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The Nitrogen Cycle is a biogeochemical cycle which has become extremely unabalanced. High nitrate levels in waterways cause drastic effects on the marine life and surrounding environment. To combat this, we set out to engineer an organism capable of reducing these nitrate ions. Through our experiments and outreach, we explored the world of synthetic biology, and expanded the scope of our project. Safety of our system became a pivotal concern and consequently, led to the incorporation of a nitrate-sensitive kill switch as well as developing safety assurance cases to gain confidence in the safety of our engineered microorganism.

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The Laboratory

Our wet lab experiments, lab notebook procedures, and novel application of safety assurance cases.

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Beyond the Bench

The interdisciplinary application of safety assurance cases, public outreach experiences, and project presentations allowed us to examine our project in the context of the real world.

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The Laboratory

Our wet lab experiments, lab notebook procedures, and novel application of safety assurance cases.

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The Team

Cras mattis ante fermentum, malesuada neque vitae, eleifend erat. Phasellus non pulvinar erat. Fusce tincidunt, nisl eget mattis egestas, purus ipsum consequat orci, sit amet lobortis lorem lacus in tellus. Sed ac elementum arcu. Quisque placerat auctor laoreet.

Meet the Team!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing vehicula id nulla dignissim dapibus ultrices.

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Nisl placerat

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing vehicula id nulla dignissim dapibus ultrices.

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Ante fermentum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing vehicula id nulla dignissim dapibus ultrices.

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Fusce consequat

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing vehicula id nulla dignissim dapibus ultrices.

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