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          <div class="ui teal ribbon label header">Overview</div>
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          <p>USTCers believe that scientists must take the responsibility of science and technology propagations among the public. Our iGEM team established a club in our university called Encoding Life Association (ELA), especially for the popularization of science among children in China. </p>
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          <p>This year Team USTC, along with ELA, delivered human practice activities for the public. In our human practice section, we combined general biology, molecular engineering and synthetic biology with public health, policies, art, public engagement, education, biosafety, environment and society.
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          <p>In our minds, human practices are not only to clarify what is our synthetic biology, what is our daily work or the common phenomenon of scientific reason, but also to take people into a more in-depth thinking. </p>
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          <p>If a human practice can encourage people to think further, lead them into a new field of scientific research, or even make they become the new scientists, the human practice would seem more precious. Human practice works can also climb up to the highest level of science hall. In fact, it reflects more scientific issues.</p>
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          <div class="ui violet ribbon label header">Poster Presentation and Survey</div>
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          <p>During the Science and Technology Week of our school, we introduced iGEM and synthetic biology to public and our schoolmates by showing posters about the iGEM projects that Team USTC had done, and we also conducted a survey about synthetic biology at the same time.</p>
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          <p>Team USTC members and Team USTC-software members worked together to give presentations to the public, including  professors, students, children and the citizens. Everyone showed great interest to our projects, and we had lots of discussions about the cutting-edge research of biology.  During the presentations, we surveyed the public about their knowledge of biological science, gene engineering, bio-safety  and in particular, synthetic biology.</p>
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          <p>Before holding the presentation, we had done a lot of research and basically determined the theme of our project. So, besides introducing the work of Team USTC in previous years, we also introduced our result of investigation and the rough direction of our project. So the public could know what we were doing.</p>
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          <div class="ui brown ribbon label header">Experiments for Kids</div>
          <p>Bacteria and DNA are what we commonly work with in synthetic biology. And we also frequently talk about them in our daily life. However, the public usually don't have accesses to know them closer,so we managed to make them accessible. </p>
          <p>Attempting to attract more citizens, especially children, to know more about biology, we designed a simple experiment to extract DNA from fruits with kitchen materials. </p>
          <p>Experiment procedures:
            1. Grind the fruit(strawberry, watermelon, peach or kiwifruit) with NaCl into paste.
            2. Add 5ml domestic detergent and keep stirring for 1min.
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            3. Filter it.
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            4. Add 10 ml EtOH into filtrate.
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          5. Nodular DNA shows.</p>
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          <p>We do hope our human practice can attract kids to think further, lead them into a new field of scientific research, or even make they become new scientists one day. It turned to be a great success. The experiment taught kids basic konwledge on synthetic biology and molecule biology. In the experiment, children have to choose the finest fruit to extract DNA. So it also stimulates their interests on the process of research.</p>
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          <p>&quot;With this experiment we--both me and my kid--have learned a lot about biology. I have never expected that I can SEE DNA with my own eyes.&quot; said a parent,&quot;It's quite amzing. I'll do it again with my kid in our own kitchen!&quot;
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            <div class="ui orange ribbon label header">Plastic for Plants</div>
          The ecological stability of human settlements is part of the relationship between humans and their natural, social and built environments.Fundamental human needs such as the availability and quality of air, water, food and shelter are also linked to sustainable development. However, the pollution from plastic has become a main block of sustainable development nowadays. So we held an event called 'Plastic for Plants', aiming to recycle massive plastic from college students. And we sent out plants in return.</p>
          <p>Environmental sustainability concerns the natural environment and how it endures and remains diverse and productive. Since natural resources are derived from the environment, the state of air, water, and the climate are of particular concern. To protect our planet, the waste of plastic, or 'White Pollution' for more exact, must be settled down.
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            As a synthetic biology lab, we first studied a lot about 'plastic's biology decomposition'. Though we didn't choose it as our project at last, we found synthetic biology a useful tool to deal with white pollution in the future. Then we held about 3 conferences to discuss what and how we can do to deal with plastic waste with synthetic biology. During the discussion, we came out with some practicable solution. A bright future with no more white pollution is showed in front of us.
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            After that, we held a environmental friendly event called 'Plastic for Plants' combined with some popularization of science. We asked college students to collect their used plastic things for about 3 months and bring them to us then. We would send these bottles to the plastic recycling center and we would give students some plants as a reward.
          Integral elements for a sustainable development are research and innovation activities. From the recycling center, we were told that the percentage of plastic that can be fully recycled, rather than downcycled or go to waste can be increased when manufacture technique improves. On the other hand, the use of biodegradable plastics is increasing. As future synthetic biologic scientists, we are determined to green the economy and the society as a whole so to achieve a truly sustainable development in the future.</p>
