Standard Page Links
To make it easier for judges to find relevant documentation, we have created standard pages with static (unchangeable) links for all awards and for most medal criteria. If your team wants to be evaluated for an award/medal, you will need to document your achievements related to this award/medal on a standard page. Below you will find a list of all of the standard pages provided to teams.?
The judges will be directed to these pages from static links within the judging form. Do not change the location or URL of these pages in your wiki. If your documentation for an award is not on the page encoded by the static link, your team may not be judged for that prize.
What does this mean?
Regardless of how you style your wiki, you will need to preserve the designated URLs in order to be evaluated for the awards listed below. Beware! Web design packages that create their own dynamic links will not work!
Where are the links?
Your team wiki will include all of the necessary pages by default. You can refer to the list of pages below, as well. Be sure to use your official team name space. For example:
Convince the Judges
When striving for an award, note that it is not sufficient to simply fulfill the award criteria. You will need to convince the judges that you have satisfactorily fulfilled the criteria. If the judges are not convinced after reading your documentation, you may not be awarded the prize.
Standard Pages for Medal Criteria
Below are standard links to the team "Example" template pages. For your own pages, please replace "Example" with your team name to find the page on your wiki, or navigate to that page using the menu in your team namespace.