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    <h3>Human<br> Practices</h3>
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<h2 id="Overview">Human Practices</h2><br>
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<p>In Korea, many biologically-related affairs occurred like the cases above. Many interpretation can exists, explaining the reason behind the cause of the affairs, but we thought of 2 major reasons.</p>
<ul><li> Lack of measures and laws related to biotechnology</li>
<li>Lack of Korean society’s interest to biotechnology</li></ul>
<p>We, as IGEMers, thought of solutions to solve these problems. </p>
<h2>Associated BioConference</h2>
<p><font size=4px>For the interactive communication between science and society, the breakaway of traditional concept of communication is needed; in other words, one-way information transfer from scientific scholars to the general public should be avoided. Instead, easy and intuitive way of the general public recognizing the severity of contemporary social problems should be provided, and therefore encouraage them to voluntarily participate in an effort to solve problems. We have systematically approached the issue by dividing the subjects of communication into three categories- <strong><a href="#1">1. Academia and Industry</a> / <a href="#2">2. Local Communities</a> / <a href="#3">3. Educational Fields</a>  </strong></font>.</font></p>
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/f/f5/Korea_U_Seoul_HPmain.gif">
<p>In order to academically communicate with other biology-major undergraduates of Korea and make synthetic biology more widely known, we Korea U Seoul joined Associated BioConference consisting of YBSF of Yonsei University, LEBEN of Sogang University, HOLIC of Hanyang Universitiy, and LALS of Korea University. By actively participating and leading the Associated BioConference, we could not only explain the concept of synthetic biology, but explain the ethical issues following with the development of synthetic biology and possible solution to the issues. </p>
<h4 id="1">1. Communication with Academia and Industry [<a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Korea_U_Seoul/HP/Silver">Link</a>] </h4><br>
<ul><li>Education about synthetic biology</li>
<p><font size=4px>The foremost area in which change is necessary is the domestic academia including currently working science professionals. Until now, domestic academia had focused on the single field of perspective as a method of recognizing the severity of contemporary social problems and attempts to solve them. However, the limitations of this method has been already revealed. This has drawn attention to potential possibilities of synthetic biology, which encompasses various academic fields such as biotechnology, engineering science and information technology. </font></p><br>
<ul><li>Even biology major students couldn’t confidently define synthetic biology</li>
<p><font size=4px>To contribute in changing this perception, Korea_U_Seoul had demonstrated the potential possibilities of synthetic biology through EMFC in SWEET 2016, an exhibition of new renewable energy where various domestic science research institutes and companies gathered. Furthermore, by observing and learning from research performances of other companies, we could expand our scientific insight and improve our project. Korea_U_Seoul’s effort will be a bridgehead to solve the continuing severance between respective fields in science. </font></p><br>
<li>As result of our introductory presentation to synthetic biology, we provoked interest and deliver knowledge of synthetic biology.</li></ul>
<li>Academic interaction with other biology-major undergraduate every month</li>
<h4 id="2">2. Communication with Local Communities [<a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Korea_U_Seoul/Engagement#public">Link</a>]</h4><br>
<ul><li>Associated BioConference acted as a group that can share insights and knowledge with other biology major students around Korea.</li></ul>
<p><font size=4px>Finally, besides current and future science professionals, we value communication with non-specialists as well. The driving force of solving contemporary social problems is rooted in the actions taken in the daily life of every members of society. Instead of the common notion that scientists tended to have of non-specialists as being a “subject of education,” we considered them as a “subject of communication”. Ultimately, we believe interactive communication between science and society should fundamentally be something that is induced by the voluntary participation of every member of the society in an effort to acknowledge and solve the global issues of the 21st century. Through the “Green Campus” activities carried out with Korea University and Seongbuk-gu citizens, we were able to let members of the local community realize the severity of contemporary social problems and the importance of synthetic biology as part of the solution to such problems. Conclusively we made them aware of the fact that small actions in their daily lives can lead to big changes. The activities with Green Campus was an opportunity for voluntary participation and interactive communication rather than simply one-way education, and we too were able to more deeply look into problems that local communities are facing. </font>.</p><br>
