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“The project seemed like a great opportunity to get some laboratory experience and I hoped for an educational experience by participating in an official research project” - Sigrid Kristensen
<p> It was important for the team not to exclude anyone from getting the opportunity to learn a lot during the summer and being a part of our team. This is reflected in the background of the three high school students, who are enrolled at three different high schools and had various experience with laboratory work and biotechnology in general.</p>
<blockquote> <!-- quote from masterhead duplicate -->
                <p>"I would like to experience the laboratory work in projects like this and improve my competences"</p>
                <small>Tobias Bertramsen, <cite title="Source Title">Borupgaard High School</cite></small>
<p> Common for all of them, though, was the eagerness to learn, their enthusiasm about the project and their ability to ask questions and challenge us on our basic biotechnology knowledge and skills! </p>
<p> We asked Sigrid, Tobias and Rasmus after the summer: <i>“What was the best part about joining the DTU iGEM team?”</i></p>

Revision as of 14:30, 16 October 2016

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leader under the title, short introduction. Ubique moderatius efficiantur eum et, dico oporteat recusabo ius cu, pro id modus sadipscing. Maluisset patrioque eum ad, mel eius doctus accommodare eu, minimum deleniti repudiandae mel ea. Noster nostrud diceret sea no. Eos an nullam molestiae signiferumque, vel ne laudem ignota oblique. Duo te luptatum percipitur signiferumque, at dicunt iriure dolorem his.

Our Plan of Attack

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Someone famous in Source Title

Amazing projects can be conducted in the laboratory without anyone ever hearing about the possibilities the research brings. With this in mind, going beyond the lab bench was crucial to us.

Our human practices efforts had three aspects. We wanted to tell our community, fellow students and the students of the future about the field of synthetic biology and more specific the exciting project we were working on. This was done by inviting high school students to join our team, getting attention in nationwide newspaper and taking on all the opportunities we had to share our experiences (see sections below). Secondly, we wanted to give high school student all over Denmark the opportunity to work with assembly of BioBricks. This Biosensor project reached over 200 high schools nationwide (link to the site). At last, our project is very industry-based which made it very important for us to consult and spar with relevant industrial companies within our project framework (link to integrated human practices).

High Schoolers joining our team

"I could see a great potential of getting an amazing experience which would challenge and develop my skills within biotechnology"

Rasmus Hildebrandt, H.C. Ørsted High School
One of the most important thing for the us when receiving so much backup, enthusiasm and getting such a great opportunity as being a part of iGEM was to give something back. Therefore, we at the DTU BioBuilders fetched reinforcements in the form of three amazing high school students during the summer. Our three students, Sigrid, Tobias and Rasmus helped us out in the lab and gained valuable skills which will be of great value for them in their future studies.

"The project seemed like a great opportunity to get some laboratory experience and I hoped for an educational experience by participating in an official research project"

Sigrid Kristensen, Bagsværd High School
It was important for the team not to exclude anyone from getting the opportunity to learn a lot during the summer and being a part of our team. This is reflected in the background of the three high school students, who are enrolled at three different high schools and had various experience with laboratory work and biotechnology in general.

"I would like to experience the laboratory work in projects like this and improve my competences"

Tobias Bertramsen, Borupgaard High School
Common for all of them, though, was the eagerness to learn, their enthusiasm about the project and their ability to ask questions and challenge us on our basic biotechnology knowledge and skills!

We asked Sigrid, Tobias and Rasmus after the summer: “What was the best part about joining the DTU iGEM team?”

Section 2.1



Section 2.2



Section 2.3



Section 3

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Section 4

Has ut facer debitis, quo eu agam purto. In eum justo aeterno. Sea ut atqui efficiantur, mandamus deseruisse at est, erat natum cum eu. Quot numquam in vel. Salutatus euripidis moderatius qui ex, eu tempor volumus vituperatoribus has, ius ea ullum facer corrumpit.

Section 5

Has ut facer debitis, quo eu agam purto. In eum justo aeterno. Sea ut atqui efficiantur, mandamus deseruisse at est, erat natum cum eu. Quot numquam in vel. Salutatus euripidis moderatius qui ex, eu tempor volumus vituperatoribus has, ius ea ullum facer corrumpit.

Section 6

Has ut facer debitis, quo eu agam purto. In eum justo aeterno. Sea ut atqui efficiantur, mandamus deseruisse at est, erat natum cum eu. Quot numquam in vel. Salutatus euripidis moderatius qui ex, eu tempor volumus vituperatoribus has, ius ea ullum facer corrumpit.

Section 7

Has ut facer debitis, quo eu agam purto. In eum justo aeterno. Sea ut atqui efficiantur, mandamus deseruisse at est, erat natum cum eu. Quot numquam in vel. Salutatus euripidis moderatius qui ex, eu tempor volumus vituperatoribus has, ius ea ullum facer corrumpit.

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