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| |
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− | p {
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− | font-size: 14px;
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| |
− | p.large {
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| |
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| |
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| |
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| |
− | h1,
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− | text-transform: uppercase;
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− | text-transform: uppercase;
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− | font-weight: 700;
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− | color: #fed136;
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− | background-color: white;
| |
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| |
− | .btn-xl {
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− | color: white;
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− | background-color: #fed136;
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− | border-color: #fed136;
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| |
− | text-transform: uppercase;
| |
− | font-weight: 700;
| |
− | border-radius: 3px;
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− | font-size: 18px;
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− | padding: 20px 40px;
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| |
− | .btn-xl:hover,
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− | .btn-xl:focus,
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− | .btn-xl:active,
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− | .btn-xl.active,
| |
− | .open .dropdown-toggle.btn-xl {
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− | color: white;
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− | background-color: #fec503;
| |
− | border-color: #f6bf01;
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| |
− | .btn-xl:active,
| |
− | .btn-xl.active,
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− | .open .dropdown-toggle.btn-xl {
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− | background-image: none;
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− | .btn-xl.disabled,
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− | fieldset[disabled] .btn-xl,
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− | fieldset[disabled] .btn-xl:hover,
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− | .btn-xl[disabled]:focus,
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− | fieldset[disabled] .btn-xl:focus,
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− | .btn-xl.disabled:active,
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− | .btn-xl[disabled]:active,
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− | fieldset[disabled] .btn-xl:active,
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− | .btn-xl[disabled].active,
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− | fieldset[disabled] .btn-xl.active {
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− | background-color: #fed136;
| |
− | border-color: #fed136;
| |
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| |
− | .btn-xl .badge {
| |
− | color: #fed136;
| |
− | background-color: white;
| |
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| |
− | .navbar-custom {
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− | background-color: #222222;
| |
− | border-color: transparent;
| |
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| |
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− | .navbar-custom .navbar-brand:hover,
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− | .navbar-custom .navbar-brand:focus,
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− | .navbar-custom .navbar-brand:active,
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− | color: #fec503;
| |
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− | border-color: #fed136;
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| |
− | text-transform: uppercase;
| |
− | color: white;
| |
− | font-size: 12px;
| |
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| |
− | .navbar-custom .navbar-toggle:hover,
| |
− | .navbar-custom .navbar-toggle:focus {
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− | background-color: #fed136;
| |
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− | font-weight: 400;
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− | letter-spacing: 1px;
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− | color: white;
| |
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| |
− | .navbar-custom .nav li a:hover,
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− | .navbar-custom .nav li a:focus {
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− | outline: none;
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− | color: white;
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| |
− | .navbar-custom .navbar-nav > .active > a:focus {
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− | color: white;
| |
− | background-color: #fec503;
| |
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| |
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− | background-color: transparent;
| |
− | padding: 25px 0;
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− | -moz-transition: padding 0.3s;
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− | transition: padding 0.3s;
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− | border: none;
