Team:HFUT-China/Human Practices/Recapitulation


Conclusion and Generalization

1. Basic information:

Team Awards Wiki
HFUT-China-2015 GOLD visit their wiki
Korea_U_Seoul-2015 GOLD visit their wiki
Michigan_Software-2015 BRONZE visit their wiki
SJTU-Software-2015 GOLD visit their wiki
SYSU-Softwar-2015 GOLD visit their wiki
Toronto-2015 SILVER visit their wiki
UESTC_Software-2015 GOLD visit their wiki
USTC-Software-2015 GOLD visit their wiki
SJTU-Software-2014 GOLD visit their wiki
SYSU-Software-2014 GOLD visit their wiki
USTC-Software-2014 GOLD visit their wiki
UESTC-Software-2014 GOLD visit their wiki
HFUT-CHINA-2014 GOLD visit their wiki
AMU-Poznan-2014 GOLD visit their wiki
PoznanSoft-2014 BRONZE visit their wiki
Michigan_Software-2014 BRONZE visit their wiki
UCSD_Software-2014 GOLD visit their wiki
Vanderbilt_Software-2014 BRONZE visit their wiki
Shenzhen_BGIC_0101-2013 GOLD visit their wiki
SUSTC-Shenzhen-B-2013 GOLD visit their wiki
SYSU-Software-2013 GOLD visit their wiki
UESTC-2013 GOLD visit their wiki
XMU_Software-2013 GOLD visit their wiki
AMU-Poznan-2013 SILVER visit their wiki
Wellesley_Desyne-2013 GOLD visit their wiki
CBNU-Korea-2012 SILVER visit their wiki
SUSTC-Shenzhen-A-2012 SILVER visit their wiki
SUSTC-Shenzhen-B-2012 GOLD visit their wiki
SYSU-Software-2012 GOLD visit their wiki
USTC-Software-2012 GOLD visit their wiki
UT-Tokyo-Software-2012 GOLD visit their wiki
UTP-Software-2012 SILVER visit their wiki
Johns_Hopkins-Software-2012 GOLD visit their wiki
NYC_Hunter_Software-2012 NI visit their wiki
Wellesley_HCI-2012 GOLD visit their wiki
CBNU-Korea-2011 NI visit their wiki
HUST-China-2011 NI visit their wiki
USTC-Software-2011 BRONZE visit their wiki
ENSPS-Strasbourg-2011 BRONZE visit their wiki
METU-BIN_Ankara-2011 SILVER visit their wiki
BU_Wellesley_Software-2011 GOLD visit their wiki
NYC_Software-2011 NI visit their wiki
USTC_Software-2010 GOLD visit their wiki
ZJU-China-2010 GOLD visit their wiki
Freiburg_Software-2010 SILVER visit their wiki
METU_Turkey_Software-2010 SILVER visit their wiki
UIUC-Illinois-Software-2010 NI visit their wiki
VT-ENSIMAG_Biosecurity-2010 NI visit their wiki
CBNU-Korea-2009 BRONZE visit their wiki
USTC_Software-2009 GOLD visit their wiki
Freiburg_software-2009 SILVER visit their wiki
Berkeley_Software-2009 NI visit their wiki
Illinois-Tools-2009 NI visit their wiki
Minnesota-2009 NI visit their wiki
Washington-Software-2009 NI visit their wiki
Team Awards Wiki

*NI means No Information.

Year Best Software Project Best(Supporting) Software Tool
2010 USTC-Software
2012 USTC-Software,Johns-Hopkins-Software Johns-Hopkins-Software,Wellesley-HCI
2013 SYSU-Software
2014 SYSU-Software Aachen,Heidelberg
2015 SYSU-Software,UESTC-Software Aachen,Cambridge-JIC,Czech-Republic,Heidelberg,Waterloo
Year Best Software Project Best(Supporting) Software Tool

Other awards: Toronto-2015: Best Applied Design
SYSU-Software-2013:Best wiki
UT-Tokyo-Software-2012: Best Human Practices Advance
SYSU-Software-2013: Best Genome Compiler Based Design; Best Clotho App

2. Function:

Facts from official website:
iGEM software developers should work closely with experimental synthetic biologists and iGEM teams to build tools that are genuinely useful to the synthetic biology and iGEM communities. Software tools could directly help synthetic biologists in the lab, at their desktops, or even in how they communicate with each other and access information. You may wish to build a tool that:

  1. Improves design, assembly and testing of biological circuits
  2. Makes bioengineering more predictive
  3. Helps biologists discover parts and exchange information about them
  4. Improves parts registry navigation
  5. Helps the iGEM communities communicate with one another / identify problems
  6. Serve as a better biobrick database API
  7. Parses information from one form to another

3. Validation:

Before their wiki was freeze, 29 teams have tested their software in wet labs.

Year Team Validation ways
2015 SJTU-Software Evaluate the biobrick of SJTU-BioX-Shanghai by scoring two parallel experiment results.
SYSU-Software Design a circuit and build it up in a vector with the help of the software.
2014 SYSU-Software Validate developer’s ideas with experiments.
Vanderbilt_Software Perform experimentation on transformations between iterations 3-6 of their wetware team's yeast plasmids.
2013 SUSTC-Shenzhen-B Test the software with other iGEM teams and collect feedback from them.
SYSU-Software Testify the accuracy of their core ODEs and algorithms by wet-lab experiments, constructing a handy but elegant circuit.
USTC-Software Compare the analyzing result given by the software with the data from wet lab team USTC-China.
2012 Johns_Hopkins-Software Annotate plasmids that wetware teams need.
SUSTC-Shenzhen-B Test the software with other iGEM teams and collect feedback from them.
SYSU-Software Assist SYSU-China to make preparation before executing their experiments, helping them to acquire and process information for experiment conveniently and efficiently.
USTC-Software Invite USTC-China to use the software.
Wellesley_HCI Test the software with BU and MIT iGEM teams, as well as other Wellesley biology and biochemistry students.
2011 BU_Wellesley_Software Evaluate the software by wetlab teams, measuring the number of colonies it could get to grow.
METU-BIN_Ankara Invite METU-Ankara to use the software to engineer E.Coli.
USTC-Software Invite USTC-China to use the software.
2010 UIUC-Illinois-Software Invite Illinois Bioware team to use the software.
2009 Berkeley_Software Invite other wet teams to use the software, including UC Berkeley, JBEI, etc.
Minnesota Test the project in wetlab.
Year Team Validation ways