Line 5,828: | Line 5,828: | ||
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Revision as of 08:01, 14 October 2016
/*! // Contents // ------------------------------------------------
1. Global Styles 2. Mixins 3. Typography 4. Colours 5. Sections 6. Buttons 7. Nav 8. Tooltips 9. Alerts 10. Icons 11. Forms 12. Accordions 13. Tabs 14. Progress Bars 15. Stats 16. Breadcrumbs 17. Pagination 18. Icon Features 19. Pricing Tables 20. Page Titles 21. Widgets 22. Image Tiles 23. Sliders 24. Galleries 25. Intros 26. Shop 27. Video 28. Blog 29. Image Blocks 30. Portfolio 31. Testimonials 32. Countdown 33. Maps 34. Twitter 35. Footers 36. Spacing
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transform: scale(1); -webkit-transform: scale(1);
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display: none;
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opacity: 1;
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