: justify;

} /*-------------------------------GENERAL STUFF-------------------------------------*/

div {

 text-align: center;


/*.header is the class used in the header image at the top of pages*/ .header {

 font-size: 45pt;
 color: white;
 text-align: center;
 background-image: url("T--Chalmers_Gothenburg--fabric-of-squares.png"), linear-gradient(to bottom, #0c749c, #145071);
 background-repeat: repeat;
 height: auto;
 line-height: 130px;

/* This method of getting an inset shadow for text does not work in IE */ /*.header-text {

 background-color: black;
 color: transparent;
 font-weight: bold;
 text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px white;
 -webkit-background-clip: text;
    -moz-background-clip: text;
         background-clip: text;


.header-text {

 /*color: white;
 font-size: 45pt;*/
 font-size: 40pt;
 line-height: 45pt;
 padding-top: 35px;


.header-subtitle {

 /*color: white;*/
 font-size: 20pt;
 line-height: 20pt;
 padding-top: 8px;
 padding-bottom: 20px;


/*--------------Basic text and content styling---------------------------------*/ p {

 font-size: 12pt;
 text-align: justify;
 text-justify: inter-word;
 /*text-indent: 20px;*/
 line-height: 150%;
 margin-bottom: 10px;


h2 {

 color: #278C60;


h3 {

 text-align: left;
 /*margin-top: 10px;*/


figcaption {

 background-color: #278C60;
 color: white;
 font-size: 11pt;
 text-align: justify;
 padding: 5px;


.subtitle {

 padding: 5px;
 font-size: 20pt !important;
 background-color: #278C60;
 color: white !important;
 line-height: 150% !important;
 font-weight:600 !important;


.list {

 list-style-position: outside;
 text-align: justify;
 text-justify: inter-word;
 margin-top: 10px;
 font-size: 12pt;
 line-height: 125%;


.sponsor-picture {

 border: 1px solid black;
 width: 170px;
 display: inline-block;

} .sidetitle {

 padding: 5px;
 font-size: 15pt;
 background-color: #5B9E00;
 margin-top: 10px;
 line-height: 150%;


/*--------------Links in text and lists are green when hovered------------------*/

p a:link {

 text-decoration: none;
 color: #278C60;
 font-weight: bold;


p a:link:hover {

 color: #6CBC9A;


/*.list a:link, a:visited {

 text-decoration: none;
 color: #7bac78;


.list a:hover {

 text-decoration: none;
 color: #5B9E00;


.text a:link, a:visited {

 text-decoration: none;
 color: #278C60;


.text a:hover {

 text-decoration: none;
 color: #5B9E00;


.profiletext a:link, a:visited {

 text-decoration: none;
 color: #278C60;
 font-weight: bold;


.profiletext a:hover {

 text-decoration: none;
 color: #7bac78;


/*superscript and subscript modification so it doesn't fuck up line-height in multiple lined text*/ sub, sup { font-size: 75%; line-height: 0; position: relative; vertical-align: baseline; } sup { top: -0.5em; } sub { bottom: -0.25em; }

.thankyoutext {

 font-size: 16pt;
 text-align: justify;
 text-justify: inter-word;
 margin-top: 10px;
 text-indent: 20px;
 line-height: 150%;
 font-weight: 500;


/*---------------------------BUTTON---------------------------------*/ .button {

 display: inline-block;
 border-radius: 10px;
 background-color: #5B9E00;
 border: none;
 color: #FFFFFF;
 text-align: center;
 font-size: 28px;
 padding: 20px;
 width: 250px;
 transition: all 0.6s;
 cursor: pointer;
 margin: 5px;


.button span {

 cursor: pointer;
 display: inline-block;
 position: relative;
 transition: 0.5s;


.button span:after {

 content: '»';
 position: absolute;
 opacity: 0;
 top: 0;
 right: -20px;
 transition: 0.5s;


.button:hover span {

 padding-right: 25px;


.button:hover span:after {

 opacity: 1;
 right: 0;


/*-----------------------long button----------------------------------------*/ .button_long {

 display: inline-block;
 border-radius: 10px;
 background-color: #5B9E00;
 border: none;
 color: black;
 text-align: left;
 font-size: 15pt;
 padding: 10px;
 width: 100%;
 transition: all 0.6s;
 cursor: pointer;
 margin-top: 10px;
 box-shadow: 0 8px 16px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19);


.button_long span {

 cursor: pointer;
 display: inline-block;
 position: relative;
 transition: 0.5s;


.button_long span:after {

 content: '»';
 position: absolute;
 opacity: 0;
 top: 0;
 right: -20px;
 transition: 0.5s;


.button_long:hover span {

 padding-right: 25px;


.button_long:hover span:after {

 opacity: 1;
 right: 0;


/*-----------------------------------SLIDER------------------------------------*/ .bigslider{

 width: 1000px;
 margin: auto;

} /* Slider Setup */

input { display: none; }

  1. slide1:checked ~ #slides .inner { margin-left:0; }
  2. slide2:checked ~ #slides .inner { margin-left:-100%; }
  3. slide3:checked ~ #slides .inner { margin-left:-200%; }
  4. slide4:checked ~ #slides .inner { margin-left:-300%; }
  5. slide5:checked ~ #slides .inner { margin-left:-400%; }

