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<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">Meetings</h2>
<p class="Raleway">From the very beginning our team established two equally important goals for the project: 1) finding an existing problem; 2) developing a theoretical concept to solve it. For this reason, we consulted with a number of specialists such as gastroenterologist and medical microbiologist, who advised us on theoretical and practical parts of our project. Most importantly, throughout the project timeline, our team kept in touch with clinical geneticists, one of whom is the leading Lithuanian physician specialising in the treatment of phenylketonuria. <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">Read more</a></p>
<p class="Raleway">Every successful project starts with a thoughtful idea. Therefore, in the beginning of the project, it is important not only to generate an idea but as well to find compelling arguments that it is absolutely necessary to carry it out. Seeking to accomplish this, we <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">consulted</a> with a number of professionals on PKU field, including gastroenterologist and medical microbiologist. Most importantly, throughout the project timeline, our team kept in touch with medical geneticists, which is the leading investigator of phenylketonuria cases in Lithuania. Due to this work, we ascertained the necessity of our project, as every other patient is not able to follow the strict diet due to various reasons, which leads to mental retardation. There are no other treatments besides the diet for people suffering from severe form of PKU, which is the most common among cases, thus, a new medical approach would be very beneficial. </p>
<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">PKU patients association and summer camp</h2>
<p class="Raleway">Next step after our project's importance affirmation was to gather the informational background on possible approaches. At this step, we consulted with many experienced and keen to help scientists from Vilnius University Life Sciences Centre as well as with scientists from 'Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics'. We were communicating with professional throughout the whole project. We are especially thankful to  'Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics' scientific team, with which we held meetings every week to present our project and discuss problems we encountered.  </p>
<p class="Raleway">As we are designing a product meant for a particular public, our most important task is to communicate with potential users: ascertain the necessity of our product and adjust its design to their needs. For this reason, we cooperated with association "Dalia" - an organisation, which brings together all the PKU patients from Lithuania and several families from Latvia and Estonia. We were provided with all the relevant information on the disease, the patients and the available treatment. Moreover, our team participated in the annual summer camp for PKU patients in which we not only presented our idea, but also met the people who are likely to use our probiotic. The possibility to discuss our idea with affected people or their relatives were really useful for further planning of our project and also inspired us to try our best. <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">Read more</a></p>
<p class="Raleway">While being quite a large team, consisting of 16 members, we had difficulties in reasonably dividing work. Thus, we <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/HP/iGEM/">surveyed</a> 50 iGEM teams from previous years to gather some information about the team management in order to understand what is the best way to organise work in the team while trying to achieve best results. We then reorganised our team according to the results and divided it into subgroups to make work more efficient. </p>
<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">Survey on probiotics</h2>
<p class="Raleway">During our work, we experienced certain difficulties while addressing society, public and private organisations because of the lack of business entity. To ease partnership with organisations and dialogue with the society we founded a non-profit association <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">'SinBiO'</a> -  Organisation of Synthetic Biology  ('Sintetinės Biologijos Organizacija'). Its main goals are to support Vilnius iGEM team and events it holds, organise educational activities, enlighten the society about life sciences and unite students and scientists, interested in synthetic biology. </p>
<p class="Raleway">As a part of collaboration with Oxford iGEM team, we have conducted a survey on the probiotic delivery system in both United Kingdom and Lithuania. The survey contained several questions regarding people’s preferences in the appearance, intake method and frequency of the probiotics. The intention of the survey was to aid the design of a probiotic, which would meet the needs of the potential users. The survey provided us with the thorough understanding of the people’s needs regarding probiotics. It helped us to fulfill our project in the way, which is the most appealing to the potential users and this has always been our primary aim. <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">Read more</a></p>
<p class="Raleway">Considering the possible design, our most important task was to communicate with potential users: ascertain the necessity of our product one more time and adjust its design to their needs. To further implement our research into practice and understand those affected by the disease, we have met with the <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">Lithuanian Phenylketonuria Patients Association 'Dalia'</a> and participated in the annual association camp in which we not only presented our idea but also met the people who are likely to use our probiotic. Another thing we did to better understand the needs of our potential beneficiaries, was conducting a <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">survey</a> on the use of probiotics. We adjusted our ideas to the results of this survey and information we collected during our visit: decided to create an everyday use probiotic in a form of a pill. </p>
<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">Organisation of Synthetic Biology  „SinBiO“</h2>
<p class="Raleway">To summarise, during our project we sought to optimise our work to create best possible approach by communicating with specialists and potential users and reasonably managing teamwork using our additional work's beneficial outputs. </p>
<p class="Raleway">In order to establish a strong tradition of Lithuania iGEM team and to spread the knowledge about perspectives of synthetic biology we founded a non profit association - "Organisation of Synthetic Biology" (Sintetinės Biologijos Organizacija) - "SinBiO". It unites students who are interested in synthetic biology and are eager to contribute to raising awareness about it and possibilities it provides. <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">Read more</a></p>
<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">"Successful iGEM team" survey</h2>
<p class="Raleway">We surveyed 50 iGEM teams from previous years to gather some information about the team management in order to understand what is the best way to organise work in the team while trying to achieve best results. Results showed few consistent patterns which can be used by future iGEM teams. We also reorganised our team according to the results and divided it into subgroups to make work more efficient. <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/HP/iGEM/">Read more</a></p>
<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">Discussion cycle "Café Scientifique"</h2>
<p class="Raleway">In collaboration with "Café Scientifique" project ambassadors in Lithuania - Baltic Institute of Advanced Technology (BPTI), our team organised discussions cycle. The subject of each event was chosen in order to cover as many questions about life sciences as possible. 5 discussions were conducted – about Synthetic biology and GMO’s, Biotechnology in Lithuania, Human genome editing, Art and science and finally Rare genetic diseases. Around 50 people were participating in each event. <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all"> Read more </a></p>

