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Integrated: Kill Switch
<p id="pp">We approached our Integrated Human Practices from two perspectives: the traditional, integrating the
Human Practices into the lab project; and the unconventional, integrating the human practices into itself.
We thought we could make the biggest impact in both Human Practices and the lab if we provided cohesive, reassured arguments
for our methods. </p>
<a id="Section_link" href="#section_2" style="display:block;margin:20px auto 0 auto;width:14px;"></a>
What is a kill switch?
<p id="pp">We approached our Integrated Human Practices from two perspectives: the traditional, integrating the
Human Practices into the lab project; and the unconventional, integrating the human practices into itself.
We thought we could make the biggest impact in both Human Practices and the lab if we provided cohesive, reassured arguments
for our methods. </p>
<a id="Section_link" href="#section_2" style="display:block;margin:20px auto 0 auto;width:14px;"></a>
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