Template:SCSU-New Haven/jquery


* jquery.baraja.js v1.0.0
* http://www.codrops.com
* Licensed under the MIT license.
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* Copyright 2012, Codrops
* http://www.codrops.com

jQuery.fn.reverse = [].reverse;

( function( $, window, undefined ) {

'use strict';

// global var Modernizr = window.Modernizr;

$.Baraja = function( options, element ) {

this.$el = $( element ); this._init( options );


// the options $.Baraja.defaults = { // if we want to specify a selector that triggers the next() function. example: '#baraja-nav-next' nextEl : , // if we want to specify a selector that triggers the previous() function prevEl : , // default transition speed speed : 300, // default transition easing easing : 'ease-in-out' };

$.Baraja.prototype = {

_init : function( options ) {

// options this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.Baraja.defaults, options );

var transEndEventNames = { 'WebkitTransition' : 'webkitTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition' : 'transitionend', 'OTransition' : 'oTransitionEnd', 'msTransition' : 'MSTransitionEnd', 'transition' : 'transitionend' }; this.transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[ Modernizr.prefixed( 'transition' ) ];


this.$items = this.$el.children( 'li' ); this.itemsCount = this.$items.length; if( this.itemsCount === 0 ) { return false; } // support for CSS Transitions this.supportTransitions = Modernizr.csstransitions; // opened/closed deck this.closed = true; // lowest value for the z-index given to the items this.itemZIndexMin = 1000; // sets the item's z-index value this._setStack(); // initialize some events this._initEvents();

}, _setDefaultFanSettings : function() {

this.fanSettings = { // speed for opening/closing speed : 500, // easing for opening/closing easing : 'ease-out', // difference/range of possible angles that the items will have // example: with range:90 and center:false the first item // will have 0deg and the last one 90deg; // if center:true, then the first one will have 45deg // and the last one -45deg; in both cases the difference is 90deg range : 90, // this defines the position of the first item // (to the right, to the left) // and its angle (clockwise / counterclockwise) direction : 'right', // transform origin: // you can also pass a minX and maxX, meaning the left value // will vary between minX and maxX origin : { x : 25, y : 100 }, // additional translation of each item translation : 0, // if the cards should be centered after the transform // is applied center : true, // add a random factor to the final transform scatter : false };

}, _validateDefaultFanSettings : function( settings ) {

if( !settings.origin ) { settings.origin = this.fanSettings.origin; } else { settings.origin.x = settings.origin.x || this.fanSettings.origin.x; settings.origin.y = settings.origin.y || this.fanSettings.origin.y; } settings.speed = settings.speed || this.fanSettings.speed; settings.easing = settings.easing || this.fanSettings.easing; settings.direction = settings.direction || this.fanSettings.direction; settings.range = settings.range || this.fanSettings.range; settings.translation = settings.translation || this.fanSettings.translation; if( settings.center == undefined ) { settings.center = this.fanSettings.center } if( settings.scatter == undefined ) { settings.scatter = this.fanSettings.scatter }

this.direction = settings.direction;

return settings;

}, _setStack : function( $items ) {

var self = this; $items = $items || this.$items;

$items.each( function( i ) {

$( this ).css( 'z-index', self.itemZIndexMin + self.itemsCount - 1 - i );

} );

}, _updateStack : function( $el, dir ) {

var currZIndex = Number( $el.css( 'z-index' ) ), newZIndex = dir === 'next' ? this.itemZIndexMin - 1 : this.itemZIndexMin + this.itemsCount, extra = dir === 'next' ? '+=1' : '-=1';

$el.css( 'z-index', newZIndex );

this.$items.filter( function() {

var zIdx = Number( $( this ).css( 'z-index' ) ), cond = dir === 'next' ? zIdx < currZIndex : zIdx > currZIndex

return cond;

} ).css( 'z-index', extra );

}, _initEvents : function() {

var self = this;

if( this.options.nextEl !== ) {

$( this.options.nextEl ).on( 'click.baraja', function() {

self._navigate( 'next' ); return false;

} );


if( this.options.prevEl !== ) {

$( this.options.prevEl ).on( 'click.baraja', function() {

self._navigate( 'prev' ); return false;

} );


this.$el.on( 'click.baraja', 'li', function() {

if( !self.isAnimating ) {

self._move2front( $( this ) );


} );

}, _resetTransition : function( $el ) {

$el.css( { '-webkit-transition' : 'none', '-moz-transition' : 'none', '-ms-transition' : 'none', '-o-transition' : 'none', 'transition' : 'none' } );