<li>Discussion about research ethics and bioethics</li>
<h4 id="3">3. Communication with Educational Fields [<a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Korea_U_Seoul/Engagement#education">Link</a>]</h4><br>
<ul><li>Aside from academic topics usually discussed at the Associated BioConference, we raised question about ethics (both research ethics and bioethics). We discussed about role of synthetic biologists and biologists dealing with the above issues, and shared individual insights. By the thorough discussion, we had a chance to expand our thought and knowledge about ethical issues in biology, especially in synthetic biology’s field. </li></ul></ul>
<p><font size=4px>Our project is not solely focused on change within the sphere of academia and industry. By providing young future scientists opportunities to learn and experience the significance of our team’s project, we could expect long-term waves of change starting by widening their insight. Our team had visited Hansung Science High School and had an educational session introducing our project, instilling the importance of synthetic biology as an academic field, and educating them proper values and attitudes required for scientists. The interaction with high school students was meaningful in that it provided the opportunity for future members of the science community to earnestly consider their individual roles within the society. </font>.</p><br>
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실험실 안에서만 활동하는 연구자가 아니라 직접 사회와 소통하는 합성생물학자가 되기 위해 합성생물학을 직접 대중들에게 교육하고 소통하는 기회를 마련하였다.
이를 위해 합성생물학을 단순히 소개하는 것이 아니라 연구자가 가져야 될 윤리,&nbsp; 대중들의 논의가 있어야 올바른 사회 시스템이 구축된다는 점, 합성생물학과 생명공학이 직면한 생명 윤리적 문제 등을 대중들과 서로 나누고 소통하였다.
<div id="open_seminar">
대상을 생명공학/ 합성생물학에 관심있는 일반 대중으로 확대하여 아이젬과 여러 합성생물학 프로젝트들에 대해 소개, 합성생물학이 직면한 윤리적 문제들에 대해 대중들과 직접 소통하는 기회를 가졌다.
1주차 : 합성생물학 / iGEM / KUAS 소개
2주차 : 합성생물학에서의 기술 / 여러 연구 사례
3주차 : iGEM에 나왔던 프로젝트 소개
4주차 : 합성생물학 / 생명공학이 직면한(할) 윤리적 / 사회적 어려움
<li>참가자 수 : 4주동안 총~명의 참가자가 있었다.</li>
<li>설문조사 결과 : 첫 오픈 세미나였고 더욱 발전된 세미나를 만들기 위해 우리는 설문조사를 진행하였다. 진행한 결과(도표)</li>
<li>토론 결과</li>
<li>앞으로의 활동에 미친 영향</li>
<div class="section-spacer">
<div id="association">
<div class="slim">
다양한 대학의 생명과학도들과 교류하고 합성생물학에 대해 알리기.(생명공학을 전공하는 학생들에게 합성생물학이 직면한 윤리적 문제 제기, 알리는 활동)
합성생물학에 대해 교육하였다.
<li>생명과학 전공자조차 합성생물학에 대해 들어는 보았으나 정확하게 알지 못하였음 (각 대학의 교육과정에 합성생물학이 없었다. 보여주기 graphic)</li>
<li>연합학회원들의 합성생물학에 대한 관심 상승</li>
매달 타 대학의 전공자들과 만나 학문적 교류
<li>폐쇄적인 학회, 연구집단이 아니라 다양한 사람과 교류할 수 있는 사회적인 학회로서 활동</li>
연구 윤리 / 생명윤리에 대한 주제 발의
<li>지금껏 연합학회에선 학문적인 내용의 발표만 있었다면, 그외의 연구자가 생각해봐야할 것들에 대해 생각해보는 계기를 마련하였다.</li>
<li>(사회에서의 합성생물학, 생명공학 연구자가 가져야할 자세 등에 대해 논의 하였다.)</li>
의미 도출:
<li>그래픽&amp;옵션 : 참가자들 (최석원/ 조용우/ 장화영)의 코멘트 / 연합학회 규모</li>
<div class="section-spacer">
<div class="section" id="media_B">
<div class="slim">
한국 내 합성생물학과 우리의 iGEM 프로젝트를 알려 합성생물학에 대한 관심을 불러일으키기 위해 미디어 활동을 진행하였다.
<h3>과학동아 인터뷰</h3>
대한민국 최대 과학 잡지이며 매월 발행부수가 95000인 과학동아에 인터뷰 기사가 실렸다. 더 넓은 범위의 대상으로 소통범위 확대하여 Korea U Seoul / iGEM에 대해 소개할 수 있었다.
<h3>Facebook page 운영</h3>
<li>Korea U Seoul이 진행했던 활동 ( SWEET / Green campus )</li>
<li>교육, 세미나에 내용을 카드 뉴스로 제작</li>
<li>환경 개선을 위한 지식 공유</li>
<h4>결과 (2016/8/13현재)</h4>
<li>도달 수 9185</li>
<li>좋아요 수 161 (게시물 좋아요수 215)</li>
<li>게시물 수 16개</li>
<li>코멘트 수 106</li>
<div class="col-md-3 contents-sidebar">
<div class="col-md-3 contents-sidebar" >
<ul id="sidebar" class="nav nav-stacked" data-spy="affix">
<ul id="sidebar" class="nav nav-stacked" data-spy="affix" style="margin: 3.3em 0 0 1.6em;">
<li><a href="#introduction_B">introduction_B</a></li>
<li><a href="#Overview">Human Practices</a>
<li><a href="#Communication_B">Communication_B</a>
<ul class="nav nav-stacked">
<ul class="nav nav-stacked">
<li><a href="#open_seminar">Open Seminar</a></li>
<li><a href="#1">1. Communication with Academia and Industry</a></li>
<li><a href="#association">Association</a></li>
<li><a href="#2">2. Communication with Local Communities</a></li>
<li><a href="#3">3. Communication with Educational Fields</a></li>
<li><a href="#media_B">Media_B</a></li>
<li><a href="#practices_outreach">Outreach</a>
<ul class="nav nav-stacked">
<li><a href="#practices_outreach-bbc-radio-oxford">BBC Radio Oxford</a></li>
<li><a href="#practices_outreach-uniq-workshop">UNIQ workshop</a></li>
<li><a href="#practices_outreach-utc-oxfordshire">UTC Oxfordshire</a></li>
<li><a href="#practices_outreach-bang">Bang! Magazine</a></li>
<li><a href="#references">References</a></li>

