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How are we approaching healthy ageing?
Gene therapy approach
Lycopene probiotic
Redesigning the oral microbiome
Healthy heart, healthy ageing
Detecting and killing UTI causing bacteria
Using oxidative stress to accelerate ageing
Engineering therapies of tomorrow
iGEM-ing all day, everyday
See what Biosynthage are proud of!
Transferring concepts to the lab
Building systems that solve healthy ageing
The first step towards reality
Find out what we did in the labs!
Integrating safety into human based therapies
Methodology behind the data
See our data and outputs of our project
Simulating and optimising our devices
Modelling inhibitory feedback loops
Oscillatory behaviour
Biosynthage's journey
Building a bridge between Biosynthage and society
Integrating design with the world
Real world science
Bringing Biosynthage to people
Bringing synthetic biology to the business world
Making biobrick design easier
Engineering novel bioprocess for Xylitol production
Meet the innovators of tomorrow
Our iGEM community
Without whom, would not be possible
To everyone involved with our journey
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