}, _setOrigin : function( $el, x, y ) {

$el.css( 'transform-origin' , x + '% ' + y + '%' );

}, _setTransition : function( $el, prop, speed, easing, delay ) {

if( !this.supportTransitions ) { return false; } if( !prop ) { prop = 'all'; } if( !speed ) { speed = this.options.speed; } if( !easing ) { easing = this.options.easing; } if( !delay ) { delay = 0; }

var styleCSS = ;

prop === 'transform' ? styleCSS = { '-webkit-transition' : '-webkit-transform ' + speed + 'ms ' + easing + ' ' + delay + 'ms', '-moz-transition' : '-moz-transform ' + speed + 'ms ' + easing + ' ' + delay + 'ms', '-ms-transition' : '-ms-transform ' + speed + 'ms ' + easing + ' ' + delay + 'ms', '-o-transition' : '-o-transform ' + speed + 'ms ' + easing + ' ' + delay + 'ms', 'transition' : 'transform ' + speed + 'ms ' + easing + ' ' + delay + 'ms' } : styleCSS = { '-webkit-transition' : prop + ' ' + speed + 'ms ' + easing + ' ' + delay + 'ms', '-moz-transition' : prop + ' ' + speed + 'ms ' + easing + ' ' + delay + 'ms', '-ms-transition' : prop + ' ' + speed + 'ms ' + easing + ' ' + delay + 'ms', '-o-transition' : prop + ' ' + speed + 'ms ' + easing + ' ' + delay + 'ms', 'transition' : prop + ' ' + speed + 'ms ' + easing + ' ' + delay + 'ms' }

$el.css( styleCSS );

}, _applyTransition : function( $el, styleCSS, fncomplete, force ) {

if( this.supportTransitions ) {

if( fncomplete ) {

$el.on( this.transEndEventName, fncomplete );

if( force ) { fncomplete.call(); }


setTimeout( function() { $el.css( styleCSS ); }, 25 );

} else {

$el.css( styleCSS );

if( fncomplete ) {




}, _navigate : function( dir ) {

this.closed = false;

var self = this, extra = 15, cond = dir === 'next' ? self.itemZIndexMin + self.itemsCount - 1 : self.itemZIndexMin, $item = this.$items.filter( function() {

return Number( $( this ).css( 'z-index' ) ) === cond;

} ), translation = dir === 'next' ? $item.outerWidth( true ) + extra : $item.outerWidth( true ) * -1 - extra, rotation = dir === 'next' ? 5 : 5 * -1;

this._setTransition( $item, 'transform', this.options.speed, this.options.easing );

this._applyTransition( $item, { transform : 'translate(' + translation + 'px) rotate(' + rotation + 'deg)' }, function() {

$item.off( self.transEndEventName ); self._updateStack( $item, dir );

self._applyTransition( $item, { transform : 'translate(0px) rotate(0deg)' }, function() {

$item.off( self.transEndEventName ); self.isAnimating = false; self.closed = true;

} );

} );

}, _move2front : function( $item ) {

this.isAnimating = true;

var self = this, isTop = Number( $item.css( 'z-index' ) ) === this.itemZIndexMin + this.itemsCount - 1, callback = isTop ? function() { self.isAnimating = false; } : function() { return false; }, $item = isTop ? null : $item;

// if it's the one with higher z-index, just close the baraja if( !this.closed ) {

this._close( callback, $item );

} else {



if( isTop ) { return false; }

this._resetTransition( $item ); this._setOrigin( $item, 50, 50 );

$item.css( { opacity : 0, transform : 'scale(2) translate(100px) rotate(20deg)' } );

this._updateStack( $item, 'prev' );

setTimeout( function() {

self._setTransition( $item, 'all', self.options.speed, 'ease-in' ); self._applyTransition( $item, { transform : 'none', opacity : 1 }, function() {

$item.off( self.transEndEventName ); self.isAnimating = false;

} );

}, this.options.speed / 2 );

}, _close : function( callback, $item ) {

var self = this, $items = self.$items, force = this.closed ? true : false;

if( $item ) { $items = $items.not( $item ); }

this._applyTransition( $items, { transform : 'none' }, function() {

self.closed = true; $items.off( self.transEndEventName ); self._resetTransition( $items ); setTimeout(function() {

self._setOrigin( $items, 50, 50 );

if( callback ) { callback.call(); }

}, 25);

}, force );

}, _fan : function( settings ) {

var self = this;

this.closed = false;

settings = this._validateDefaultFanSettings( settings || {} );

