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This year the theme of our project is gene therapy for lung adenocarcinoma. Our human practice was tightly connected with the project and had been a push to our project. We attended seminar about oncotherapy, interviewed doctors and stuffs from famous cancer hospital in Guangzhou and learnt about modern tumour therapies. All the experiences above enabled us to improve the design of our experiment and complete our project so that it could fit clinical need in hospital. We also extended our project to hospice care as a part of our human practice. We believed that all our efforts in developing new lung adenocarcinoma therapy was patient-centered so we thought about providing physical and psychological care for patients who were told unlikely be cured by relieving their pain and grief. We hoped every patient with terminal stage disease could pass away with peace. This purpose requires a more developed hospice care system and we believed we had worked hard to make our contribution. Another important part of our human practice was promotion of synthetic biology. We wanted the public to become aware of synthetic biology and we hoped this rising technology could soon enough to benefit the society.
Our human practice has three parts. The first part was about how we came up with our idea and developed it. Second was an extension of our project to hospice care. Third was about our effort for promotion of synthetic biology.
Three parts of our human practice were tightly connected with each other and promoted each other. The first part was how human practice contributed to our project in different steps which show the combination between our work on human practice and the project itself. The second part was an extension which led our project to completion. The third part was how we work on the promotion of synthetic biology use our knowledge about it that we learned and used during the whole process of our project and the iGEM competition.