The project was completely drawn up, organised and carried out by the members of the Leiden iGEM team. All laboratory and science-related work was performed by the team itself. However, we owe a special thanks to the many people and organisations that helped us out numerous times with their expert knowledge, materials and support in any form. Therefore, we would like to thank all people that have contributed to this project; not only the people that granted us this unique opportunity, but also all the others that helped us to complete our project.
Our special thanks to:
Lab & Experiments
Gerben Voshol
During the summer Gerben Voshol helped us in our collaboration with iGEM Copenhagen by growing cyanobacteria and Bacillus, on top of thinking of new ideas for the experiment. -
Paul de Raadt
Bioinformatics student Paul de Raadt helped us in our RNA-sequencing analysis. -
Raymond Brandt
We could count on Raymond Brandt during the summer for all our lab equipment and other lab related issues. -
Research group of John D. Coates, Berkeley University
Through Anna Engelbrektson of the J.D. Coates research group at Berkeley University, we were able to obtain the right Dechloromonas strain. -
Joost Willemse
Aided us by means of instruction on and use of microscopy facilities. -
Mark Arentshorst
Provided lab space to work in, lab equipment and scientific advice. -
Davy de Witt
Provided lab equipment and prepared media.
PR & Communication
André Kuipers & Ionica Smeets
Their endorsements through video clips were of huge value in the promotion of our project. Ionica Smeets is a famous professor in science communication at Leiden University. Astronaut André Kuipers flew two space missions on behalf of ESA and is thereby the second space explorer of Dutch nationality. -
Ype Driessen
Ype Driessen is a known Dutch photo-comic maker and we were honoured that he made not one, but two amazing photo-comics to promote our project. -
Poppy Savenije, Wendy Persson & Annette Mullink
With the help of this team of Leiden University, we were able to launch our own crowdfunding campaign to support the financing of our project. -
Michel Leseman
Our movies and presentations deserved a proper ending. To that end, Michel Leseman made an animation of the rocket with our iGEM logo for the ending of our RIVM and crowdfunding movie. -
Barbara Brünnhuber
Provided the foundations of a huge network for contacts with an abundance of industries. -
Thomas Dijkmans
Provided us with contacts in the Leiden Bio Science Park and enthusiastically supported our project. -
Matthijs van der Kooij, Guus Borst & Hella van Leeuwen
Our contacts of Airbus Defence & Space Netherlands facilited our collaboration with the company. -
Pedro Russo
Supported us in our PR strategies and provided us with several contacts in space-related organisations. -
Jack van Loon
Facilitated our contact with the European Space Agency . -
Jos Frantzen
Aided in our contact with the local governmental organisations. -
Zoë Seekles
Has been of great help in the creation of our digital Martian garden . -
Janna Horjus
With the help of our photographer and fellow student, Janna Horjus, we were able to provide our website with beautiful photos shot inside and outside the laboratory.
Societal Outreach
Olga Crapels
Helped to spread the word about our project in e.g. the Naturalis After Dark newsletter. -
Federico Muffatto
Supplied us with colourful bacterial strains for bioart in our outreach activities. -
Adam Thomas
For helping us to compose the Twist Bioscience blog "How on Earth will we colonize Mars? Use synthetic biology!" , we were very happy with your extensive help and enthusiasm!
We were fortunate enough to be financially backed by the following organisations, also mentioned on our
sponsor page
Nature Microbiology
Airbus Defence & Space Netherlands
Leiden University
Center for Human Drug Research
Support in other ways was provided by the following organisations:
Airbus Defence & Space Netherlands
They were generous enough to provide us with a Random Positioning Machine (RPM), which was critical for our experiments involving partial gravity simulation. -
We were able to perform all our RNA-sequencing at BaseClear, making the gene expression branch of our project possible. -
Integrated DNA Technologies
Synthesised all our DNA de novo. -
Thanks to Generade we found a bioinformatics student, Paul de Raadt, who helped us with our RNA-sequence analysis during the summer. -
Provided us with all our disposable materials, completely free of charge. -
Delivered us materials and chemicals with a substantial discount. -
Gave us free licenses to make use of their software. -
European Space Agency
Offered us simulant Martian soil, equipment and shared expert knowledge. -
Provided us with chemicals for our project, completely free of charge. -
New England BioLabs
Gave us multiple free lab materials, such as enzymes.
Advice & Supervision
Dennis Claessen
Our Principal Investigator deserves our special thanks for his guidance, expert knowledge, invaluable advice and exceptional patience. -
Han de Winde
Our secondary PI, the vice dean of our Faculty of Science and professor in Industrial Biotechnology. -
Lizah van der Aart & Anne van der Meij
Our two amazing advisors helped us tirelessly throughout the summer and they were never (or at least didn’t show to be) bothered by any of our numerous questions.
Besides all the help from external organisations and people, we have accomplished the better part of our success by helping out each other. Albeit everyone of us was accounted a certain task, we all participated in many different parts of the project.
Laboratory work
Sjoerd Seekles
Charlotte van de Velde
Valentijn Broeken
Lisanne van Oosterhoud
Wouter Liefting
Lucie Delfos
Vincent de Bakker
- Frans Rodenburg
Sjoerd Seekles
Vincent de Bakker
Valentijn Broeken
Lisa Verbeij
Charlotte van de Velde
Max Snijders
- Lisanne Oosterhoud
Vincent de Bakker
Lucie Delfos
Charlotte van de Velde
- Lisa Verbeij
Lucie Delfos
Interlab study
Lucie Delfos
Charlotte van de Velde
- Lisa Verbeij
Lucie Delfos
Oureach & Media
David van Driel
- Valentijn Broeken
David van Driel
Guus de Wit
Max Snijders
- Koen Hokke
Guus de Wit
David van Driel
Frans Rodenburg
- Lucie Delfos
David van Driel
Lab safety
Naturally, the whole team took its responsibility in lab safety very seriously, but there was one person that was the overall lab safety manager.
- Charlotte van de Velde
- Frans Rodenburg
Posters & Multimedia
- Valentijn Broeken
Frans Rodenburg
- Max Snijders
Frans Rodenburg
Wiki building
Lisa Verbeij
Max Snijders
Guus de Wit
- Vincent de Bakker
Lisa Verbeij