Page title matches
- = Thursday 8<sup>th</sup> September= ...lone 9 (insert) x pSB1C3 - GFP 11 from clone 8 (plasmid) (obtained the 6th september) with the following protocol.5 KB (787 words) - 17:03, 9 October 2016
- <h3 id="pageTitle">TIMELINE: SEPTEMBER</h3>10 KB (1,023 words) - 03:25, 20 October 2016
- = Friday 9<sup>th</sup> September= ...e done the 8th September. A colony PCR was done for 16 clones from the 7th September. For that purpose, 16 were screened and used for the usual [[Team:Paris_Sac5 KB (802 words) - 17:04, 9 October 2016
- =Thursday 29<sup>th</sup> September= ...3f), 5, 6 & 7) and plasmids pSB1C3 GFP 1.9 (clones 3, 4 & 8 from the 27th September and clones 7, 8 & 12 from the 14th) were sent to be sequenced. 20 µL of th499 B (68 words) - 15:51, 14 October 2016
- = Tuesday 27<sup>th</sup> September= ...mplify the insert. For that purpose, plasmids sent for sequencing the 14th September (clones 2, 7, 8 and 12) and plasmids extracted the 23rd Sepembter (clones 34 KB (557 words) - 17:09, 9 October 2016
- =Thursday 1<sup>st</sup> September=2 KB (273 words) - 17:01, 9 October 2016
2 KB (294 words) - 17:02, 9 October 2016
- = Monday 5<sup>th</sup> September=3 KB (410 words) - 12:39, 17 October 2016
- = Tuesday 6<sup>th</sup> September=3 KB (542 words) - 17:02, 9 October 2016
- = Wednesday 7<sup>th</sup> September= ...lone 9 (insert) x pSB1C3 - GFP 11 from clone 8 (plasmid) (obtained the 6th September) with the following protocol:3 KB (502 words) - 17:03, 9 October 2016
- = Monday 12<sup>th</sup> September= |PCR product GFP 1.9 from 9th September<div id="PCR product GFP 1.9 from 9th September"></div>6 KB (941 words) - 17:04, 9 October 2016
- = Tuesday 13<sup>th</sup> September= A colony PCR was done for 16 clones from the 12th September. For that purpose, 16 clones were screened and used for the usual [[Team:Pa2 KB (376 words) - 10:49, 2 October 2016
- = Wednesday 14<sup>th</sup> September= different PCR conditions. Furthermore, ligations products from the 13th September were also amplified.8 KB (1,154 words) - 17:05, 9 October 2016
- = Friday 16<sup>th</sup> September= ...done the 15th September. A colony PCR was done for 16 clones from the 15th September. For that purpose, 16 were screened and used for the usual [[Team:Paris_Sac2 KB (275 words) - 17:06, 9 October 2016
- =Thursday 15<sup>th</sup> September= ...uct from the 8th September<div id="FKBP amplification product from the 8th September"></div>4 KB (609 words) - 17:05, 9 October 2016
- = Monday 19<sup>th</sup> September= ...ony PCR of 8 clones containing GFP 1.9 in pSB1C3 (pPS16_020) from the 12th September====6 KB (836 words) - 17:06, 9 October 2016
- =Tuesday 20<sup>th</sup> September= ...roduct from 9th September (with DMSO)<div id="GFP 1.9 PCR product from 9th September (with DMSO)"></div>7 KB (1,136 words) - 14:35, 18 October 2016
- = Wednesday 21<sup>st</sup> September= A colony PCR was done for 16 clones from the 20th September. For that purpose, 16 clones were screened and used for the usual [[Team:Pa2 KB (251 words) - 17:09, 9 October 2016
- =Thursday 22<sup>nd</sup> September= ...and 4 clones with GFP 1.9 PCR product obtained without DMSO) from the 20th September. For that purpose, 8 clones were screened and used for the usual [[Team:Par8 KB (1,320 words) - 17:08, 9 October 2016
