/* Name: Theme Base Written by: Okler Themes - (http://www.okler.net) Theme Version: 4.9.2
- /
// Theme window.theme = {};
// Animate (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__animate';
var PluginAnimate = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginAnimate.defaults = { accX: 0, accY: -150, delay: 1 };
PluginAnimate.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginAnimate.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper, delay = 0;
if (!$('html').hasClass('no-csstransitions') && $(window).width() > 767) {
$el.appear(function() {
delay = ($el.attr('data-appear-animation-delay') ? $el.attr('data-appear-animation-delay') : self.options.delay);
if (delay > 1) { $el.css('animation-delay', delay + 'ms'); }
setTimeout(function() { $el.addClass('appear-animation-visible'); }, delay);
}, { accX: self.options.accX, accY: self.options.accY });
} else {
return this; } };
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginAnimate: PluginAnimate });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginAnimate = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginAnimate($this, opts); }
}); };
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Carousel (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__carousel';
var PluginCarousel = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginCarousel.defaults = { loop: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1 }, 479: { items: 1 }, 768: { items: 2 }, 979: { items: 3 }, 1199: { items: 4 } }, navText: [] };
PluginCarousel.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginCarousel.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.owlCarousel))) { return this; }
var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper;
// Add Theme Class $el.addClass('owl-theme');
// Force RTL according to HTML dir attribute if ($('html').attr('dir') == 'rtl') { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.options, { rtl: true }); }
if (this.options.items == 1) { this.options.responsive = {} }
if (this.options.items > 4) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.options, { responsive: { 1199: { items: this.options.items } } }); }
// Auto Height Fixes if (this.options.autoHeight) { $(window).afterResize(function() { $el.find('.owl-stage-outer').height( $el.find('.owl-item.active').height() ); });
$(window).on('load', function() { $el.find('.owl-stage-outer').height( $el.find('.owl-item.active').height() ); }); }
// Initialize OwlCarousel $el.owlCarousel(this.options).addClass('owl-carousel-init');
return this; } };
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginCarousel: PluginCarousel });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginCarousel = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginCarousel($this, opts); }
}); }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Chart Circular (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__chartCircular';
var PluginChartCircular = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginChartCircular.defaults = { accX: 0, accY: -150, delay: 1, barColor: '#0088CC', trackColor: '#f2f2f2', scaleColor: false, scaleLength: 5, lineCap: 'round', lineWidth: 13, size: 175, rotate: 0, animate: ({ duration: 2500, enabled: true }) };
PluginChartCircular.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginChartCircular.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.appear)) || !($.isFunction($.fn.easyPieChart))) { return this; }
var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper, value = ($el.attr('data-percent') ? $el.attr('data-percent') : 0), percentEl = $el.find('.percent');
$.extend(true, self.options, { onStep: function(from, to, currentValue) { percentEl.html(parseInt(currentValue)); } });
$el.attr('data-percent', 0);
$el.appear(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$el.data('easyPieChart').update(value); $el.attr('data-percent', value);
}, self.options.delay);
}, { accX: self.options.accX, accY: self.options.accY });
return this; } };
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginChartCircular: PluginChartCircular });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginChartCircular = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginChartCircular($this, opts); }
}); }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Counter (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__counter';
var PluginCounter = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginCounter.defaults = { accX: 0, accY: 0, speed: 3000, refreshInterval: 100, decimals: 0, onUpdate: null, onComplete: null };
PluginCounter.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginCounter.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.countTo))) { return this; }
var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper;
$.extend(self.options, { onComplete: function() { if ($el.data('append')) { $el.html($el.html() + $el.data('append')); }
if ($el.data('prepend')) { $el.html($el.data('prepend') + $el.html()); } } });
$el.appear(function() {
}, { accX: self.options.accX, accY: self.options.accY });
return this; } };
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginCounter: PluginCounter });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginCounter = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginCounter($this, opts); }
