Tracks/Measurement/Interlab study/Flow Cytometry Overview

Measurement with Flow Cytometry

This is a general guide for setting up your cells for flow cytometry readings in absolute units. These steps and questions are meant to provide a general protocol and we ask that you follow them to the best of your ability.

In order to carry out this measurement protocol, you will need:

  • A flow cytometer with a channel configured for measurement of fluorescein (FITC) or GFP. This channel will typically have a 488nm laser and a 530/30 filter, but the details may vary.
  • Fluorescent calibration beads that have been calibrated for Molecules of Equivalent FLuorescein (MEFL) or Molecules of Equivalent GFP (MEGFP). If available, we recommend using SpheroTech Rainbow Calibration Particles RCP-30-5A, as that is what the accompanying spreadsheet has been designed for.

All teams using a flow cytometer to measure GFP must finish the following items to fulfill the InterLab:
  1. Email your completed Excel file to measurement (AT) igem (DOT) org [note: the empty template file is provided below]
  2. Fill in the Flow Cytometer Form provided at the bottom of this page
  3. Create an InterLab study page on your team wiki (please use this format:

Download the Excel Template file here: TeamName_iGEM2016_Flow_Cytometry_Worksheet.xls

You can see a filled-in example of the worksheet here

Important! If you have used a flow cytometer to measure GFP for the InterLab, please fill out the following Google Form to the best of your ability:

Flow Cytometer Form