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          <div class="ui blue ribbon label header">Lecture for High School Students</div>
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          <p>We invited a group of high school students to see our laboratory and tell them something about synthetic biology and our project. In this way we hope to share some knowledge of science and attract them to devote to themselves to the process of discovering mysteries of nature in the future. </p>
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          <p>A lecture on general molecular biology, synthetic biology and iGEM was held in July. We introduced the basic molecular biology mechanism and iGEM to high school students who were deeply intrigued in biology.
          <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/6/69/Hp_19.jpeg" /></p>
          <p>In the beginning we introduced iGEM to students using 3 interesting iGEM projects as examples. Then we held a small class for the students: we exquisitely prepared a presentation specifically for students to introduce to them the basic knowledge of DNA and genetic engineering with simple words and lovely pictures. </p>
          <p>We talked about the scale, location, function, discovery and shape of DNA based on history and researches as well as knowledge of genetic engineering introduced by a project done by USTC in iGEM 2014. </p>
          <p>We also included a brief history about the development of synthetic biology in the lecture, hoping to impress them about the mechanism in biological world and thus they might be attracted into the field of biology in the future.</p>
          <p>After that we showed them around our laboratory and introduce our equipments to them. In addition, procedure and some rules of using peptites were also taught to them. Many of the high school students showed strong interest in our project and biological experiments.</p>
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          <p>Then we played a video describing our daily experiments in laboratory, which was transcribed in advance. The video consists of four parts, plasmids extraction, making mediums, digging out single colonies and electrolysis, which were completed by four of our team members, respectively. With that video, high school students could gain more detailed and comprehensive knowledge of our experiments and project. In this way, we aimed to enhance their interest about synthetic biology.</p>
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          <p>Finally, since it is the 10th year that we have attended iGEM, the history of USTCers' participating in iGEM was told to them. We encouraged them to study harder to join us one day, so that our glory will be continued by THEMSELVES.</p>
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          <p>Although nowadays it become difficult for public to catch up with the rapidly developing science, we still believe few can influence many with their constructive suggestions and going into action so that one day people in China, even all over the world, will go forward with science shoulder by shoulder.</p>
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          <div class="ui red ribbon label header">Introduction of iGEM to freshmen</div>
          <p>In the beginning of this semester we held a lecture for freshmen of our university to introduce iGEM competition as well as our project to them. By holding this lecture we wish to encourage those new students who are interested in synthetic biology and likely to choose biology as their major to try to learn more about this field and participate in iGEM competition next year.</p>
          <p>Kaiyue Ma, the leader of Team USTC, gave them an introduction about molecular biology told them what the scientists do with the technique of synthetic biology. During the lecure, we tried to show that scientists hire the cutting-edge technology to explore the complex metabolic process of organisms and creat new applications for practical use such as Genetically Modified Organisms and treatment for diseases at the same time.</p>
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          <p>The lecture also included brief introductions of our project this year. The leader shared with them information about the spliting of GFP protein and the aggregation of prions. In addition, he talked about the iGEM competition and our trial and errors and of course achievements in our experiments and researches. In this way we hope to evoke their passion to biological science, passing on knowledge and enthusiasm to them, which might encourage them to work hard and try to make innonations in this field in the future.</p>
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          <p>It seemed that they were very interested in our project and synthetic biology. Some of them asked questions about our project about the details and others communicated a lot with our team members after the lecture. We were glad to share our ideas and experiences with them. We wish they could improve their knowledge and ability during their courses and maybe next year, they will take part in the iGEM competition for themselves. </p>
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<div class="ui teal ribbon label header">Motivation – Start from Here</div>
<p>When talking about prions, an extremely dangerous pathogen will come to most people’s mind. That’s true, because prions usually cause serious diseases such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) in bovine and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease in human beings. It sounds horrible, but actually this is what attracts us most and where we begin our project. </p>
<p>How do these diseases initiate and develop by the infection of such simple proteins?</p>
<p>Prion proteins have two states: normal folding state PrPc and misfolding state PrPsc, it’s known that PrPc can misfold to transform into PrPsc. And then, PrPsc can go on to convert more PrPc into PrPsc, leading to a chain reaction resulting in large amounts of PrPsc. These PrPsc can polymerize into an aggregate called amyloid fiber. Finally, clumps of high polymer form, causing a series of diseases.
Without any change in genes, prions achieve the goal of changing its structure and function. This ability allows prions to control the host cell in a more direct way, skipping long and complicated processes of transcription and translation. So it’s natural to imagine that, if scientists can regulate the transformation between PrPc and PrPsc, it’s of high possibility for them to develop a method with which they can control the host cell or the function of other proteins at protein level. </p>
