Team:ColegioFDR Peru/Team

About us

Our goal for project φῶς is to create a cheap and easy to use book light that uses bioluminescent bacteria as a light source. When we started brainstorming for a project, we knew that we wanted to do something with bioluminescent bacteria, since we had previously used fluorescent bacteria we felt inclined to try something that glows on it’s own. We started to think about what kind of applications bioluminescent bacteria could have in Peru. Meanwhile, a member told us a shocking statistic: There are 2.7 million people in Peru that do not have an access to electricity and have no way to light their homes. We realized that if we could create a bioluminescent bacteria that could bright enough, it could be used to light a home! However, we knew that being able to light an entire home using only bacteria was a significant challenge. Eventually, we decided to that make a reading lamp which was a more realistic goal.

David Lin

My name is David Lin and I’m a 16 year old student at Colegio FDR. I was born in Jinanxi, China and have lived in Lima, Peru for more than 8 years. As a science enthusiast, I find the topic of genetic engineering and synthetic biology fascinating. I believe that through this area of science, mankind will undergo great progress and create countless innovative solutions. My passion for science has always been a defining feature of my academic career and personal philosophy. It has influenced my future career choices and helped me learn more about this amazing world. This is why I have joined iGEM, my goal is to learn more about these areas of science through experimentation and creation.
​A fun fact about me is that I share a common interest in mechanical engineering, for I have constructed a functional motorcycle for the MYP Personal Project.

Fernando Zavala

Hello, my name is Fernando Zavala, I am 16 years old, and I am a student here at FDR, American school of Lima. I was born in Lima, Peru in the year 1999, but I moved to New York at the age of 5, and I lived there for 8 years. Recently, I moved back to Lima about 3 years ago, and I am so grateful to have become a part of this new FDR school community. In terms of science, I have always had a passion for it ever since we did physics and biology in the 5th grade and it has been growing and accumulating ever since. I found it so fascinating how anyone could practice it, and, with a little critical thinking and dedication, could bring something new to the table, making us more knowledgeable about the world around us, and advance our society. However, personally I have always been at a crossroads between physics and biology. I love the perspective of physics and how it breaks everything down fundamentally to understand the world and its processes, and that’s what I chose as an IB subject. But I also love how biology deals with the details and blueprints of real, living things, and how it impacts me on a much more personal level (since it makes me more intellectual about my own body), and I didn’t want to miss out on not knowing what the biology road would have been like. So that’s why I joined iGEM. To help me make the decision about which career path I want to take by enriching me in some of the best genetic engineering work done at this school.
Fun Facts: I play basketball, soccer and football extensively, I play the trumpet for the school’s jazz band, and in my free time I like to skateboard outside and DJ in my room.

Sofia Gonzalez

My name is Sofia Gonzalez, I’m 16 years old and currently a junior at Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Lima, Peru. I was born in Lima, but lived in Chile for 6 years before coming back to Peru. Ever since I took an Anatomy & Physiology course in the summer of 8th grade I’ve had a very strong interest in science– specifically biology and chemistry. Last year for science class we had to conduct our own original lab, and I chose to research the effect of UVA exposure on planaria (flatworms). This project sparked my interest in scientific research, and in the future I hope to pursue this passion by studying biology in college. I joined iGEM because I find synthetic biology fascinating and with the hope of being able to make a difference in the world through science.

Jae Hee Kim

Hi, I’m Jae Hee Kim and I’m a 9th grade Korean student that goes to Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Lima, Peru. My interest in genetic engineering comes from when I read a book about genetic modification a few years ago. I was fascinated once again when I learnt about biology in school in 7th grade. I joined iGEM in hope to find out more about synthetic biology. I tried, in vain, to come up with a fun fact about myself, only to find out that I might be one of the most boring people you might come across in your life.

Luis Matteo De Bernardis

Hi! My name is Luis Matteo De Bernardis. I am a 16-year-old junior in Colegio Roosevelt who has lived here for all my life. Living in Peru has been the land of opportunities: there is always room to help or do a certain project that will cause a good to the society, one way or the other. Through my constant endeavors, I have managed to acquire the strong interest for sciences in general, focusing my aim on my future as a doctor. By going to hospitals to help and understand the children who sometimes even live there I try to understand my passion for being to not only help others, but understand myself; how different am I from those kids who have to live with a disease such as cancer? I believe that iGEM will be able to be a practical opportunity to submerge myself into the scientific world and have even a small glimpse as to how the human life which we learn about all the time is able to function.

Daniel Sanchez

My name is Daniel Sanchez and I am 16 years old. I am Peruvian and American. I am a student Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt the American school of Lima. Biology has always interested me and I think that synthetic biology is an area where many breakthroughs are occurring. iGem seemed like a great way to explore my interests.

Fun Facts: I have played different sports throughout my life including lacrosse, soccer, and football. I have also been playing the trumpet for many years.

Riah Kim

Hi! I am Riah Kim from South Korea and I’m currently a freshman. This is my first year at FDR, but I came to Peru last year, 2014. Before I came here, I have lived my entire life in South Korea. I am interested in all sciences, but especially in genetic and computer engineering. The main reason why I joined iGEM is because I want to learn more about synthetic biology and genetic engineering. In addition, I hope to study engineering in university and become an engineer in the future. I think iGEM is going to be one of my best experiences during my high school years. I’m looking forward to experience many things and learn by doing various experiments.Fun Facts:Traveling other countries and playing violin, piano are one of my favorite things to do. I also enjoy solving the Rubik’s cube, especially 3*3*3 and 4*4*4 cube.

Ayoon Kim

My name is Ayoon Kim and I am a freshman at Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt. I was born in Arizona, United States. However, I mostly lived in South Korea and Canada my entire life.I have recently gained an interest in science and biology; the more I learned about science and biology, the more fascinating it became. At first, I had no idea what iGEM and genetic engineering was, but when I found out, I thought it would be really cool and interesting to try out something new, so I decided to join in. I am looking forward to learn a lot in iGEM. Fun Facts:I like baking chocolate chip cookies and red velvet cakes.