}); }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Lazy Load (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__lazyload';
var PluginLazyLoad = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginLazyLoad.defaults = { effect : 'fadeIn' };
PluginLazyLoad.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginLazyLoad.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.lazyload))) { return this; }
var self = this;
return this; } };
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginLazyLoad: PluginLazyLoad });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginLazyLoad = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginLazyLoad($this, opts); }
}); }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Lightbox (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__lightbox';
var PluginLightbox = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginLightbox.defaults = { tClose: 'Close (Esc)', // Alt text on close button tLoading: 'Loading...', // Text that is displayed during loading. Can contain %curr% and %total% keys gallery: { tPrev: 'Previous (Left arrow key)', // Alt text on left arrow tNext: 'Next (Right arrow key)', // Alt text on right arrow tCounter: '%curr% of %total%' // Markup for "1 of 7" counter }, image: { tError: '<a href="%url%">The image</a> could not be loaded.' // Error message when image could not be loaded }, ajax: { tError: '<a href="%url%">The content</a> could not be loaded.' // Error message when ajax request failed }, callbacks: { open: function() { $('html').addClass('lightbox-opened'); }, close: function() { $('html').removeClass('lightbox-opened'); } } };
PluginLightbox.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginLightbox.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.magnificPopup))) { return this; }
return this; } };
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginLightbox: PluginLightbox });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginLightbox = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginLightbox($this, opts); }
}); }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Loading Overlay (function(theme, $) {
'use strict';
theme = theme || {};
var loadingOverlayTemplate = [
' '].join();
var LoadingOverlay = function( $wrapper, options ) { return this.initialize( $wrapper, options ); };
LoadingOverlay.prototype = {
options: { css: {} },
initialize: function( $wrapper, options ) { this.$wrapper = $wrapper;
this .setVars() .setOptions( options ) .build() .events();
this.$wrapper.data( 'loadingOverlay', this ); },
setVars: function() { this.$overlay = this.$wrapper.find('.loading-overlay');
return this; },
setOptions: function( options ) { if ( !this.$overlay.get(0) ) { this.matchProperties(); } this.options = $.extend( true, {}, this.options, options ); this.loaderClass = this.getLoaderClass( this.options.css.backgroundColor );
return this; },
build: function() { if ( !this.$overlay.closest(document.documentElement).get(0) ) { if ( !this.$cachedOverlay ) { this.$overlay = $( loadingOverlayTemplate ).clone();
if ( this.options.css ) { this.$overlay.css( this.options.css ); this.$overlay.find( '.loader' ).addClass( this.loaderClass ); } } else { this.$overlay = this.$cachedOverlay.clone(); }
this.$wrapper.append( this.$overlay ); }
if ( !this.$cachedOverlay ) { this.$cachedOverlay = this.$overlay.clone(); }
return this; },
events: function() { var _self = this;
if ( this.options.startShowing ) { _self.show(); }
if ( this.$wrapper.is('body') || this.options.hideOnWindowLoad ) { $( window ).on( 'load error', function() { _self.hide(); }); }
if ( this.options.listenOn ) { $( this.options.listenOn ) .on( 'loading-overlay:show beforeSend.ic', function( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); _self.show(); }) .on( 'loading-overlay:hide complete.ic', function( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); _self.hide(); }); }
this.$wrapper .on( 'loading-overlay:show beforeSend.ic', function( e ) { if ( e.target === _self.$wrapper.get(0) ) { e.stopPropagation(); _self.show(); return true; } return false; }) .on( 'loading-overlay:hide complete.ic', function( e ) { if ( e.target === _self.$wrapper.get(0) ) { e.stopPropagation(); _self.hide(); return true; } return false; });
return this; },
show: function() { this.build();
this.position = this.$wrapper.css( 'position' ).toLowerCase(); if ( this.position != 'relative' || this.position != 'absolute' || this.position != 'fixed' ) { this.$wrapper.css({ position: 'relative' }); } this.$wrapper.addClass( 'loading-overlay-showing' ); },
hide: function() { var _self = this;
this.$wrapper.removeClass( 'loading-overlay-showing' ); setTimeout(function() { if ( this.position != 'relative' || this.position != 'absolute' || this.position != 'fixed' ) { _self.$wrapper.css({ position: }); } }, 500); },
matchProperties: function() { var i, l, properties;
properties = [ 'backgroundColor', 'borderRadius' ];
l = properties.length;
for( i = 0; i < l; i++ ) { var obj = {}; obj[ properties[ i ] ] = this.$wrapper.css( properties[ i ] );
$.extend( this.options.css, obj ); } },
getLoaderClass: function( backgroundColor ) { if ( !backgroundColor || backgroundColor === 'transparent' || backgroundColor === 'inherit' ) { return 'black'; }