<p>However, high pathogenicity of prions prevent people from using it in experiments. Luckily, there are several yeast prions have been found in recent sicentific reseaches. These proteins are harmless to animals, so can be used in our experiments. Sup35 is one kind of yesat prions which is found in [<em>PSI+</em>] <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae<em>. [</em>PSI</em>+] is the prion phenotype which causes nonsense suppression of all three types of stop codons. Sup35 is the translation release factor of <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</em>,
which has three domains: N, M and C. Among them, NM domain is the Prion-Determining Region (PrD), which decides the property of yeast prion. It’s incredible that when PrD is fused with another protein, the fusion protein behaves just like prions. We’d like to describe it as a mysterious power with which one can determine the structure and function, in other words, destiny of a given protein.</p>
<p>According to some published article, Sup35 has several properties. It aggregates at a certain temperature range which is around 37℃~42℃, and protein denaturant Guanidine Hydrochloride (GdnHCL) can eliminate the aggregation. So by changing temperature and concentration of GdnHCL, one can decide whether or not Sup35 aggregates.</p>
<div class="ui blue ribbon label header">Circuits – Make the Most of PrD of Sup35</div>
<p>In traditional Chinese thought, everything is in the balance of Yin and Yang, that is to say, it can show two opposing characters. When it is extreme in one side, it will turn to the opposite side. Aggregation is the most salient character of Sup35, so it must has the opposite character, separation. Based on this seeming weird thought, two circuits are designed, one shows aggregation, and the other shows separation. </p>
<p>The first circuit is based on Yeast two-hybrid system. In this system, BD is binding domain and fused with X protein, AD is activating domain and fused with Y protein. When X binds to Y, the final fusion protein can activate the expression of downstream gene.</p>
<p><img src="https://attachments.tower.im/tower/71f7149ec6964d5b8833ef1eea129f5c?filename=The+Yeast+two-hybrid+system%28Y2H%29+.jpg" />  
**[Figure 1] The Yeast two-hybrid system(Y2H) **</p>
<p>This is our first circuit shown in <strong>figure 2</strong>. The Prion-Determining Region, shown as PR, replace the protein X and Y in Y2H. We give it heat shock and fusion protein can be generated to activate downstream gene. Meanwhile, GdnHCL can inhibit the formation of this fusion protein, and inhibit the expression of downstream gene (GFP in our experiments). Reporter genes can be any genes of interest, so we can use this circuit to realize many functions by controlling the expression.
<img src="https://attachments.tower.im/tower/a7ff2b01afb94f70b02e8d9beea449f0?filename=circuit+1.png" />  
<strong>[Figure 2] Propri-ontein</strong></p>
<p>Our second circuit derives from GFP splitting and protein detection technique. GFP can be split into two fragments: GFP1-10 and GFP11. GFP11 is linked to protein X. When two fragments of GFP connect to each other, green fluorescence is visible. When protein X is inaccessible, for example, aggragating, green fluorescence will disappear. To avoid misfolding of GFP when expressed as a fusion with other protein, we use a robustly folded version of GFP, called “superfolder” GFP (sfGFP), that folds well even when fused to poorly folded polypeptides.
<img src="https://attachments.tower.im/tower/4d792cf69f2b468e908923940d9d0ab2?filename=GFP+splitting+%26+protein+detection.jpg" />
<strong>[Figure 3] GFP splitting &amp; protein detection</strong></p>
<p>Then we construct circuit 2 like shown in <strong>figure 4</strong>, sfGFP11 is linked to PrD. In this circuit, green fluorescence is invisible when heat shock is added because of Prions assembling, and visible when GdnHCl is added. Similar to circuit 1, sfGFP can be altered to any genes of interest.
<img src="https://attachments.tower.im/tower/0d4b8d4139de48e783a87700f05934c8?filename=Pro+priontein.png" />  
<strong>[Figure 4] Pro Priontein</strong></p>
<p>We name the first circuit 'Propri-ontein', which means connecting two proteins (AD and BD) by prion, in other words, aggregation; and the second circuit 'Pro Priontein', which means stopping the reassembling of two proteins by prion, in other words, separation.</p>
<div class="ui orange ribbon label header">Achievements – Enjoy What We Do</div>
<p>With these two circuits (systems), controlling proteins in a quick and direct way at protein level, won’t be only a dream. Since PrD is sensitive to temperature, both circuits can be used as biological temperature control switches and biological temperature indicators.</p>
<p>With modeling as an useful tool (temperature and concentration of GdnHCL as two variables), quantitative purposes can be reached. In Propri-ontein system, the expression level of reporter protein can be regulated quantitatively. In Pro priontein system, the amount of reassembled protein can also be regulated quantitatively.</p>
<p>We are confident of and looking forward to the practical utilizations of our systems in future industry field and lab work!</p>
<div class="ui brown ribbon label header">Contribution – Improvement to Parts</h2>
Our part is Part: BBa_K2009363 ,designed by Kaiyue Ma. We construted this composite by ligating GAL1 promoter + Kozak sequence (Part:BBa_J63006) and GFP (Part:BBa_E0040). However, the ATG inside the KOZAK sequence won't be in the same reading frame as the ATG of the downstream coding sequence, so a frame-shift mutation is inevitable. To solve this problem, we add a base pair after the Kozak sequence so that the ATG can be in the same reading frame and the GFP can be expressed properly. What’s more, this part become “ready to use”, which means the GFP sequence can be directly altered by other functional parts and the sequence will be expressed properly.</p>
Our part is Part: BBa_K2009357 .This part's designer is Kaiyue Ma.The Prion-determining region of Sup35 we used is originally provided by Dong Men, PhD of Wuhan Insititue of Virology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the sequence is not quite the same as the existing sequence in the Parts Registry, for a lot of mutations have been done. The standardization of this gene is completed by ourselves by adding the Biobrick prefix and suffix to its ends and the introduction of site mutation to eliminate PstI cutting site inside it. Compared to the sequence submitted by other teams, our Sup35 gene is shorter, which means lower expressing pressure and the possibility to express more protein in <em>E.coli</em>.</p>
<div class="ui gray ribbon label header">References and Sources</h2>
<p>[1] Wickner RB. [URE3] as an altered URE2 protein: evidence for a prion analog in S. cerevisiae. Science 1994; 264:566-9.
[2] True HL, Lindquist SL. A yeast prion provides a mechanism for genetic variation and phenotypic diversity. Nature 2000; 407:477-83.