// set transform origins // if minX and maxX are passed: if( settings.origin.minX && settings.origin.maxX ) {

var max = settings.origin.maxX, min = settings.origin.minX, stepOrigin = ( max - min ) / this.itemsCount;

this.$items.each( function( i ) {

var $el = $( this ), pos = self.itemsCount - 1 - ( Number( $el.css( 'z-index' ) ) - self.itemZIndexMin ), originX = pos * ( max - min + stepOrigin ) / self.itemsCount + min;

if( settings.direction === 'left' ) {

originX = max + min - originX;


self._setOrigin( $( this ), originX, settings.origin.y );

} );

} else {

this._setOrigin( this.$items, settings.origin.x , settings.origin.y );


this._setTransition( this.$items, 'transform', settings.speed, settings.easing );

var stepAngle = settings.range / ( this.itemsCount - 1 ), stepTranslation = settings.translation / ( this.itemsCount - 1 ), cnt = 0;

this.$items.each( function( i ) {

var $el = $( this ), pos = self.itemsCount - 1 - ( Number( $el.css( 'z-index' ) ) - self.itemZIndexMin ), val = settings.center ? settings.range / 2 : settings.range, angle = val - stepAngle * pos, position = stepTranslation * ( self.itemsCount - pos - 1 );

if( settings.direction === 'left' ) {

angle *= -1; position *= -1;


if( settings.scatter ) {

var extraAngle = Math.floor( Math.random() * stepAngle ), extraPosition = Math.floor( Math.random() * stepTranslation ) ;

// not for the first item.. if( pos !== self.itemsCount - 1 ) {

angle = settings.direction === 'left' ? angle + extraAngle : angle - extraAngle; position = settings.direction === 'left' ? position - extraPosition : position + extraPosition;



// save.. $el.data( { translation : position, rotation : angle } );

self._applyTransition( $el, { transform : 'translate(' + position + 'px) rotate(' + angle + 'deg)' }, function() {

++cnt; $el.off( self.transEndEventName );

if( cnt === self.itemsCount - 1 ) { self.isAnimating = false; }

} );

} );

}, // adds new elements to the deck _add : function( $elems ) {

var self = this, newElemsCount = $elems.length, cnt = 0;

$elems.css( 'opacity', 0 ).appendTo( this.$el );

// reset this.$items = this.$el.children( 'li' ); this.itemsCount = this.$items.length;

// set z-indexes this._setStack( $elems );

// animate new items $elems.css( 'transform', 'scale(1.8) translate(200px) rotate(15deg)' ).reverse().each( function( i ) {

var $el = $( this );

self._setTransition( $el, 'all', 500, 'ease-out', i * 200 ); self._applyTransition( $el, { transform : 'none', opacity : 1 }, function() {


$el.off( self.transEndEventName ); self._resetTransition( $el );

if( cnt === newElemsCount ) { self.isAnimating = false; }

} );

} );

}, _allowAction : function() {

return this.itemsCount > 1;

}, _prepare : function( callback ) {

var self = this;

if( !this.closed ) {

this._close( function() {


} );

} else {



}, _dispatch : function( action, args ) {

var self = this;

if( ( ( action === this._fan || action === this._navigate ) && !this._allowAction() ) || this.isAnimating ) { return false; }

this.isAnimating = true;

this._prepare( function() {

action.call( self, args );

} );

}, // public method: closes the deck close : function( settings ) {

if( this.isAnimating ) { return false; } this._close();

}, // public method: shows next item next : function() {

this._dispatch( this._navigate, 'next' );

}, // public method: shows previous item previous : function() {

this._dispatch( this._navigate, 'prev' );

}, // public method: opens the deck fan : function( settings ) {

this._dispatch( this._fan, settings );

}, // public method: adds new elements add : function ( $elems ) {

this._dispatch( this._add, $elems );



var logError = function( message ) {

if ( window.console ) {

window.console.error( message );



$.fn.baraja = function( options ) {

var instance = $.data( this, 'baraja' );

if ( typeof options === 'string' ) {

var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 );

this.each(function() {

if ( !instance ) {

logError( "cannot call methods on baraja prior to initialization; " + "attempted to call method '" + options + "'" ); return;


if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt(0) === "_" ) {

logError( "no such method '" + options + "' for baraja instance" ); return;


instance[ options ].apply( instance, args );


} else {

this.each(function() {

if ( instance ) {


} else {

instance = $.data( this, 'baraja', new $.Baraja( options, this ) );




return instance;


} )( jQuery, window );