var hexColor, r, g, b, yiq;
var colorToHex = function( color ){ var hex, rgb;
if( color.indexOf('#') >- 1 ){ hex = color.replace('#', ); } else { rgb = color.match(/\d+/g); hex = ('0' + parseInt(rgb[0], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ('0' + parseInt(rgb[1], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ('0' + parseInt(rgb[2], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2); }
if ( hex.length === 3 ) { hex = hex + hex; }
return hex; };
hexColor = colorToHex( backgroundColor );
r = parseInt( hexColor.substr( 0, 2), 16 ); g = parseInt( hexColor.substr( 2, 2), 16 ); b = parseInt( hexColor.substr( 4, 2), 16 ); yiq = ((r * 299) + (g * 587) + (b * 114)) / 1000;
return ( yiq >= 128 ) ? 'black' : 'white'; }
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { LoadingOverlay: LoadingOverlay });
// expose as a jquery plugin $.fn.loadingOverlay = function( opts ) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $( this );
var loadingOverlay = $this.data( 'loadingOverlay' ); if ( loadingOverlay ) { return loadingOverlay; } else { var options = opts || $this.data( 'loading-overlay-options' ) || {}; return new LoadingOverlay( $this, options ); } }); }
// auto init $('[data-loading-overlay]').loadingOverlay();
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Masonry (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__masonry';
var PluginMasonry = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginMasonry.defaults = { itemSelector: 'li' };
PluginMasonry.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginMasonry.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.isotope))) { return this; }
return this; } };
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginMasonry: PluginMasonry });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginMasonry = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
$this.waitForImages(function() { if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginMasonry($this, opts); } });
}); }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Match Height (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__matchHeight';
var PluginMatchHeight = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginMatchHeight.defaults = { byRow: true, property: 'height', target: null, remove: false };
PluginMatchHeight.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginMatchHeight.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.matchHeight))) { return this; }
var self = this;
return this; }
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginMatchHeight: PluginMatchHeight });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginMatchHeight = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginMatchHeight($this, opts); }
}); }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Parallax (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__parallax';
var PluginParallax = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginParallax.defaults = { speed: 1.5, horizontalPosition: '50%', offset: 0 };
PluginParallax.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginParallax.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { var self = this, $window = $(window), offset, yPos, bgpos;
self.options.wrapper.css('background-image', 'url(' + self.options.wrapper.data('image-src') + ')');
if (!$.browser.mobile) {
$window.on('scroll resize', function() { offset = self.options.wrapper.offset(); yPos = -($window.scrollTop() - offset.top) / self.options.speed + (self.options.offset); bgpos = self.options.horizontalPosition + ' ' + yPos + 'px'; self.options.wrapper.css('background-position', bgpos); });
} else { self.options.wrapper.addClass('parallax-disabled'); }
return this; } };
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginParallax: PluginParallax });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginParallax = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginParallax($this, opts); }
}); }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Progress Bar (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__progressBar';
var PluginProgressBar = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginProgressBar.defaults = { accX: 0, accY: -50, delay: 1 };
PluginProgressBar.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginProgressBar.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.appear))) { return this; }
var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper, delay = 1;
$el.appear(function() {
delay = ($el.attr('data-appear-animation-delay') ? $el.attr('data-appear-animation-delay') : self.options.delay);
setTimeout(function() {
$el.animate({ width: $el.attr('data-appear-progress-animation') }, 1500, 'easeOutQuad', function() { $el.find('.progress-bar-tooltip').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 500, 'easeOutQuad'); });
}, delay);
}, { accX: self.options.accX, accY: self.options.accY });
return this; } };
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginProgressBar: PluginProgressBar });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginProgressBar = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginProgressBar($this, opts); }
}); }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Revolution Slider (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__revolution';
