API Document
All interface responses are based on the JSON data format.
Each response contains the following fixed fields: successful indicates whether the request succeeds or not (true indicates a successful validation and false indicates an unsuccessful validation). If the request fails, there will be an error field, which indicates the error number and the specific information.the following content will be automatically included in the response, so it will not repeat in the document.
{ "successful": succeed or not, "error": { "id": error number, "message": error message } }
User Register
URL: /accounts/register METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "username": user name, "password": user password, "repassword": user password, "email": user email } RESPONSE CONTENT: None
User Login
URL: /accounts/login METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "username": user name, "password": user password, } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "confirmed": confirmed or not, "token": User Token, }
Change Password
URL: /accounts/ changePassword METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "username": user name, "password": user password, } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "confirmed": confirmed or not, "token": User Token, }
User Logout
URL: /accounts/ logout METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, } RESPONSE CONTENT: None
Get Chain
URL: /design/getChain METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "project_id": project id, "chain_id": chain id, } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "partList": { "part_id": part id, "part_name": part_name, "part_type": part type } }
Search Parts
URL: /design/searchParts METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "keyword": keyword of search, "funcs": functions } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "searchResult": { "part_name": part name, "part_id": part id, "part_type": part type, } }
Get Parts
URL: /design/ getParts METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "part_name": part name, } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "SearchResult": { "part_id": part id, "ok": ok, "part_name": part name, "nickname" : nickname, "short_desc": short desc, "description": description, "part_type": part type, "author": author, "status": status, "dominant": dominant, "discontinued": discontinued, "part_status": part status, "sample_status": sample status, "p_status_cache": p status cache, "s_status_cache": s status cache, "in_stock": in stock, "results": results, "favorite": favorite, "ps_string": ps string, "scars": scars, "barcode": barcode, "notes": notes, "source": source, "premium": premium, "categories": categories, "sequence": sequence, "sequence_length": sequence length, "part_url": part url, "score": score } }
Update Chain
URL: /design/ updateChain METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "project_id": project id, "chain_id": chain id, "chain_info": chain info } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "seq": sequence }
Get Markov Recommend
URL: /design/ getMRecommend METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "part_id": part id, } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "recommend_list": { "part_name": part name, "part_id": part id, "part_type": part type, } }
Get Before Recommend
URL: /design/ getBeforeRecommend METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "part_id": part id, } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "recommend_list": { "part_name": part name, "part_id": part id, "part_type": part type, } }
Get Bettwen Recommend
URL: /design/ getBettwenRecommend METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "part_id_one": part id one, "part_id_two": part id two, } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "recommend_list": { "part_name": part name, "part_id": part id, "part_type": part type, } }
Get Result Image
URL: /design/ getResultImage METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "project_id": project id, "chain_id": chain id, } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "filepath": the image path, }
Search Genes
URL: /geneRealationShip/searchGenes METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "keyword": keyword, } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "search_result": { "gene_name": gene name } }
Random Gene
URL: / geneRealationShip /randomGene METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "search_result": { "name": main gene name, "children": realted gene } }
Related Gene
URL: / geneRealationShip/ getRelatedGene METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "gene_name": gene name, } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "search_result": { "name": main gene name, "children": realted gene } }
Gene Info
URL: /geneRelationShip/ getGeneInfo METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "gene_name": gene name, } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "get_result": { "gene_id": gene id, "name": gene name, "definition": gene definition, "organism_short": gene organism short, "organism": gene organism, "gene_url": gene url } }
Related Paper
URL: /geneRelationShip/ getRelatedPaper METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "gene_name": gene name, } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "realated_paper_list": { "paper_id": paper id, "paper_title": paper title, "paper_link": paper link, "paper_keyword": paper keyword, "paper_abstract": paper abstract, } }
Project Manage
User Project
URL: /home/getUserProject METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "track": track name, "project_id": project id, "project_name": project name, "function": function, "creator": user name, }
Project Devices
URL: / home /getProjectDevices METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "project_id": project id } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "chain_sequence": chain sequence, "chain_name": chain name, "chain_id": chain id, "chain_image_file_path": image path, "chain_length": chain length, "chain_isModified": true or false }
Get Tracks
URL: / home/ getTracks METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: None RESPONSE CONTENT: { "track_id": track id, "track_name": track name, }
Create New Project
URL: /home/ createNewProject METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "project_name": project name, "track": track name } RESPONSE CONTENT: None
Delete Project
URL: /home/ deleteProject METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "project_id": project id, } RESPONSE CONTENT:None
Create Project Device
URL: /home/ createProjectDevice METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "project_id": project id, "device_name": device name } RESPONSE CONTENT: None
Delete Project Device
URL: /home/ deleteProjectDevice METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "project_id": project id, "chain_id": chain id, } RESPONSE CONTENT: None
Search Compound
URL: /system/searchCompound METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "keyword": keyword } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "compound_id": compound id, "name": compound name }
Get Compound
URL: / system /getCompound METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "compound_id": compound id } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "name": compound name, "nicknames": nick name, "mol_weight": weight, "exact_mass": mass, "formula": formula }
Get Gene
URL: /system/ getGene METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "gene id": gene id, } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "gene_id": gene id, "name": gene name, "definition": gene definition, "organism_short": gene organism short, "organism": gene organism, "gene_url": gene url }
Get Related Compound
URL: /system/ getRelatedCompound METHOD: POST REQUEST CONTENT: { "token": User Token, "compound_tags": { "name": compound name, "id": compound id, } } RESPONSE CONTENT: { "nodes": { "name": compound name, "id": compound id, } "edges": { "source": source, "relation": relation number, "target": target } }