[3] Sparrer HE, Santoso A, Szoka FC Jr, Weissman JS (2000) Evidence for the prion hypothesis: Induction of the yeast [PSI+] factor by in vitro- converted Sup35 protein. Science 289(5479):595–599.
[4] Chernoff YO (2004) Amyloidogenic domains, prions and structural inheritance: rudiments of early life or recent acquisition? Curr Opin Chem Biol 8: 665–671.
[5] Von der Haar T, Tuite MF (2007) Regulated translational bypass of stop codons in yeast. Trends Microbiol 15: 78–86.
[6] Eaglestone SS, Cox BS, Tuite MF (1999) Translation termination efficiency can be regulated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by environmental stress through a prion-mediated mechanism. EMBO J 18: 1974–1981.
[7] Nakayashiki T, Kurtzman CP, Edskes HK, Wickner RB (2005) Yeast prions [URE3] and [PSIþ] are diseases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102: 10575–10580.
[8] Chernoff YO, Galkin AP, Lewitin E, Chernova TA, Newnam GP, et al. (2000) Evolutionary conservation of prion-forming abilities of the yeast Sup35 protein. Mol Microbiol 35: 865–876.
[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prion
[10] Uptain S M, Lindquist S. Prions as protein-based genetic elements[J]. Annual Reviews in Microbiology, 2002, 56(1): 703-741.
[11] McGuire J. Prions: in [PSI] t from yeast[J]. Eukaryon, 2005, 1(1): 8.
[12] Ferreira P C, Ness F, Edwards S R, et al. The elimination of the yeast [PSI+] prion by guanidine hydrochloride is the result of Hsp104 inactivation[J]. Molecular microbiology, 2001, 40(6): 1357-1369.
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[14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-hybrid_screening
[15] Cabantous S, Terwilliger T C, Waldo G S. Protein tagging and detection with engineered self-assembling fragments of green fluorescent protein[J]. Nature biotechnology, 2005, 23(1): 102-107.
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[17] http://www.dxy.cn/bbs
[18] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sup35p
[19] Feinberg E H, VanHoven M K, Bendesky A, et al. GFP Reconstitution Across Synaptic Partners (GRASP) defines cell contacts and synapses in living nervous systems[J]. Neuron, 2008, 57(3): 353-363.
[20] Cabantous S, Waldo G S. In vivo and in vitro protein solubility assays using split GFP[J]. Nature methods, 2006, 3(10): 845-854.
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<h2>Motivation – Start from Here</h2>
<p>When talking about prions, an extremely dangerous pathogen will come to most people’s mind. That’s true, because prions usually cause serious diseases such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) in bovine and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease in human beings. It sounds horrible, but actually this is what attracts us most and where we begin our project. </p>
<p>How do these diseases initiate and develop by the infection of such simple proteins?</p>
<p>Prion proteins have two states: normal folding state PrPc and misfolding state PrPsc, it’s known that PrPc can misfold to transform into PrPsc. And then, PrPsc can go on to convert more PrPc into PrPsc, leading to a chain reaction resulting in large amounts of PrPsc. These PrPsc can polymerize into an aggregate called amyloid fiber. Finally, clumps of high polymer form, causing a series of diseases.
Without any change in genes, prions achieve the goal of changing its structure and function. This ability allows prions to control the host cell in a more direct way, skipping long and complicated processes of transcription and translation. So it’s natural to imagine that, if scientists can regulate the transformation between PrPc and PrPsc, it’s of high possibility for them to develop a method with which they can control the host cell or the function of other proteins at protein level. </p>
<p>However, high pathogenicity of prions prevent people from using it in experiments. Luckily, there are several yeast prions have been found in recent sicentific reseaches. These proteins are harmless to animals, so can be used in our experiments. Sup35 is one kind of yesat prions which is found in [<em>PSI+</em>] <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae<em>. [</em>PSI</em>+] is the prion phenotype which causes nonsense suppression of all three types of stop codons. Sup35 is the translation release factor of <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</em>,
which has three domains: N, M and C. Among them, NM domain is the Prion-Determining Region (PrD), which decides the property of yeast prion. It’s incredible that when PrD is fused with another protein, the fusion protein behaves just like prions. We’d like to describe it as a mysterious power with which one can determine the structure and function, in other words, destiny of a given protein.</p>
<p>According to some published article, Sup35 has several properties. It aggregates at a certain temperature range which is around 37℃~42℃, and protein denaturant Guanidine Hydrochloride (GdnHCL) can eliminate the aggregation. So by changing temperature and concentration of GdnHCL, one can decide whether or not Sup35 aggregates.</p>
<h2>Circuits – Make the Most of PrD of Sup35</h2>
<p>In traditional Chinese thought, everything is in the balance of Yin and Yang, that is to say, it can show two opposing characters. When it is extreme in one side, it will turn to the opposite side. Aggregation is the most salient character of Sup35, so it must has the opposite character, separation. Based on this seeming weird thought, two circuits are designed, one shows aggregation, and the other shows separation. </p>
<p>The first circuit is based on Yeast two-hybrid system. In this system, BD is binding domain and fused with X protein, AD is activating domain and fused with Y protein. When X binds to Y, the final fusion protein can activate the expression of downstream gene.</p>
<p><img src="https://attachments.tower.im/tower/71f7149ec6964d5b8833ef1eea129f5c?filename=The+Yeast+two-hybrid+system%28Y2H%29+.jpg" />  
**[Figure 1] The Yeast two-hybrid system(Y2H) **</p>
<p>This is our first circuit shown in <strong>figure 2</strong>. The Prion-Determining Region, shown as PR, replace the protein X and Y in Y2H. We give it heat shock and fusion protein can be generated to activate downstream gene. Meanwhile, GdnHCL can inhibit the formation of this fusion protein, and inhibit the expression of downstream gene (GFP in our experiments). Reporter genes can be any genes of interest, so we can use this circuit to realize many functions by controlling the expression.
<img src="https://attachments.tower.im/tower/a7ff2b01afb94f70b02e8d9beea449f0?filename=circuit+1.png" />
<strong>[Figure 2] Propri-ontein</strong></p>