var PluginRevolutionSlider = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginRevolutionSlider.defaults = { sliderType: 'standard', sliderLayout: 'fullwidth', delay: 9000, gridwidth: 1170, gridheight: 500, spinner: 'spinner3', parallax: { type: 'off', bgparallax: 'off' }, navigation: { keyboardNavigation: 'off', keyboard_direction: 'horizontal', mouseScrollNavigation: 'off', onHoverStop: 'off', touch: { touchenabled: 'on', swipe_threshold: 75, swipe_min_touches: 1, swipe_direction: 'horizontal', drag_block_vertical: false }, arrows: { enable: true, hide_onmobile: false, hide_under: 0, hide_onleave: true, hide_delay: 200, hide_delay_mobile: 1200, left: { h_align: 'left', v_align: 'center', h_offset: 30, v_offset: 0 }, right: { h_align: 'right', v_align: 'center', h_offset: 30, v_offset: 0 } } } };
PluginRevolutionSlider.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build() .events();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginRevolutionSlider.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.revolution))) { return this; }
// Single Slider Class if(this.options.wrapper.find('> ul > li').length == 1) { this.options.wrapper.addClass('slider-single-slide'); }
return this; },
events: function() {
return this; } };
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginRevolutionSlider: PluginRevolutionSlider });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginRevolutionSlider = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginRevolutionSlider($this, opts); }
}); }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Scroll to Top (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
$.extend(theme, {
PluginScrollToTop: {
defaults: { wrapper: $('body'), offset: 150, buttonClass: 'scroll-to-top', iconClass: 'fa fa-chevron-up', delay: 1000, visibleMobile: false, label: false, easing: 'easeOutBack' },
initialize: function(opts) { initialized = true;
this .setOptions(opts) .build() .events();
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts);
return this; },
build: function() { var self = this, $el;
// Base HTML Markup $el = $('<a />') .addClass(self.options.buttonClass) .attr({ 'href': '#', }) .append( $('<i />') .addClass(self.options.iconClass) );
// Visible Mobile if (!self.options.visibleMobile) { $el.addClass('hidden-mobile'); }
// Label if (self.options.label) { $el.append( $('<span />').html(self.options.label) ); }
this.$el = $el;
return this; },
events: function() { var self = this, _isScrolling = false;
// Click Element Action self.$el.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('body, html').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, self.options.delay, self.options.easing); return false; });
// Show/Hide Button on Window Scroll event. $(window).scroll(function() {
if (!_isScrolling) {
_isScrolling = true;
if ($(window).scrollTop() > self.options.offset) {
self.$el.stop(true, true).addClass('visible'); _isScrolling = false;
} else {
self.$el.stop(true, true).removeClass('visible'); _isScrolling = false;
return this; }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Sort (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__sort';
var PluginSort = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginSort.defaults = { useHash: true, itemSelector: '.isotope-item', layoutMode: 'masonry', filter: '*', hiddenStyle: { opacity: 0 }, visibleStyle: { opacity: 1 }, stagger: 30, isOriginLeft: ($('html').attr('dir') == 'rtl' ? false : true) };
PluginSort.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginSort.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.isotope))) { return this; }
var self = this, $source = this.options.wrapper, $destination = $('.sort-destination[data-sort-id="' + $source.attr('data-sort-id') + '"]'), $window = $(window);
if ($destination.get(0)) {
self.$source = $source; self.$destination = $destination; self.$loader = false;
if (self.$destination.parents('.sort-destination-loader').get(0)) { self.$loader = self.$destination.parents('.sort-destination-loader'); self.createLoader(); }
self.$destination.waitForImages(function() {
$destination.attr('data-filter', '*').isotope(self.options).isotope('layout').trigger('filtered');
self.$destination.isotope('on', 'layoutComplete', function(event, laidOutItems) { if (self.options.useHash) { if (window.location.hash != || self.options.filter.replace('.', ) != '*') { window.location.hash = self.options.filter.replace('.', ); } } });
if (self.$loader) { self.$loader.removeClass('sort-destination-loader-showing');
setTimeout(function() { self.$loader.addClass('sort-destination-loader-loaded'); }, 500); }
$window.on('resize', function() { setTimeout(function() { self.$destination.isotope('layout'); }, 300); });
setTimeout(function() { if (self.$loader) { self.$loader.removeClass('sort-destination-loader-showing');
setTimeout(function() { self.$loader.addClass('sort-destination-loader-loaded'); }, 500); } }, 3000);
return this; },
events: function() { var self = this, filter = null;
self.$source.find('a').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault();
filter = $(this).parent().data('option-value');
if (e.originalEvent) { self.$source.trigger('filtered'); }
return this; });
if (self.options.useHash) { self.hashEvents(); }