- = Friday 23<sup>rd</sup> September= ...uct from the 8th September<div id="FKBP amplification product from the 8th September"></div>4 KB (565 words) - 17:08, 9 October 2016
Page text matches
- === Thursday, September 1st === === Friday, September 2rd ===48 KB (6,318 words) - 20:04, 19 October 2016
- September ...<h2 class="title-style-3">1<sup>st</sup> September 2016</h2>345 KB (26,146 words) - 10:04, 19 October 2016
- <li><a href="#item-3">September</a></li> <td class="td-item"><a href="#September-1">1</a></td>186 KB (20,371 words) - 16:31, 18 October 2016
- '''1 September''' '''2 September'''13 KB (1,956 words) - 17:46, 19 October 2016
- <time>September<em>2016</em></time> <h2 class="project-name">WEEK SEVEN - ( 29th August - 2nd September )</h1>122 KB (14,162 words) - 01:04, 20 October 2016
- <h1>September</h1> <h1 class="sep1" style="display: none;">Thursday September 1, 2016</h1>47 KB (5,590 words) - 19:22, 2 December 2016
- <p style="text-align:center"><b>SEPTEMBER</b></p> <h2 style="text-align:center"><b>SEPTEMBER</b></h2>167 KB (26,336 words) - 16:44, 19 October 2016
- <a data-toggle="collapse" href="#September">September</a> <div id="September" class="panel-collapse collapse">73 KB (10,010 words) - 21:28, 19 October 2016
- <strong>22<sup>nd</sup> August -4<sup>th</sup> September</strong></br> <strong>10<sup>th</sup> September</strong></br>22 KB (2,151 words) - 01:25, 20 October 2016
- <li><a href="#Week15" class="table">Week 15: August 29 - September 2</a></li> <li><a href="#Week16" class="table">Week 16: September 6 - September 9</a></li>39 KB (5,544 words) - 20:34, 5 November 2016
- <li><p>Working breadboard - 2nd September</p></li> <li><p>PCB - 14th September</p></li>3 KB (499 words) - 15:24, 16 October 2016
- = Friday 23<sup>rd</sup> September= ...uct from the 8th September<div id="FKBP amplification product from the 8th September"></div>4 KB (565 words) - 17:08, 9 October 2016
- ...-to-compete-in-iGEM-in-Boston#">Published in The News International</a> | September 26, 2016</p> ...-set-compete-igem-world-championship/">Published in Express Tribune</a> | September 23, 2016</p>119 KB (14,638 words) - 20:05, 19 October 2016
- =Thursday 22<sup>nd</sup> September= ...and 4 clones with GFP 1.9 PCR product obtained without DMSO) from the 20th September. For that purpose, 8 clones were screened and used for the usual [[Team:Par8 KB (1,320 words) - 17:08, 9 October 2016
- September 1st 2016 :<br><br> September 3rd 2016:<br><br>14 KB (2,359 words) - 08:41, 17 October 2016
- = Friday 9<sup>th</sup> September= ...e done the 8th September. A colony PCR was done for 16 clones from the 7th September. For that purpose, 16 were screened and used for the usual [[Team:Paris_Sac5 KB (802 words) - 17:04, 9 October 2016
- = Monday 12<sup>th</sup> September= |PCR product GFP 1.9 from 9th September<div id="PCR product GFP 1.9 from 9th September"></div>6 KB (941 words) - 17:04, 9 October 2016
- <td colspan="7">September</td> <a name="sept"></a><h1>September 2016</h1><br />82 KB (13,530 words) - 22:44, 2 December 2016
- <a data-toggle="collapse" href="#September">September</a> <div id="September" class="panel-collapse collapse">18 KB (2,282 words) - 23:14, 19 October 2016
- <div class="newsDate">September 26</div> <div class="newsDate">September 26</div>55 KB (8,956 words) - 18:55, 26 October 2016