| |
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− | border-radius: 3px;
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− | background-color: #222222;
| |
− | padding: 10px 0;
| |
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− | .navbar-custom.affix .navbar-brand {
| |
− | font-size: 1.5em;
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | header {
| |
− | background-image: url('../img/header-bg.jpg');
| |
− | background-repeat: no-repeat;
| |
− | background-attachment: scroll;
| |
− | background-position: center center;
| |
− | -webkit-background-size: cover;
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− | background-size: cover;
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− | -o-background-size: cover;
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− | text-align: center;
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− | color: white;
| |
− | }
| |
− | header .intro-text {
| |
− | padding-top: 100px;
| |
− | padding-bottom: 50px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | header .intro-text .intro-lead-in {
| |
− | font-family: "Droid Serif", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
| |
− | font-style: italic;
| |
− | font-size: 22px;
| |
− | line-height: 22px;
| |
− | margin-bottom: 25px;
| |
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− | header .intro-text .intro-heading {
| |
− | font-family: "Montserrat", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
| |
− | text-transform: uppercase;
| |
− | font-weight: 700;
| |
− | font-size: 50px;
| |
− | line-height: 50px;
| |
− | margin-bottom: 25px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | @media (min-width: 768px) {
| |
− | header .intro-text {
| |
− | padding-top: 300px;
| |
− | padding-bottom: 200px;
| |
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− | header .intro-text .intro-lead-in {
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− | font-family: "Droid Serif", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
| |
− | font-style: italic;
| |
− | font-size: 40px;
| |
− | line-height: 40px;
| |
− | margin-bottom: 25px;
| |
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| |
− | header .intro-text .intro-heading {
| |
− | font-family: "Montserrat", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
| |
− | text-transform: uppercase;
| |
− | font-weight: 700;
| |
− | font-size: 75px;
| |
− | line-height: 75px;
| |
− | margin-bottom: 50px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | section {
| |
− | padding: 100px 0;
| |
− | }
| |
− | section h2.section-heading {
| |
− | font-size: 40px;
| |
− | margin-top: 0;
| |
− | margin-bottom: 15px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | section h3.section-subheading {
| |
− | font-size: 16px;
| |
− | font-family: "Droid Serif", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
| |
− | text-transform: none;
| |
− | font-style: italic;
| |
− | font-weight: 400;
| |
− | margin-bottom: 75px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | @media (min-width: 768px) {
| |
− | section {
| |
− | padding: 150px 0;
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | .service-heading {
| |
− | margin: 15px 0;
| |
− | text-transform: none;
| |
− | }
| |
− | #portfolio .portfolio-item {
| |
− | margin: 0 0 15px;
| |
− | right: 0;
| |
− | }
| |
− | #portfolio .portfolio-item .portfolio-link {
| |
− | display: block;
| |
− | position: relative;
| |
− | max-width: 400px;
| |
− | margin: 0 auto;
| |
− | }
| |
− | #portfolio .portfolio-item .portfolio-link .portfolio-hover {
| |
− | background: rgba(254, 209, 54, 0.9);
| |
− | position: absolute;
| |
− | width: 100%;
| |
− | height: 100%;
| |
− | opacity: 0;
| |
− | transition: all ease 0.5s;
| |
− | -webkit-transition: all ease 0.5s;
| |
− | -moz-transition: all ease 0.5s;
| |
− | }
| |
− | #portfolio .portfolio-item .portfolio-link .portfolio-hover:hover {
| |
− | opacity: 1;
| |
− | }
| |
− | #portfolio .portfolio-item .portfolio-link .portfolio-hover .portfolio-hover-content {
| |
− | position: absolute;
| |
− | width: 100%;
| |
− | height: 20px;
| |
− | font-size: 20px;
| |
− | text-align: center;
| |
− | top: 50%;
| |
− | margin-top: -12px;
| |
− | color: white;
| |
− | }
| |
− | #portfolio .portfolio-item .portfolio-link .portfolio-hover .portfolio-hover-content i {
| |
− | margin-top: -12px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | #portfolio .portfolio-item .portfolio-link .portfolio-hover .portfolio-hover-content h3,
| |
− | #portfolio .portfolio-item .portfolio-link .portfolio-hover .portfolio-hover-content h4 {
| |
− | margin: 0;
| |
− | }
| |
− | #portfolio .portfolio-item .portfolio-caption {
| |
− | max-width: 400px;
| |
− | margin: 0 auto;
| |
− | background-color: white;
| |
− | text-align: center;
| |
− | padding: 25px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | #portfolio .portfolio-item .portfolio-caption h4 {
| |
− | text-transform: none;
| |
− | margin: 0;
| |
− | }
| |
− | #portfolio .portfolio-item .portfolio-caption p {
| |
− | font-family: "Droid Serif", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
| |
− | font-style: italic;
| |
− | font-size: 16px;
| |
− | margin: 0;
| |
− | }
| |
− | #portfolio * {
| |
− | z-index: 2;
| |
− | }
| |
− | @media (min-width: 767px) {
| |
− | #portfolio .portfolio-item {
| |
− | margin: 0 0 30px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline {
| |
− | list-style: none;
| |
− | padding: 0;
| |
− | position: relative;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline:before {
| |
− | top: 0;
| |
− | bottom: 0;