return this; },
setFilter: function(filter) { var self = this, page = false, currentFilter = filter;
self.$source.find('li.active').removeClass('active'); self.$source.find('li[data-option-value="' + filter + '"]').addClass('active');
self.options.filter = currentFilter;
if (self.$destination.attr('data-current-page')) { currentFilter = currentFilter + '[data-page-rel=' + self.$destination.attr('data-current-page') + ']'; }
self.$destination.attr('data-filter', filter).isotope({ filter: currentFilter }).on('arrangeComplete', function( event, filteredItems ) { $(window).trigger('scroll'); }).trigger('filtered');
return this; },
hashEvents: function() { var self = this, hash = null, hashFilter = null, initHashFilter = '.' + location.hash.replace('#', );
if (initHashFilter != '.' && initHashFilter != '.*') { self.setFilter(initHashFilter); }
$(window).bind('hashchange', function(e) {
hashFilter = '.' + location.hash.replace('#', ); hash = (hashFilter == '.' || hashFilter == '.*' ? '*' : hashFilter);
return this; },
setParagraphHeight: function() { var self = this, minParagraphHeight = 0, paragraphs = $('span.thumb-info-caption p', self.$destination);
paragraphs.each(function() { if ($(this).height() > minParagraphHeight) { minParagraphHeight = ($(this).height() + 10); } });
return this; },
createLoader: function() { var self = this;
var loaderTemplate = [
return this; }
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginSort: PluginSort });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginSort = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginSort($this, opts); }
}); }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Sticky (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__sticky';
var PluginSticky = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginSticky.defaults = { minWidth: 991, activeClass: 'sticky-active' };
PluginSticky.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginSticky.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.pin))) { return this; }
var self = this, $window = $(window);
$window.afterResize(function() { self.options.wrapper.removeAttr('style').removeData('pin'); self.options.wrapper.pin(self.options); $window.trigger('scroll'); });
return this; } };
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginSticky: PluginSticky });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginSticky = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginSticky($this, opts); }
}); }
}).apply(this, [ window.theme, jQuery ]);
// Toggle (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__toggle';
var PluginToggle = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginToggle.defaults = { duration: 350, isAccordion: false };
PluginToggle.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginToggle.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { var self = this, $wrapper = this.options.wrapper, $items = $wrapper.find('.toggle'), $el = null;
$items.each(function() { $el = $(this);
if ($el.hasClass('active')) { $el.find('> p').addClass('preview-active'); $el.find('> .toggle-content').slideDown(self.options.duration); }
self.events($el); });
if (self.options.isAccordion) { self.options.duration = self.options.duration / 2; }
return this; },
events: function($el) { var self = this, previewParCurrentHeight = 0, previewParAnimateHeight = 0, toggleContent = null;
$el.find('> label').click(function(e) {
var $this = $(this), parentSection = $this.parent(), parentWrapper = $this.parents('.toggle'), previewPar = null, closeElement = null;
if (self.options.isAccordion && typeof(e.originalEvent) != 'undefined') { closeElement = parentWrapper.find('.toggle.active > label');
if (closeElement[0] == $this[0]) { return; } }
// Preview Paragraph if (parentSection.find('> p').get(0)) {
previewPar = parentSection.find('> p'); previewParCurrentHeight = previewPar.css('height'); previewPar.css('height', 'auto'); previewParAnimateHeight = previewPar.css('height'); previewPar.css('height', previewParCurrentHeight);
// Content toggleContent = parentSection.find('> .toggle-content');
if (parentSection.hasClass('active')) {
$(previewPar).animate({ height: previewParAnimateHeight }, self.options.duration, function() { $(this).addClass('preview-active'); });
toggleContent.slideDown(self.options.duration, function() { if (closeElement) { closeElement.trigger('click'); } });
} else {
$(previewPar).animate({ height: 0 }, self.options.duration, function() { $(this).removeClass('preview-active'); });
}); } };
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginToggle: PluginToggle });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginToggle = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginToggle($this, opts); }
}); }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Tweets (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__tweets';
var PluginTweets = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginTweets.defaults = { username: null, count: 2, URL: 'php/twitter-feed.php' };
PluginTweets.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginTweets.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { if (this.options.username == null || this.options.username == ) { return this; }
var self = this, $wrapper = this.options.wrapper;