<p>Our second circuit derives from GFP splitting and protein detection technique. GFP can be split into two fragments: GFP1-10 and GFP11. GFP11 is linked to protein X. When two fragments of GFP connect to each other, green fluorescence is visible. When protein X is inaccessible, for example, aggragating, green fluorescence will disappear. To avoid misfolding of GFP when expressed as a fusion with other protein, we use a robustly folded version of GFP, called “superfolder” GFP (sfGFP), that folds well even when fused to poorly folded polypeptides.
<img src="https://attachments.tower.im/tower/4d792cf69f2b468e908923940d9d0ab2?filename=GFP+splitting+%26+protein+detection.jpg" />  
<strong>[Figure 3] GFP splitting &amp; protein detection</strong></p>
<p>Then we construct circuit 2 like shown in <strong>figure 4</strong>, sfGFP11 is linked to PrD. In this circuit, green fluorescence is invisible when heat shock is added because of Prions assembling, and visible when GdnHCl is added. Similar to circuit 1, sfGFP can be altered to any genes of interest.
<img src="https://attachments.tower.im/tower/0d4b8d4139de48e783a87700f05934c8?filename=Pro+priontein.png" />
<strong>[Figure 4] Pro Priontein</strong></p>
<p>We name the first circuit 'Propri-ontein', which means connecting two proteins (AD and BD) by prion, in other words, aggregation; and the second circuit 'Pro Priontein', which means stopping the reassembling of two proteins by prion, in other words, separation.</p>
<h2>Achievements – Enjoy What We Do</h2>
<p>With these two circuits (systems), controlling proteins in a quick and direct way at protein level, won’t be only a dream. Since PrD is sensitive to temperature, both circuits can be used as biological temperature control switches and biological temperature indicators.</p>
<p>With modeling as an useful tool (temperature and concentration of GdnHCL as two variables), quantitative purposes can be reached. In Propri-ontein system, the expression level of reporter protein can be regulated quantitatively. In Pro priontein system, the amount of reassembled protein can also be regulated quantitatively.</p>
<p>We are confident of and looking forward to the practical utilizations of our systems in future industry field and lab work!</p>
<h2>Contribution – Improvement to Parts</h2>
Our part is Part: BBa_K2009363 ,designed by Kaiyue Ma. We construted this composite by ligating GAL1 promoter + Kozak sequence (Part:BBa_J63006) and GFP (Part:BBa_E0040). However, the ATG inside the KOZAK sequence won't be in the same reading frame as the ATG of the downstream coding sequence, so a frame-shift mutation is inevitable. To solve this problem, we add a base pair after the Kozak sequence so that the ATG can be in the same reading frame and the GFP can be expressed properly. What’s more, this part become “ready to use”, which means the GFP sequence can be directly altered by other functional parts and the sequence will be expressed properly.</p>
Our part is Part: BBa_K2009357 .This part's designer is Kaiyue Ma.The Prion-determining region of Sup35 we used is originally provided by Dong Men, PhD of Wuhan Insititue of Virology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the sequence is not quite the same as the existing sequence in the Parts Registry, for a lot of mutations have been done. The standardization of this gene is completed by ourselves by adding the Biobrick prefix and suffix to its ends and the introduction of site mutation to eliminate PstI cutting site inside it. Compared to the sequence submitted by other teams, our Sup35 gene is shorter, which means lower expressing pressure and the possibility to express more protein in <em>E.coli</em>.</p>
<h2>References and Sources</h2>
<p>[1] Wickner RB. [URE3] as an altered URE2 protein: evidence for a prion analog in S. cerevisiae. Science 1994; 264:566-9.
[2] True HL, Lindquist SL. A yeast prion provides a mechanism for genetic variation and phenotypic diversity. Nature 2000; 407:477-83.
[3] Sparrer HE, Santoso A, Szoka FC Jr, Weissman JS (2000) Evidence for the prion hypothesis: Induction of the yeast [PSI+] factor by in vitro- converted Sup35 protein. Science 289(5479):595–599.
[4] Chernoff YO (2004) Amyloidogenic domains, prions and structural inheritance: rudiments of early life or recent acquisition? Curr Opin Chem Biol 8: 665–671.
[5] Von der Haar T, Tuite MF (2007) Regulated translational bypass of stop codons in yeast. Trends Microbiol 15: 78–86.
[6] Eaglestone SS, Cox BS, Tuite MF (1999) Translation termination efficiency can be regulated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by environmental stress through a prion-mediated mechanism. EMBO J 18: 1974–1981.
[7] Nakayashiki T, Kurtzman CP, Edskes HK, Wickner RB (2005) Yeast prions [URE3] and [PSIþ] are diseases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102: 10575–10580.
[8] Chernoff YO, Galkin AP, Lewitin E, Chernova TA, Newnam GP, et al. (2000) Evolutionary conservation of prion-forming abilities of the yeast Sup35 protein. Mol Microbiol 35: 865–876.
[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prion
[10] Uptain S M, Lindquist S. Prions as protein-based genetic elements[J]. Annual Reviews in Microbiology, 2002, 56(1): 703-741.
[11] McGuire J. Prions: in [PSI] t from yeast[J]. Eukaryon, 2005, 1(1): 8.
[12] Ferreira P C, Ness F, Edwards S R, et al. The elimination of the yeast [PSI+] prion by guanidine hydrochloride is the result of Hsp104 inactivation[J]. Molecular microbiology, 2001, 40(6): 1357-1369.
[13] Tkach J M, Glover J R. Amino acid substitutions in the C-terminal AAA+ module of Hsp104 prevent substrate recognition by disrupting oligomerization and cause high temperature inactivation[J]. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2004, 279(34): 35692-35701.
[14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-hybrid_screening
[15] Cabantous S, Terwilliger T C, Waldo G S. Protein tagging and detection with engineered self-assembling fragments of green fluorescent protein[J]. Nature biotechnology, 2005, 23(1): 102-107.
[16] Pédelacq J D, Cabantous S, Tran T, et al. Engineering and characterization of a superfolder green fluorescent protein[J]. Nature biotechnology, 2006, 24(1): 79-88.
[17] http://www.dxy.cn/bbs
[18] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sup35p
[19] Feinberg E H, VanHoven M K, Bendesky A, et al. GFP Reconstitution Across Synaptic Partners (GRASP) defines cell contacts and synapses in living nervous systems[J]. Neuron, 2008, 57(3): 353-363.
[20] Cabantous S, Waldo G S. In vivo and in vitro protein solubility assays using split GFP[J]. Nature methods, 2006, 3(10): 845-854.
[21] Patterson G H, Knobel S M, Sharif W D, et al. Use of the green fluorescent protein and its mutants in quantitative fluorescence microscopy[J]. Biophysical journal, 1997, 73(5): 2782.
[22] Ritossa F. A new puffing pattern induced by temperature shock and DNP in Drosophila[J]. Experientia, 1962, 18(12): 571-573.
[23] Stemmer W P. DNA shuffling by random fragmentation and reassembly: in vitro recombination for molecular evolution[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1994, 91(22): 10747-10751.</p>
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Motivation – Start from Here