| |
− | position: absolute;
| |
− | content: "";
| |
− | width: 2px;
| |
− | background-color: #f1f1f1;
| |
− | left: 40px;
| |
− | margin-left: -1.5px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li {
| |
− | margin-bottom: 50px;
| |
− | position: relative;
| |
− | min-height: 50px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li:before,
| |
− | .timeline > li:after {
| |
− | content: " ";
| |
− | display: table;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li:after {
| |
− | clear: both;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li .timeline-panel {
| |
− | width: 100%;
| |
− | float: right;
| |
− | padding: 0 20px 0 100px;
| |
− | position: relative;
| |
− | text-align: left;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li .timeline-panel:before {
| |
− | border-left-width: 0;
| |
− | border-right-width: 15px;
| |
− | left: -15px;
| |
− | right: auto;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li .timeline-panel:after {
| |
− | border-left-width: 0;
| |
− | border-right-width: 14px;
| |
− | left: -14px;
| |
− | right: auto;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li .timeline-image {
| |
− | left: 0;
| |
− | margin-left: 0;
| |
− | width: 80px;
| |
− | height: 80px;
| |
− | position: absolute;
| |
− | z-index: 100;
| |
− | background-color: #fed136;
| |
− | color: white;
| |
− | border-radius: 100%;
| |
− | border: 7px solid #f1f1f1;
| |
− | text-align: center;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li .timeline-image h4 {
| |
− | font-size: 10px;
| |
− | margin-top: 12px;
| |
− | line-height: 14px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li.timeline-inverted > .timeline-panel {
| |
− | float: right;
| |
− | text-align: left;
| |
− | padding: 0 20px 0 100px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li.timeline-inverted > .timeline-panel:before {
| |
− | border-left-width: 0;
| |
− | border-right-width: 15px;
| |
− | left: -15px;
| |
− | right: auto;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li.timeline-inverted > .timeline-panel:after {
| |
− | border-left-width: 0;
| |
− | border-right-width: 14px;
| |
− | left: -14px;
| |
− | right: auto;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li:last-child {
| |
− | margin-bottom: 0;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline .timeline-heading h4 {
| |
− | margin-top: 0;
| |
− | color: inherit;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline .timeline-heading h4.subheading {
| |
− | text-transform: none;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline .timeline-body > p,
| |
− | .timeline .timeline-body > ul {
| |
− | margin-bottom: 0;
| |
− | }
| |
− | @media (min-width: 768px) {
| |
− | .timeline:before {
| |
− | left: 50%;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li {
| |
− | margin-bottom: 100px;
| |
− | min-height: 100px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li .timeline-panel {
| |
− | width: 41%;
| |
− | float: left;
| |
− | padding: 0 20px 20px 30px;
| |
− | text-align: right;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li .timeline-image {
| |
− | width: 100px;
| |
− | height: 100px;
| |
− | left: 50%;
| |
− | margin-left: -50px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li .timeline-image h4 {
| |
− | font-size: 13px;
| |
− | margin-top: 16px;
| |
− | line-height: 18px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li.timeline-inverted > .timeline-panel {
| |
− | float: right;
| |
− | text-align: left;
| |
− | padding: 0 30px 20px 20px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | @media (min-width: 992px) {
| |
− | .timeline > li {
| |
− | min-height: 150px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li .timeline-panel {
| |
− | padding: 0 20px 20px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li .timeline-image {
| |
− | width: 150px;
| |
− | height: 150px;
| |
− | margin-left: -75px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li .timeline-image h4 {
| |
− | font-size: 18px;
| |
− | margin-top: 30px;
| |
− | line-height: 26px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li.timeline-inverted > .timeline-panel {
| |
− | padding: 0 20px 20px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | @media (min-width: 1200px) {
| |
− | .timeline > li {
| |
− | min-height: 170px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li .timeline-panel {
| |
− | padding: 0 20px 20px 100px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li .timeline-image {
| |
− | width: 170px;
| |
− | height: 170px;
| |
− | margin-left: -85px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li .timeline-image h4 {
| |
− | margin-top: 40px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .timeline > li.timeline-inverted > .timeline-panel {
| |
− | padding: 0 100px 20px 20px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | }
| |
− | .team-member {
| |
− | text-align: center;
| |
− | margin-bottom: 50px;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .team-member img {
| |
− | margin: 0 auto;
| |
− | border: 7px solid white;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .team-member h4 {
| |
− | margin-top: 25px;
| |
− | margin-bottom: 0;
| |
− | text-transform: none;
| |
− | }
| |
− | .team-member p {
| |
− | margin-top: 0;
| |
− | }
| |
− | aside.clients img {
| |
− | margin: 50px auto;
| |
− | }
| |
− | section#contact {
| |
− | background-color: #222222;
| |
− | background-image: url('../img/map-image.png');
| |
− | background-position: center;
| |
− | background-repeat: no-repeat;
| |
− | }
| |
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