$.ajax({ type: 'GET', data: { twitter_screen_name: self.options.username, tweets_to_display: self.options.count }, url: self.options.URL, }).done(function(html) { $wrapper.html(html).find('a').attr('target','_blank'); });
return this; } };
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginTweets: PluginTweets });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginTweets = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginTweets($this, opts); }
}); }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Validation (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
$.extend(theme, {
PluginValidation: {
defaults: { validator: { highlight: function(element) { $(element) .parent() .removeClass('has-success') .addClass('has-error'); }, success: function(element) { $(element) .parent() .removeClass('has-error') .addClass('has-success') .find('label.error') .remove(); }, errorPlacement: function(error, element) { if (element.attr('type') == 'radio' || element.attr('type') == 'checkbox') { error.appendTo(element.parent().parent()); } else { error.insertAfter(element); } } }, validateCaptchaURL: 'php/contact-form-verify-captcha.php', refreshCaptchaURL: 'php/contact-form-refresh-captcha.php' },
initialize: function(opts) { initialized = true;
this .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts);
return this; },
build: function() { var self = this;
if (!($.isFunction($.validator))) { return this; }
self.addMethods(); self.setMessageGroups();
return this; },
addMethods: function() { var self = this;
$.validator.addMethod('captcha', function(value, element, params) { var captchaValid = false;
$.ajax({ url: self.options.validateCaptchaURL, type: 'POST', async: false, dataType: 'json', data: { captcha: $.trim(value) }, success: function(data) { if (data.response == 'success') { captchaValid = true; } } });
if (captchaValid) { return true; }
}, );
// Refresh Captcha $('#refreshCaptcha').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $.get(self.options.refreshCaptchaURL, function(url) { $('#captcha-image').attr('src', url); }); });
setMessageGroups: function() {
$('.checkbox-group[data-msg-required], .radio-group[data-msg-required]').each(function() { var message = $(this).data('msg-required'); $(this).find('input').attr('data-msg-required', message); });
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Video Background (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__videobackground';
var PluginVideoBackground = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginVideoBackground.defaults = { overlay: true, volume: 1, playbackRate: 1, muted: true, loop: true, autoplay: true, position: '50% 50%', posterType: 'detect' };
PluginVideoBackground.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginVideoBackground.defaults, opts, { path: this.$el.data('video-path'), wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() {
if (!($.isFunction($.fn.vide)) || (!this.options.path)) { return this; }
if (this.options.overlay) { this.options.wrapper.prepend( $('<div />').addClass('video-overlay') ); }
this.options.wrapper.vide(this.options.path, this.options);
return this; } };
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginVideoBackground: PluginVideoBackground });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginVideoBackground = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginVideoBackground($this, opts); }
}); }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Word Rotate (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var instanceName = '__wordRotate';
var PluginWordRotate = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); };
PluginWordRotate.defaults = { delay: 2000, animDelay: 300 };
PluginWordRotate.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; }
this.$el = $el;
this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this);
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginWordRotate.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el });
return this; },
build: function() { var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper, itemsWrapper = $el.find(".word-rotate-items"), items = itemsWrapper.find("> span"), firstItem = items.eq(0), firstItemClone = firstItem.clone(), currentItem = 1, currentTop = 0, itemWidth = 0;
itemsWrapper .width(firstItem.width() + "px") .append(firstItemClone);
$el .addClass("active");
setInterval(function() {
currentTop = (currentItem * $el.height()); currentItem++;
if(currentItem <= items.length) { itemWidth = items.eq(currentItem-1).width(); } else { itemWidth = items.eq(0).width(); }
itemsWrapper.animate({ top: -(currentTop) + "px", width: itemWidth + "px" }, self.options.animDelay, "easeOutQuad", function() {
if(currentItem > items.length) {
itemsWrapper.css("top", 0); currentItem = 1;
}, self.options.delay);
return this; } };
// expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginWordRotate: PluginWordRotate });
// jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginWordRotate = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginWordRotate($this, opts); }
}); }
}).apply(this, [ window.theme, jQuery ]);
// Account (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var initialized = false;
$.extend(theme, {
Account: {
defaults: { wrapper: $('#headerAccount') },
