- ...tained the peaks in the FL1 channel of Fluorescence Microscope. The bottom triplet was GFP tagged FimH expressed bacterial group and as we have shown there is ...alysis which gave a peak that could be used as a control group. The bottom triplet was RFP tagged ButCoaT expressed bacterial group and as we have shown there15 KB (2,268 words) - 23:59, 19 October 2016
- ...ral of the biotin multiplet at 4.33 – 4.27 ppm to 1.00; and (b) the triplet belonging to the aminocaproic acid nitrogen’s proton appears at high shif ...with both the amide proton and the adjacent CH<sub>2</sub> group to give a triplet of doublets (td) or doublet of triplets (dt), depending on the coupling con74 KB (11,102 words) - 20:46, 1 December 2016
- ...nimum distance between abundance would then be selected as the appropriate triplet. This was done for all aminoacids from the iLOV protein. In an effort to mi ...nimum distance between abundance would then be selected as the appropriate triplet. This was done for all the aminoacids in the iLOV sequence. </p>28 KB (4,236 words) - 23:56, 19 October 2016
- ...e genetic code, a <b>stop codon</b> (or termination codon) is a nucleotide triplet within messenger RNA that signals a termination of translation. Proteins ar18 KB (2,828 words) - 02:29, 20 October 2016