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                <p id="pp">We approached our Integrated Human Practices from two perspectives: the traditional, integrating the Human Practices into the lab project; and the unconventional, integrating the human practices into itself. We thought we could make the biggest impact in both Human Practices and the lab if we provided cohesive, reassured arguments for our methods. </p>
                <h6>Lab Integration:</h6>
                <p id="pp">By interviewing academic and industry researchers about their understanding of kill switches, we could analyse whether they are effective biosafety mechanisms and if they are appropriate for use in either industry or academic research.</p>
                <p id="pp">Dr Tom Ellis influenced the design of our kill switches by corroborating our theory that multiple kill switches in one system would reduce the error rate significantly - creating a fail safe, in the same way that broad spectrum antibiotics significantly reduces the chances of failure. We had planned on making an operon of KillerOrange and KillerRed, to both broaden the spectrum of light at which the reactive oxygen species are produced, but also significantly reduce the error rates of one. Dr Ellis argued that multiple kill switches in one system might have “less than one in a billion escape rates”.</p>
                <p id="pp">Due to time restraints with our project we decided to focus on providing significant analysis on the kill switches individually, however advice from Markus Geshater of Synthase Limited indicating that multiple kill switches in one system would be unfeasible and the different systems would need to be truly orthogonal to be effective. He explained that if in an industrial setting your synthetic system is producing a protein, then having one or multiple kill switches that are reliant on protein production would reduce the efficiency of production of your desired protein. Furthermore these kill switches could potentially be circumvented by the overexpression of a useful enzyme that is being commercially produced. Consequently, we felt assured in dropping the idea of a multiple kill switch system, because, as our kill switches rely heavily on protein production, and we want to provide analysis for future teams wanting to use kill switches in the future, if their synthetic systems relied on protein production, then our kill switches would be unfeasible. Instead we looked to design three distinct kill switches to test the efficiency of enzymatic, metabolic and DNA degradating mechanisms</p>
                <h6>Outreach Integration:</h6>
                <p id="pp">We have extensive public engagement and education work in our Human Practices section, focusing early on how to best to influence the public in both lower and higher education on engaging with and understanding synthetic biology. But for the equality and diversity section of the Human Practices, we needed to created a well reasoned and grounded project, which both highlights the work of academics at the university and shapes more grounded opinions of equality and diversity in science. Consequently, we wanted to integrate each individual interview into the next, drawing from ideas from previous interviews, so we could properly discuss the problem of gender inequality and the issues raised by both academics and students. This is the best way to create a discussion between the academics as they are providing analysis and personal insight on the opinion and experiences of the academic before. It also allows us to discuss in depth, issues such as the problems associated with maternity and paternity leave in science or the need for massive social and structural change.</p>
                <p id="pp">We also wanted to go some way to integrate the public engagement and education sections into itself, evolving the project as we go. The board game developed through a series of prototypes to the version we have now; we plan on improving it after this year’s iGEM is concluded. The insight of the teachers and students at both the schools we visited and the science fairs shaped the we designed the gameplay of BioMech, as we used them as focus groups, testing all aspects of the board game. For example, from the first addition that we tested at The Judd School, whilst the students thought the 3D printed counters were a good and fun idea, they and the teachers recognised that they would be easily lost; as the game progressed, the game would become more cluttered with more counters used. Furthermore, the students found the original colour matching rules difficult to understand and so we simplified them. </p>

Revision as of 10:29, 11 October 2016