initialize: function($wrapper, opts) { if (initialized) { return this; }
initialized = true; this.$wrapper = ($wrapper || this.defaults.wrapper);
this .setOptions(opts) .events();
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts, this.$wrapper.data('plugin-options'));
return this; },
events: function() { var self = this;
self.$wrapper.find('input').on('focus', function() { self.$wrapper.addClass('open');
$(document).mouseup(function(e) { if (!self.$wrapper.is(e.target) && self.$wrapper.has(e.target).length === 0) { self.$wrapper.removeClass('open'); } }); });
$('#headerSignUp').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.$wrapper.addClass('signup').removeClass('signin').removeClass('recover'); self.$wrapper.find('.signup-form input:first').focus(); });
$('#headerSignIn').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.$wrapper.addClass('signin').removeClass('signup').removeClass('recover'); self.$wrapper.find('.signin-form input:first').focus(); });
$('#headerRecover').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.$wrapper.addClass('recover').removeClass('signup').removeClass('signin'); self.$wrapper.find('.recover-form input:first').focus(); });
$('#headerRecoverCancel').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.$wrapper.addClass('signin').removeClass('signup').removeClass('recover'); self.$wrapper.find('.signin-form input:first').focus(); }); }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Nav (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var initialized = false;
$.extend(theme, {
Nav: {
defaults: { wrapper: $('#mainNav'), scrollDelay: 600, scrollAnimation: 'easeOutQuad' },
initialize: function($wrapper, opts) { if (initialized) { return this; }
initialized = true; this.$wrapper = ($wrapper || this.defaults.wrapper);
this .setOptions(opts) .build() .events();
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts, this.$wrapper.data('plugin-options'));
return this; },
build: function() { var self = this, $html = $('html'), $header = $('#header'), thumbInfoPreview;
// Add Arrows $header.find('.dropdown-toggle, .dropdown-submenu > a').append($('<i />').addClass('fa fa-caret-down'));
// Preview Thumbs self.$wrapper.find('a[data-thumb-preview]').each(function() { thumbInfoPreview = $('<span />').addClass('thumb-info thumb-info-preview') .append($('<span />').addClass('thumb-info-wrapper') .append($('<span />').addClass('thumb-info-image').css('background-image', 'url(' + $(this).data('thumb-preview') + ')') ) );
$(this).append(thumbInfoPreview); });
// Side Header Right (Reverse Dropdown) if($html.hasClass('side-header-right')) { $header.find('.dropdown').addClass('dropdown-reverse'); }
return this; },
events: function() { var self = this, $header = $('#header'), $window = $(window);
$header.find('a[href="#"]').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); });
// Mobile Arrows $header.find('.dropdown-toggle[href="#"], .dropdown-submenu a[href="#"], .dropdown-toggle[href!="#"] .fa-caret-down, .dropdown-submenu a[href!="#"] .fa-caret-down').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($window.width() < 992) { $(this).closest('li').toggleClass('opened'); } });
// Touch Devices with normal resolutions if('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) { $header.find('.dropdown-toggle:not([href="#"]), .dropdown-submenu > a:not([href="#"])') .on('touchstart click', function(e) { if($window.width() > 991) {
e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();
if(e.handled !== true) {
var li = $(this).closest('li');
if(li.hasClass('tapped')) { location.href = $(this).attr('href'); }
e.handled = true; } else { return false; }
return false;
} }) .on('blur', function(e) { $(this).closest('li').removeClass('tapped'); });
// Anchors Position $('[data-hash]').each(function() {
var target = $(this).attr('href'), offset = ($(this).is("[data-hash-offset]") ? $(this).data('hash-offset') : 0);
if($(target).get(0)) { $(this).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault();
// Close Collapse if Opened $(this).parents('.collapse.in').removeClass('in');
self.scrollToTarget(target, offset);
return; }); }
// Mobile Redirect - (Ignores the Dropdown from Bootstrap) $('.mobile-redirect').on('click', function() { if ($window.width() < 992) { self.location = $(this).attr('href'); } });
return this; },
scrollToTarget: function(target, offset) { var self = this;
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(target).offset().top - offset }, self.options.scrollDelay, self.options.scrollAnimation, function() { $('body').removeClass('scrolling'); });
return this;
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Newsletter (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var initialized = false;
$.extend(theme, {
Newsletter: {
defaults: { wrapper: $('#newsletterForm') },
initialize: function($wrapper, opts) { if (initialized) { return this; }
initialized = true; this.$wrapper = ($wrapper || this.defaults.wrapper);
this .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts, this.$wrapper.data('plugin-options'));
return this; },
build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.validate))) { return this; }
var self = this, $email = self.$wrapper.find('#newsletterEmail'), $success = $('#newsletterSuccess'), $error = $('#newsletterError');
