

The background and purpose

To introduce our team to more people, we organize this activity in which people press their hands into the flag and write their names on June 15th. According to this activity, our students have learned some information about cancer.

The preparation

1 ) Make two panels and one flag about our team, make biscuits by ourselves

2) Prepare pigments,roller pens,buckets,chairs and desks

3) Apply for the space and a tent

4) Send information on our wechat

Activity flow

1)Introduced activity process to students.

2)Guided students to handprint and sign on an IGEM team standard.

3)Gave cookies we made as presents.

Activity finishing

1)Returned things we borrowed after finishing the activity.

2)Saved all photographs.

3)Saved the IGEM team standard full of handprints.

Activity meaning

1)This activity performed the creativeness. Although this activity is common, it is the first time to carry out pressing palms. Also, it has caused students’ enthusiasm and curiosity, which contributes to launching the activity successfully.

2)This activity is in the form of face to face communication, making the activity more vivid and image. During this activity, team members introduced the theme of this activity separately, leaving students deep impression.

Summary for the questionnaire survey

The igem team went to the old university conducting a survey about the cancer on July 15, 2016. Through the analysis , respondents think it was the fatal factor leading the high proportion of the cancer death.that people cannot find the existence of the cancer early. Secondly, respondents think it is hardly to cure the cancer completely and the way to treat the cancer needs to be changed .Last but not least ,considering the survey ,respondents think grain, fruit and vegetable are beneficial to the treatment ,so are the comfortable environment and the regular lifestyle.

  • Questionnaire

    Summary for the questionnaire survey

    The igem team went to the old university conducting a survey about the cancer on July 15, 2016. Through the analysis, all those surveyed think it was the fatal factor leading the high proportion of the cancer death that people cannot find the existence of the cancer early. Secondly, all those surveyed think it is hardly to cure the cancer completely and the way to treat the cancer needs to be changed. Last but not least, considering the survey, all those surveyed think grain, fruit and vegetables are beneficial to the treatment, so are the comfortable environment and the regular lifestyle.

  • Propaganda

    Activity finishing

    1)Returned things we borrowed after finishing the activity.

    2)Saved all photographs.

    3)Saved the IGEM team standard full of handprints.

    Activity meaning

    1)This activity performed the creativeness. Although this activity is common, it is the first time to carry out pressing palms. Also, it has caused students’ enthusiasm and curiosity, which contributes to launching the activity successfully.

    2)This activity is in the form of face to face communication, making the activity more vivid and image. During this activity, team members introduced the theme of this activity separately, leaving students deep impression.

  • Propaganda

    The preparation

    1) Make two panels and one flag about our team, make biscuits by ourselves

    2) Prepare pigments,roller pens,buckets,chairs and desks

    3) Apply for the space and a tent

    4) Send information on our wechat

    Activity flow

    1)Introduced activity process to students.

    2)Guided students to handprint and sign on an IGEM team standard.

    3)Gave cookies we made as presents.

  • Propaganda

    The background and purpose

    To introduce our team to more people, we organize this activity in which people press their hands into the flag and write their names on June 15th. According to this activity, our students have learned some information about cancer.