Latest revision as of 17:12, 19 October 2016


Human Practices

For the interactive communication between science and society, the breakaway of traditional concept of communication is needed; in other words, one-way information transfer from scientific scholars to the general public should be avoided. Instead, easy and intuitive way of the general public recognizing the severity of contemporary social problems should be provided, and therefore encouraage them to voluntarily participate in an effort to solve problems. We have systematically approached the issue by dividing the subjects of communication into three categories- 1. Academia and Industry / 2. Local Communities / 3. Educational Fields .

1. Communication with Academia and Industry [Link]

The foremost area in which change is necessary is the domestic academia including currently working science professionals. Until now, domestic academia had focused on the single field of perspective as a method of recognizing the severity of contemporary social problems and attempts to solve them. However, the limitations of this method has been already revealed. This has drawn attention to potential possibilities of synthetic biology, which encompasses various academic fields such as biotechnology, engineering science and information technology.

To contribute in changing this perception, Korea_U_Seoul had demonstrated the potential possibilities of synthetic biology through EMFC in SWEET 2016, an exhibition of new renewable energy where various domestic science research institutes and companies gathered. Furthermore, by observing and learning from research performances of other companies, we could expand our scientific insight and improve our project. Korea_U_Seoul’s effort will be a bridgehead to solve the continuing severance between respective fields in science.

2. Communication with Local Communities [Link]

Finally, besides current and future science professionals, we value communication with non-specialists as well. The driving force of solving contemporary social problems is rooted in the actions taken in the daily life of every members of society. Instead of the common notion that scientists tended to have of non-specialists as being a “subject of education,” we considered them as a “subject of communication”. Ultimately, we believe interactive communication between science and society should fundamentally be something that is induced by the voluntary participation of every member of the society in an effort to acknowledge and solve the global issues of the 21st century. Through the “Green Campus” activities carried out with Korea University and Seongbuk-gu citizens, we were able to let members of the local community realize the severity of contemporary social problems and the importance of synthetic biology as part of the solution to such problems. Conclusively we made them aware of the fact that small actions in their daily lives can lead to big changes. The activities with Green Campus was an opportunity for voluntary participation and interactive communication rather than simply one-way education, and we too were able to more deeply look into problems that local communities are facing. .

3. Communication with Educational Fields [Link]

Our project is not solely focused on change within the sphere of academia and industry. By providing young future scientists opportunities to learn and experience the significance of our team’s project, we could expect long-term waves of change starting by widening their insight. Our team had visited Hansung Science High School and had an educational session introducing our project, instilling the importance of synthetic biology as an academic field, and educating them proper values and attitudes required for scientists. The interaction with high school students was meaningful in that it provided the opportunity for future members of the science community to earnestly consider their individual roles within the society. .