Thursday - July 21
Friday, 7/22
Members Present: Hamed, Marc, Celine, DK, Kat
More PCR of pSB1C3 backbone
Gel of PCR's backbone:
Re Digest of LacZ insert, and of backbone from the kit (linear PCR amplified already) and backbone amplified from the RFP plasmid
Split the digested backbone into two, and dephosphorylated half of them with rSAP.
Kit pSB1C3 - LacZ
Kit pSB1C3 (rSAP) - LacZ
RFP pSB1C3 - LacZ
RFP pSB1C3 (rSAP)- LacZ
PCR purification and nanodrop of the samples.
Overnight ligation of the samples at 16C