When talking about prions, an extremely dangerous pathogen will come to most people’s mind. That’s true, because prions usually cause serious diseases such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) in bovine and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease in human beings. It sounds horrible, but actually this is what attracts us most and where we begin our project.

How do these diseases initiate and develop by the infection of such simple proteins?

Prion proteins have two states: normal folding state PrPc and misfolding state PrPsc, it’s known that PrPc can misfold to transform into PrPsc. And then, PrPsc can go on to convert more PrPc into PrPsc, leading to a chain reaction resulting in large amounts of PrPsc. These PrPsc can polymerize into an aggregate called amyloid fiber. Finally, clumps of high polymer form, causing a series of diseases. Without any change in genes, prions achieve the goal of changing its structure and function. This ability allows prions to control the host cell in a more direct way, skipping long and complicated processes of transcription and translation. So it’s natural to imagine that, if scientists can regulate the transformation between PrPc and PrPsc, it’s of high possibility for them to develop a method with which they can control the host cell or the function of other proteins at protein level.

However, high pathogenicity of prions prevent people from using it in experiments. Luckily, there are several yeast prions have been found in recent sicentific reseaches. These proteins are harmless to animals, so can be used in our experiments. Sup35 is one kind of yesat prions which is found in [PSI+] Saccharomyces cerevisiae. [PSI+] is the prion phenotype which causes nonsense suppression of all three types of stop codons. Sup35 is the translation release factor of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which has three domains: N, M and C. Among them, NM domain is the Prion-Determining Region (PrD), which decides the property of yeast prion. It’s incredible that when PrD is fused with another protein, the fusion protein behaves just like prions. We’d like to describe it as a mysterious power with which one can determine the structure and function, in other words, destiny of a given protein.