Revision as of 18:13, 19 October 2016

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Integrated Practices

Every successful project starts with a thoughtful idea. Therefore, in the beginning of the project, it is important not only to generate an idea but as well to find compelling arguments that it is absolutely necessary to carry it out. Seeking to accomplish this, we consulted with a number of professionals on PKU field, including gastroenterologist and medical microbiologist. Most importantly, throughout the project timeline, our team kept in touch with medical geneticists, which is the leading investigator of phenylketonuria cases in Lithuania. Due to this work, we ascertained the necessity of our project, as every other patient is not able to follow the strict diet due to various reasons, which leads to mental retardation. There are no other treatments besides the diet for people suffering from severe form of PKU, which is the most common among cases, thus, a new medical approach would be very beneficial.

Next step after our project's importance affirmation was to gather the informational background on possible approaches. At this step, we consulted with many experienced and keen to help scientists from Vilnius University Life Sciences Centre as well as with scientists from 'Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics'. We were communicating with professional throughout the whole project. We are especially thankful to 'Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics' scientific team, with which we held meetings every week to present our project and discuss problems we encountered.

While being quite a large team, consisting of 16 members, we had difficulties in reasonably dividing work. Thus, we surveyed 50 iGEM teams from previous years to gather some information about the team management in order to understand what is the best way to organise work in the team while trying to achieve best results. We then reorganised our team according to the results and divided it into subgroups to make work more efficient.

During our work, we experienced certain difficulties while addressing society, public and private organisations because of the lack of business entity. To ease partnership with organisations and dialogue with the society we founded a non-profit association 'SinBiO' - Organisation of Synthetic Biology ('Sintetinės Biologijos Organizacija'). Its main goals are to support Vilnius iGEM team and events it holds, organise educational activities, enlighten the society about life sciences and unite students and scientists, interested in synthetic biology.

Considering the possible design, our most important task was to communicate with potential users: ascertain the necessity of our product one more time and adjust its design to their needs. To further implement our research into practice and understand those affected by the disease, we have met with the Lithuanian Phenylketonuria Patients Association 'Dalia' and participated in the annual association camp in which we not only presented our idea but also met the people who are likely to use our probiotic. Another thing we did to better understand the needs of our potential beneficiaries, was conducting a survey on the use of probiotics. We adjusted our ideas to the results of this survey and information we collected during our visit: decided to create an everyday use probiotic in a form of a pill.

To summarise, during our project we sought to optimise our work to create best possible approach by communicating with specialists and potential users and reasonably managing teamwork using our additional work's beneficial outputs.