  1. overflow {

width: 100%; overflow: hidden; }

article img { width: 100%; }

  1. slides .inner {

width: 500%; line-height: 0; }

  1. slides article {

width: 20%; float: left; }

/* Slider Styling */

/* Control Setup */

  1. controls {

margin-top: -30%; width: 100%; height: 0; /*If more than zero, not possible to click image.*/ }

  1. controls label {

display: none; width: 50px; height: 50px; opacity: 0.3; }

  1. active {

margin-top: 31%; /*Had to change this after I reduced height to 0 in #controls*/ margin-bottom: 20px; text-align: center; }

  1. active label {

-webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; display: inline-block; width: 10px; height: 10px; background: #bbb; }

  1. active label:hover {

background: #ccc; border-color: #777 !important; }

  1. controls label:hover {

opacity: 0.8; }

  1. slide1:checked ~ #controls label:nth-child(2),
  2. slide2:checked ~ #controls label:nth-child(3),
  3. slide3:checked ~ #controls label:nth-child(4),
  4. slide4:checked ~ #controls label:nth-child(5),
  5. slide5:checked ~ #controls label:nth-child(1) {

background: url('http://csscience.com/responsiveslidercss3/next.png') no-repeat; float: right; margin: 0 -50px 0 0; display: block; }

  1. slide1:checked ~ #controls label:nth-child(5),
  2. slide2:checked ~ #controls label:nth-child(1),
  3. slide3:checked ~ #controls label:nth-child(2),
  4. slide4:checked ~ #controls label:nth-child(3),
  5. slide5:checked ~ #controls label:nth-child(4) {

background: url('http://csscience.com/responsiveslidercss3/prev.png') no-repeat; float: left; margin: 0 0 0 -50px; display: block; }

  1. slide1:checked ~ #active label:nth-child(1),
  2. slide2:checked ~ #active label:nth-child(2),
  3. slide3:checked ~ #active label:nth-child(3),
  4. slide4:checked ~ #active label:nth-child(4),
  5. slide5:checked ~ #active label:nth-child(5) {

background: #333; border-color: #333 !important; }

/* Info Box */

/*This fixes the transition problems for IE*/ .info-container {



.info { margin: 0 0 -150%; position: absolute; padding: 20px 20px; opacity: 0; color: white; background-color: rgba(12, 116, 156, 0.8); text-align: left; border-radius: 15px; line-height: 150%; font-size: 15pt; }

.info a {

 	text-decoration: none;
 	color: #A5D3E4;


.info a:hover {

 text-decoration: underline;


.info h3 { color: white; margin: 0 0 5px; font-weight: normal; font-size: 25px; font-style: normal; }

/* Slider Styling */

  1. slides {

margin: 20px 20px 20px 20px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px #666; padding: 1%; background: #fff; background: rgb(252,255,244); /* Old browsers */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(252,255,244,1) 0%, rgba(219,218,201,1) 100%); /* FF3.6+ */ background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,rgba(252,255,244,1)), color-stop(100%,rgba(219,218,201,1))); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(252,255,244,1) 0%,rgba(219,218,201,1) 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */ background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(252,255,244,1) 0%,rgba(219,218,201,1) 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */ background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, rgba(252,255,244,1) 0%,rgba(219,218,201,1) 100%); /* IE10+ */ background: linear-gradient(top, rgba(252,255,244,1) 0%,rgba(219,218,201,1) 100%); /* W3C */ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#fcfff4', endColorstr='#dbdac9',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */ }

/* Animation */

  1. slides .inner {

-webkit-transform: translateZ(0); -webkit-transition: all 800ms cubic-bezier(0.770, 0.000, 0.175, 1.000); -moz-transition: all 800ms cubic-bezier(0.770, 0.000, 0.175, 1.000);

   -ms-transition: all 800ms cubic-bezier(0.770, 0.000, 0.175, 1.000); 
    -o-transition: all 800ms cubic-bezier(0.770, 0.000, 0.175, 1.000); 
       transition: all 800ms cubic-bezier(0.770, 0.000, 0.175, 1.000); /* easeInOutQuart */

-webkit-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.770, 0.000, 0.175, 1.000); -moz-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.770, 0.000, 0.175, 1.000);

   -ms-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.770, 0.000, 0.175, 1.000); 
    -o-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.770, 0.000, 0.175, 1.000); 
       transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.770, 0.000, 0.175, 1.000); /* easeInOutQuart */


  1. slider {

-webkit-transform: translateZ(0); -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-out; -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-out; -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-out; transition: all 0.5s ease-out; }

  1. controls label{

-webkit-transform: translateZ(0); -webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-out; -moz-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-out; -o-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-out; transition: opacity 0.2s ease-out; }

  1. slide1:checked ~ #slides article:nth-child(1) .info,
  2. slide2:checked ~ #slides article:nth-child(2) .info,
  3. slide3:checked ~ #slides article:nth-child(3) .info,
  4. slide4:checked ~ #slides article:nth-child(4) .info,
  5. slide5:checked ~ #slides article:nth-child(5) .info {

opacity: 1; -webkit-transition: all 1s ease-out 0.6s; -moz-transition: all 1s ease-out 0.6s; -o-transition: all 1s ease-out 0.6s; transition: all 1s ease-out 0.6s; }

.info, #controls, #slides, #active, #active label, .info h3, .desktop, .tablet, .mobile { -webkit-transform: translateZ(0); -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-out; -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-out; -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-out; transition: all 0.5s ease-out;
