Team:Imperial College/Team

Stefan Alice Lisa AkashD Carter Aditi AkashB Alyssa Johnny Gear Henry Carys

Team Introduction

Bunch of nerds

Stefan Grossfurthner

4th Year Biotechnology with a Year in Research

Age? 22
Where are you from? 50% Austrian, 50% Nigerian
What do you do outside of iGEM? Read (mostly science fiction), ski, listen to repetitive electronic music, admire plants
Favourite quote from iGEM? ...?
Favourite microbe? Last universal common ancestor (Luca)

Alice "Queen" Boo

3rd Year Biomedical Engineering

Age? 20
Where are you from? From a little bit of everywhere.
What do you do outside of iGEM? Read everything I can find.
Favourite quote from iGEM? Just keep swimming [...]
Favourite microbe? Deinococcus radiodurans

Lisa Asher

3rd year Biomedical Engineering

Age? 21
Where are you from? London
What do you do outside of iGEM? What do you mean outside of iGEM
Favourite quote from iGEM? I know i’m eating the donuts I was meant to be eating. I just wish they were the donuts I wanted to be eating.
Favourite microbe? Rhodobacter sphaeroides

Carter "Wiki Destroyer" Teal

3rd year Biomedical Engineering

Age? 21
Where are you from? Hamilton, Ontario, Canada!
What do you do outside of iGEM? Talk about hot dogs, donuts, and fried butter. You?
Favourite quote from iGEM? "I know these are the donuts I was meant to be eating, I just wish they were the donuts I WANTED to be eating" - me
Favourite microbe? Lactobacillus bulgaricus

Aditi Satija

2nd year Biology

Age? 20
Where are you from? London
What do you do outside of iGEM? Rowing, Eating, Sleeping
Favourite quote from iGEM? I know i’m eating the donuts I was meant to be eating. I just wish they were the donuts I wanted to be eating - Carter Teal, 2016
Favourite microbe? MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)

Akash Bhattacharjee

2nd Year Biochemistry

Age? 20
Where are you from? India
What do you do outside of iGEM? Tennis, watch movies, eat Indian cuisine.
Favourite quote from iGEM? "Where's the wow factor?"- Our supervisors
Favourite microbe? Monocercomonoides

Johnny Li

3rd year Biomedical Engineering

Age? 21
Where are you from? Canada
What do you do outside of iGEM? I can't remember anymore. I think it used to involve sleep though.
Favourite quote from iGEM? What’s the “wow factor”?
Favourite microbe? E. coli, since no one thinks I'm crazy when I say I want to use it to build something

Gear Rotrattanadumrong

3rd year Biotechnology

Age? 22
Where are you from? Thailand
What do you do outside of iGEM? Watch TV series and eat
Favourite quote from iGEM? Where's the WOW factor?
Favourite microbe? Aliivibrio fischeri

Alyssa Henderson

2nd year Biochemistry

Age? 20
Where are you from? California
What do you do outside of iGEM? Climbing and adventuring
Favourite quote from iGEM? For light, the technology wasn't up to scratch. For yeast, the biology isn’t up to scratch. Come back in a billion years.
Favourite microbe? Synechocystis

Akashaditya Das

3rd year Biomedical Engineering

Age? 21
Where are you from? THE NORTH
What do you do outside of iGEM? iGEM is love, iGEM is life
Favourite quote from iGEM? *Aqualose team complaining about our name*... 'You name was Aqualose' - Carys *Slow clap*
Favourite microbe? Arthrospira platensis

Henry "Flower Master" Lloyd-Laney

2nd year Biochemistry

Age? 21
Where are you from? Cornwall
What do you do outside of iGEM? Think about iGEM, and attempt to not get run over by buses (a.k.a. cycling in London)
Favourite quote from iGEM? "I'm so over human practices" - Lisa
Favourite microbe? Yarrowia lipolytica


3rd year Biomedical Engineering

Age? 20
Where are you from? Cannes
What do you do outside of iGEM? Listen to music and poke people with swords wearing astronaut like clothes i.e Fencing.
Favourite quote from iGEM? "I like your style" Guy-Bart Stan
Favourite microbe? M. Magnetotacticum

Rescue Team

To our supervisors and PIs, thanks for all the help