

About Us


We are a group of undergraduate students from the University of East Anglia, which is renowned for its environmental awareness and climate change research. We are studying subjects that range from Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Biomedicine, Computing Sciences, Molecular Biology and Natural Sciences. Having been selected for this year’s iGEM team, we are identifying ways to bring synthetic biology techniques to an interdisciplinary research project that is currently ongoing within our university.


  • James Huffington
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin congue feugiat ipsum id suscipit. Mauris auctor ultricies enim, eget ultrices nunc pretium id. Pellentesque vestibulum porta ante vitae tristique. Cras aliquam, justo sed feugiat accumsan, urna nunc pharetra eros, et fermentum magna lectus ut ipsum. Duis rutrum, risus at rutrum.
  • James Huffington
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin congue feugiat ipsum id suscipit. Mauris auctor ultricies enim, eget ultrices nunc pretium id. Pellentesque vestibulum porta ante vitae tristique. Cras aliquam
  • James Huffington
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin congue feugiat ipsum id suscipit. Mauris auctor ultricies enim, eget ultrices nunc pretium id. Pellentesque vestibulum porta ante vitae tristique. Cras aliquam, justo sed feugiat accumsan, urna nunc pharetra


  • David Bryant
    BSc Biology
    David is a Biological Sciences student at UEA. As well as being a science fanboy he has outside interests in mental health and philosophy. Working within the rapidly developing field of molecular biology has left him undecided on what he’d specifically like to focus on, yet determined that he’ll find a worthwhile path to follow through further study.
  • Jessica Meades
    BSc Biochemistry
    Jessica is a student at UEA studying Biochemistry. Since she started, she has always expressed an interest in both aspects of chemistry and biology. In particular, she has taken an interest in medical research, specifically cancer research. When Jessica is not in the lab, she enjoys painting, playing korfball and reading.
  • Justinas Druskis
    BEng Computer Systems Engineering
    Justinas has been the go to guy when it came to technology. He is currently studying Computer Systems Engineering in the hopes of easing the struggles of day-to-day life. Justinas enjoys building new things, which is why programming is his outlet. Due to the fast-paced development in technology, Justinas is still unsure of his true interest. One of Justinas’ aspirations is to create an automated house which attunes itself to the tenants needs based upon their behaviour.
  • Katie Stevens
    MSc Natural Sciences
    Katie is doing a MSc in Natural Sciences because she couldn’t narrow down her choices in the field of science. Natural sciences has given her flexibility to choose from all the nearly science modules at UEA making it the perfect compromise. Katie’s friends consider her a music snob, but she likes to contradict that statement as she just has amazing taste in music.
  • Nancy Teng
    BSc Biomedical Science
    Nancy is currently studying Biomedical Sciences at UEA. Originally, her plan was to study medicine but realised she is more interested in the why as opposed to what. The immune system is a particular interest and what Nancy hopes to focus on in the future. Outside of the lab she enjoys a game of volleyball and snapping some photos while out and about travelling.
  • Peter Frazer
    BSc Chemistry
    Peter is a student at the University of Leicester, however he lives in Norwich and kindly volunteered his summer to come help the NRP-UEA team. Peter studies chemistry, and expresses a particular interest in synthetic chemistry which includes organic and inorganic chemistry. When not in a lab coat, Peter enjoys playing volleyball and various other games.
  • Prarthna Barot
    BSc Biological Sciences
    Prarthna is currently taking Biological Sciences at UEA. Her interests range from biotechnology, genetics and science communication making this course and iGEM the perfect compromise to satisfy her never-ending curiosity. Outside the world of science she enjoys fundraising, watching movies, playing the piano, painting and travelling.
  • Sam Prudence
    BSc Molecular Biology & Genetics
    Sam currently studies Molecular Biology and Genetics at UEA. His interest in molecular biology stems from the fact that it is one of the newest frontiers for modern biology, with vast amounts left to discover. Synthetic biology is a particular interest for him alongside evolutionary medicine, science communication and astrobiology to name a few. After graduating from UEA Sam intends to get his PhD. Additionally, he would do absolutely anything to get sent into space.
  • Tom Stirrop
    BSc Biological Sciences
    Tom is currently studying Biological Sciences at UEA. He has taken a particular interest in microbiology, genetics and science communication. His motive behind studying biology was to keep his interest broad, and in doing so keeping his options open in terms of a future career. A fun fact about Tom, someone once mistook him as Ed Sheeran on the train. Unfortunately, that is not one of his future aspirations. Instead, he hopes to go into the business side of the science industry.