According to some published article, Sup35 has several properties. It aggregates at a certain temperature range which is around 37℃~42℃, and protein denaturant Guanidine Hydrochloride (GdnHCL) can eliminate the aggregation. So by changing temperature and concentration of GdnHCL, one can decide whether or not Sup35 aggregates.

Circuits – Make the Most of PrD of Sup35

In traditional Chinese thought, everything is in the balance of Yin and Yang, that is to say, it can show two opposing characters. When it is extreme in one side, it will turn to the opposite side. Aggregation is the most salient character of Sup35, so it must has the opposite character, separation. Based on this seeming weird thought, two circuits are designed, one shows aggregation, and the other shows separation.

The first circuit is based on Yeast two-hybrid system. In this system, BD is binding domain and fused with X protein, AD is activating domain and fused with Y protein. When X binds to Y, the final fusion protein can activate the expression of downstream gene.

**[Figure 1] The Yeast two-hybrid system(Y2H) **

This is our first circuit shown in figure 2. The Prion-Determining Region, shown as PR, replace the protein X and Y in Y2H. We give it heat shock and fusion protein can be generated to activate downstream gene. Meanwhile, GdnHCL can inhibit the formation of this fusion protein, and inhibit the expression of downstream gene (GFP in our experiments). Reporter genes can be any genes of interest, so we can use this circuit to realize many functions by controlling the expression. [Figure 2] Propri-ontein

Our second circuit derives from GFP splitting and protein detection technique. GFP can be split into two fragments: GFP1-10 and GFP11. GFP11 is linked to protein X. When two fragments of GFP connect to each other, green fluorescence is visible. When protein X is inaccessible, for example, aggragating, green fluorescence will disappear. To avoid misfolding of GFP when expressed as a fusion with other protein, we use a robustly folded version of GFP, called “superfolder” GFP (sfGFP), that folds well even when fused to poorly folded polypeptides. [Figure 3] GFP splitting & protein detection

Then we construct circuit 2 like shown in figure 4, sfGFP11 is linked to PrD. In this circuit, green fluorescence is invisible when heat shock is added because of Prions assembling, and visible when GdnHCl is added. Similar to circuit 1, sfGFP can be altered to any genes of interest. [Figure 4] Pro Priontein

We name the first circuit 'Propri-ontein', which means connecting two proteins (AD and BD) by prion, in other words, aggregation; and the second circuit 'Pro Priontein', which means stopping the reassembling of two proteins by prion, in other words, separation.

Achievements – Enjoy What We Do

With these two circuits (systems), controlling proteins in a quick and direct way at protein level, won’t be only a dream. Since PrD is sensitive to temperature, both circuits can be used as biological temperature control switches and biological temperature indicators.

With modeling as an useful tool (temperature and concentration of GdnHCL as two variables), quantitative purposes can be reached. In Propri-ontein system, the expression level of reporter protein can be regulated quantitatively. In Pro priontein system, the amount of reassembled protein can also be regulated quantitatively.

We are confident of and looking forward to the practical utilizations of our systems in future industry field and lab work!

