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==Siderophore recoverer destruction==
==Siderophore recoverer destruction==
Once the siderophore has fulfilled its function we need to get rid of it. Indeed the bound between platinum and it is very strong and it would be irrelevant to try to destroy it. That's why we decided to destroy the siderophore itself by a thermal degradation that is to say a incineration. This step will destroy the main componenent of the cells, will remove the water and will destroy most of molecules, including our siderphore. As in the [[Team:Aix-Marseille/Integrated_Practices/Process#The_Source_.28step1.29 |first step]] the burning will reduce the volume of the our materials (from cells to ashes) therefore enhancing its platinum and others metals concentration by a X20 factor.  
Once the siderophore has fulfilled its function we need to get rid of it. Indeed the bound between platinum and it is very strong and it would be irrelevant to try to destroy it. That's why we decided to destroy the siderophore itself by a thermal degradation that is to say a incineration. This step will destroy the main componenent of the cells, will remove the water and will destroy most of molecules, including our siderphore. As in the [[Team:Aix-Marseille/Integrated_Practices/Process#The_Source_.28step1.29 |first step]] the burning will reduce the volume of the our materials (from cells to ashes) therefore enhancing its platinum and others metals concentration by '''a X20 factor'''.  
''For example.....;X20''
This step present another advantage:  in the next step, the most wanted form of platinum is a ionic one and high heat is well known to produce rather ionic particles. Thus the next step will be performed in best conditions.
This step present another advantage:  in the next step, the most wanted form of platinum is a ionic one and high heat is well known to produce rather ionic particles. Thus the next step will be performed in best conditions.
'''In this step cells filtrates or pellets are incinerated, the rest of the process will be performed with the produced ashes.'''
'''In this step cells filtrates or pellets are incinerated, the rest of the process will be performed with the produced ashes.'''
The aim of its step is the conversion of platinum into its final processed form: nanoparticles.
[[Team:Aix-Marseille/Integrated_Practices/Process#Glossary|Biosorption]] can be performed along biological structures since biologic components are known to be excellent sorbents. We planned to perform biosorption along a flagella. Indeed, metallic ions can be sorbed along flagella thus enhancing concentrations. Moreover this step will form nanoparticles because of the reducing power of biological molecules, especially amines contained in proteins is supposed enough to convert ions into reduced (solid) particles. REFF
Experiments should allow to determine which one of the flagella from either ''Escherichia coli'' or from ''Desulfovibrio desulfuricans'' is the best candidate for biosorption.
In order to optimized the formation of nanoparticles and most of all its specificity on platinum, this step should be realized with engineered flagella, containing small [[Team:Aix-Marseille/Design | platinum catching peptids]].
Given their specificity, it should be enough to ensure the majority of produced nanoparticles will be made up of platinum ones.
In practice, ashes of the previous step will be poured in a engineered purified flagella containing solution and incubate with an optimized temperature an duration.
Once the process is performed, nanoparticles will be display all along flagella, and the levels of ionic  platinum particles remained free in the solution should be really low.
It hard to estimate the concentration factor involved in this step as well as the diameter of obtained nanoparticles.
''estimation avec volume d'un flagelle? ''
'''This step consist mainly in pouring the ashes in a solution containing engineered purified flagella and incubated with an optimized temperature an duration.'''   

Revision as of 18:59, 18 September 2016