self.$wrapper.validate({ submitHandler: function(form) {
$.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: self.$wrapper.attr('action'), data: { 'email': $email.val() }, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { if (data.response == 'success') {
$success.removeClass('hidden'); $error.addClass('hidden');
$email .val() .blur() .closest('.control-group') .removeClass('success') .removeClass('error');
} else {
$error.html(data.message); $error.removeClass('hidden'); $success.addClass('hidden');
$email .blur() .closest('.control-group') .removeClass('success') .addClass('error');
} } });
}, rules: { newsletterEmail: { required: true, email: true } }, errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
} });
return this; }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Search (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var initialized = false;
$.extend(theme, {
Search: {
defaults: { wrapper: $('#searchForm') },
initialize: function($wrapper, opts) { if (initialized) { return this; }
initialized = true; this.$wrapper = ($wrapper || this.defaults.wrapper);
this .setOptions(opts) .build();
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts, this.$wrapper.data('plugin-options'));
return this; },
build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.validate))) { return this; }
this.$wrapper.validate({ errorPlacement: function(error, element) {} });
return this; }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);
// Sticky Header (function(theme, $) {
theme = theme || {};
var initialized = false;
$.extend(theme, {
StickyHeader: {
defaults: { wrapper: $('#header'), headerBody: $('#header .header-body'), stickyEnabled: true, stickyEnableOnBoxed: true, stickyEnableOnMobile: true, stickyStartAt: 0, stickyStartAtElement: false, stickySetTop: 0, stickyChangeLogo: false, stickyChangeLogoWrapper: true },
initialize: function($wrapper, opts) { if (initialized) { return this; }
initialized = true; this.$wrapper = ($wrapper || this.defaults.wrapper);
this .setOptions(opts) .build() .events();
return this; },
setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts, this.$wrapper.data('plugin-options'));
return this; },
build: function() { if (!this.options.stickyEnableOnBoxed && $('html').hasClass('boxed') || !this.options.stickyEnabled) { return this; }
var self = this, $html = $('html'), $window = $(window), sideHeader = $html.hasClass('side-header');
// HTML Classes $html.addClass('sticky-header-enabled');
if (parseInt(self.options.stickySetTop) < 0) { $html.addClass('sticky-header-negative'); }
// Set Start At if(self.options.stickyStartAtElement) {
var $stickyStartAtElement = $(self.options.stickyStartAtElement);
$(window).on('scroll resize', function() { self.options.stickyStartAt = $stickyStartAtElement.offset().top; });
$(window).trigger('resize'); }
// Boxed if($html.hasClass('boxed') && (parseInt(self.options.stickyStartAt) == 0) && $window.width() > 991) { self.options.stickyStartAt = 30; }
// Set Wrapper Min-Height self.options.wrapper.css('min-height', self.options.wrapper.height());
// Check Sticky Header self.checkStickyHeader = function() { if ($window.scrollTop() >= parseInt(self.options.stickyStartAt)) { self.activateStickyHeader(); } else { self.deactivateStickyHeader(); } };
// Activate Sticky Header self.activateStickyHeader = function() {
if ($window.width() < 992) { if (!self.options.stickyEnableOnMobile) { self.deactivateStickyHeader(); return; } } else { if (sideHeader) { self.deactivateStickyHeader(); return; } }
self.options.headerBody.css('top', self.options.stickySetTop);
if (self.options.stickyChangeLogo) { self.changeLogo(true); }
$.event.trigger({ type: 'stickyHeader.activate' }); };
// Deactivate Sticky Header self.deactivateStickyHeader = function() {
self.options.headerBody.css('top', 0);
if (self.options.stickyChangeLogo) { self.changeLogo(false); }
$.event.trigger({ type: 'stickyHeader.deactivate' }); };
// Always Sticky if (parseInt(self.options.stickyStartAt) <= 0) { self.activateStickyHeader(); }
// Set Logo if (self.options.stickyChangeLogo) {
var $logoWrapper = self.options.wrapper.find('.header-logo'), $logo = $logoWrapper.find('img'), logoWidth = $logo.attr('width'), logoHeight = $logo.attr('height'), logoSmallTop = parseInt($logo.attr('data-sticky-top') ? $logo.attr('data-sticky-top') : 0), logoSmallWidth = parseInt($logo.attr('data-sticky-width') ? $logo.attr('data-sticky-width') : 'auto'), logoSmallHeight = parseInt($logo.attr('data-sticky-height') ? $logo.attr('data-sticky-height') : 'auto');
if (self.options.stickyChangeLogoWrapper) { $logoWrapper.css({ 'width': $logo.outerWidth(true), 'height': $logo.outerHeight(true) }); }
self.changeLogo = function(activate) { if(activate) { $logo.css({ 'top': logoSmallTop, 'width': logoSmallWidth, 'height': logoSmallHeight }); } else { $logo.css({ 'top': 0, 'width': logoWidth, 'height': logoHeight }); } }
return this; },
events: function() { var self = this;
if (!this.options.stickyEnableOnBoxed && $('body').hasClass('boxed') || !this.options.stickyEnabled) { return this; }
if (!self.options.alwaysStickyEnabled) { $(window).on('scroll resize', function() { self.checkStickyHeader(); }); } else { self.activateStickyHeader(); }
return this; }
}).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);