Contribution – Improvement to Parts

  1. Part:BBa_J63006 Our part is Part: BBa_K2009363 ,designed by Kaiyue Ma. We construted this composite by ligating GAL1 promoter + Kozak sequence (Part:BBa_J63006) and GFP (Part:BBa_E0040). However, the ATG inside the KOZAK sequence won't be in the same reading frame as the ATG of the downstream coding sequence, so a frame-shift mutation is inevitable. To solve this problem, we add a base pair after the Kozak sequence so that the ATG can be in the same reading frame and the GFP can be expressed properly. What’s more, this part become “ready to use”, which means the GFP sequence can be directly altered by other functional parts and the sequence will be expressed properly.

  2. Part:BBa_K1739000 Our part is Part: BBa_K2009357 .This part's designer is Kaiyue Ma.The Prion-determining region of Sup35 we used is originally provided by Dong Men, PhD of Wuhan Insititue of Virology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the sequence is not quite the same as the existing sequence in the Parts Registry, for a lot of mutations have been done. The standardization of this gene is completed by ourselves by adding the Biobrick prefix and suffix to its ends and the introduction of site mutation to eliminate PstI cutting site inside it. Compared to the sequence submitted by other teams, our Sup35 gene is shorter, which means lower expressing pressure and the possibility to express more protein in E.coli.

References and Sources

[1] Wickner RB. [URE3] as an altered URE2 protein: evidence for a prion analog in S. cerevisiae. Science 1994; 264:566-9. [2] True HL, Lindquist SL. A yeast prion provides a mechanism for genetic variation and phenotypic diversity. Nature 2000; 407:477-83. [3] Sparrer HE, Santoso A, Szoka FC Jr, Weissman JS (2000) Evidence for the prion hypothesis: Induction of the yeast [PSI+] factor by in vitro- converted Sup35 protein. Science 289(5479):595–599. [4] Chernoff YO (2004) Amyloidogenic domains, prions and structural inheritance: rudiments of early life or recent acquisition? Curr Opin Chem Biol 8: 665–671. [5] Von der Haar T, Tuite MF (2007) Regulated translational bypass of stop codons in yeast. Trends Microbiol 15: 78–86. [6] Eaglestone SS, Cox BS, Tuite MF (1999) Translation termination efficiency can be regulated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by environmental stress through a prion-mediated mechanism. EMBO J 18: 1974–1981. [7] Nakayashiki T, Kurtzman CP, Edskes HK, Wickner RB (2005) Yeast prions [URE3] and [PSIþ] are diseases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102: 10575–10580. [8] Chernoff YO, Galkin AP, Lewitin E, Chernova TA, Newnam GP, et al. (2000) Evolutionary conservation of prion-forming abilities of the yeast Sup35 protein. Mol Microbiol 35: 865–876. [9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prion [10] Uptain S M, Lindquist S. Prions as protein-based genetic elements[J]. Annual Reviews in Microbiology, 2002, 56(1): 703-741. [11] McGuire J. Prions: in [PSI] t from yeast[J]. Eukaryon, 2005, 1(1): 8. [12] Ferreira P C, Ness F, Edwards S R, et al. The elimination of the yeast [PSI+] prion by guanidine hydrochloride is the result of Hsp104 inactivation[J]. Molecular microbiology, 2001, 40(6): 1357-1369. [13] Tkach J M, Glover J R. Amino acid substitutions in the C-terminal AAA+ module of Hsp104 prevent substrate recognition by disrupting oligomerization and cause high temperature inactivation[J]. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2004, 279(34): 35692-35701. [14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-hybrid_screening [15] Cabantous S, Terwilliger T C, Waldo G S. Protein tagging and detection with engineered self-assembling fragments of green fluorescent protein[J]. Nature biotechnology, 2005, 23(1): 102-107. [16] Pédelacq J D, Cabantous S, Tran T, et al. Engineering and characterization of a superfolder green fluorescent protein[J]. Nature biotechnology, 2006, 24(1): 79-88. [17] http://www.dxy.cn/bbs [18] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sup35p [19] Feinberg E H, VanHoven M K, Bendesky A, et al. GFP Reconstitution Across Synaptic Partners (GRASP) defines cell contacts and synapses in living nervous systems[J]. Neuron, 2008, 57(3): 353-363. [20] Cabantous S, Waldo G S. In vivo and in vitro protein solubility assays using split GFP[J]. Nature methods, 2006, 3(10): 845-854. [21] Patterson G H, Knobel S M, Sharif W D, et al. Use of the green fluorescent protein and its mutants in quantitative fluorescence microscopy[J]. Biophysical journal, 1997, 73(5): 2782. [22] Ritossa F. A new puffing pattern induced by temperature shock and DNP in Drosophila[J]. Experientia, 1962, 18(12): 571-573. [23] Stemmer W P. DNA shuffling by random fragmentation and reassembly: in vitro recombination for molecular evolution[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1994, 91(22): 10747-10751.

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