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Measuring the Optical Density of the <i>Shewanella oneidensis</i> FeFe and NiFe hydrogenases knockout strain (LS473, ∆<i>HydABC,HyaABC</i>) and wildtype strain (MR-1) with a media control
Protein expression assays for FeFe hydrogenase expression from the golden gate <i>hydABC</i> gene cluster construct<br/></div>
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To measure the optical density (OD) at 590 nm of both the wildtype MR-1 <i>Shewanella oneidensis</i> and strain ∆<i>HydABC,HyaABC</i> when cultured anaerobically and quantify the amount of hydrogen in the headspace gas using gas chromatography </p>
After successful electroporation< of the <i>hydABC</i> cluster (FeFe hydrogenase expression vector) into <i>Shewanella oneidensis</i> MR-1 SDS page and western blot analysis were conducted to investigate whether the gene cluster was expressing protein. We also wanted to assess the extent to which the arabinose inducible promoter gave control over levels of hydrogenase enzymes present. Our biobricks contain a version of the HydB transfer subunit of the FeFe HydABC hydrogenase enzyme with a C-terminal streptavidin tag which was used as a target for the primary antibody during western blot analysis. </p>
<div class="subTitle">Method</div>
<div class="subTitle">Methods</div>
As the hydrogenase of interest within our bacteria is oxygen sensitive we grew the wildtype MR1 <i>Shewanella oneidensis</i> strains in M72 media under anaerobic conditions. Refer to respective protocols for the preparation of M72 media with the additional 'Additional Growth Additions' (AGA). Protocol 'Gas Chromatography Preparation' also covers the purging procedure to removal almost all the oxygen within the hungate tube headspace and how often each OD should be taken during the 24-hour incubation period. The last step is to measure the hydrogen content of the headspace gas which is detailed under 'Gas Chromatography Readings'. </p>
See relevant protocols for <i>S. oneidensis</i> sample preparation, SDS page and western blots. The OD was checked every 2h before the correct OD was reached for induction. The induction phase was done roughly 12h before the cells were pelleted and the appropriate protocol was applied, the pelleted cells were not frozen. </p>
<div class="subTitle">Results: Optical Density Readings</div>
<div class="subTitle">Results: SDS-PAGE</div>
<p class="centerTextMiddle"><span class="bold">Table 1. Cuvettes (stock bacteria solutions used to inoculate hungate tubes)</span></p>
<table class="tables" style="width: 550px; margin: auto;">
<th>Machine Reading</th>
<th>Scaled Value</th>
<br /><br />
Figure shows an SDS page gel of <i>Shewanella oneidensis</i> MR-1 whole cell lysates from the MR-1:<i>hydABC</i> strain in lanes 2, 3 & 4 and from the <i>ΔhydABC, hyaABC</i> strains in lanes 6, 7 and 8. Comparing lanes 2, 3 and 4 the MR-1:<i>hydABC</i> strain did not appear to show increasing levels of expression from 1mM of arabinose sample (lane 3) and the 10mM arabinose sample (lane 4). Even comparing these to lane 2, where no arabinose was added, there is no discernible difference in the amount of protein expressed. Comparing lanes 6, 7 and 8 the increasing arabinose expression did not appear to make a difference to the levels of protein expressed in the cells. This makes sense as the <i>ΔHydABC, HyaABC</i> strain does not contain our <i>hydABC</i> expression vector and therefore arabinose should have no effect on protein expression. As for lanes 2, 3 and 4, the lack of difference in protein expression levels indicates arabinose may not have induced expression levels of protein above the background levels of expression in the wild type <i>S. oneidensis</i>. This would be clearer but during the electroporation experiments we failed to transform the <i>hydABC</i> construct into the <i>ΔHydABC, HyaABC</i> strain. As the wild type expression background is present in our <i>S. oneidensis</i> strain containing the <i>hydABC</i> expression vector it is difficult to perceive differences in levels of expression.
<p class="centerTextMiddle">
<span class="bold"> Table 2. Optical density readings for the MR-1 and LS473, ∆<i>HydABC,HyaABC</i> strains and media control over a 24-hour period. </span>
<table class="tables" style="width: 850px; margin: auto;">
<th style="border-bottom: 0px;">Sample</th>
<th colspan="10">Time (Hours)</th>
<th style="border-bottom: 0px;">&#x0394; optical density</th>
<td style="background: #e9f8ff;"></td>
<td style="background: #e9f8ff;"></td>
<td>Media (1)</td>
<td>Media (2)</td>
<td>MR1 (1)</td>
<td>MR1 (2)</td>
<td>LS473 (1)</td>
<td>LS473 (2)</td>
<br /><br />
These results are as expected as all bacteria show a trend of increasing Optical Density. However, there is a spike in the growth of the LS473/∆<i>HydABC,HyaABC</i> bacteria during hour 5 and 6 before the OD drops again and levels out, as seen in table 2. By contrast the MR1 bacteria grow at a steadier rate over time before levelling out. This trend is shown in figure 1, which shows the LS473<∆<i>HydABC,HyaABC</i> strain peaking with an OD of 0.64, before levelling out after 20 hours with an OD of approximately 0.47. While the MR1 wildtype strain shows a gradual increase in OD over time, but also levelling out over 20 hours with an OD of around 0.44. </p>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/4/40/T--NRP-UEA-Norwich--graph.jpg" class="showFullSizeImage" />
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/d/db/T--NRP-UEA-Norwich--lysates.png" width="500" style="margin-left:180px" class="showFullSizeImage" />
                 <span class="bold"> Figure 1. Growth curve of <i>Shewanella</i> for wildtype MR-1 and Double FeFe NiFe hydrogenase knock out (LS473/∆<i>HydABC,HyaABc</i>) strains over a 24 hour period kept under 30°C incubation </span>. The cultural media is a negative control. </p>
                 <span class="bold"><b>Figure 1.</b> SDS-page gel of <i>Shewanella oneidensis</i> MR-1 cell lysates with various concentrations of arabinose added at an optical density (OD) of ~0.5nm. Lane 1 contains the size marker ladder, with the size of each fragment in kDa marked to the left. Lanes 2, 3 & 4 contain S. oneidensis MR-1 transformed with HydABC FeFe plasmid (MR1:<i>hydABC</i>). In lane 2 0mM of arabinose was added, 1mM in lane 3 and 10mM in lane 4. Lane 5 is empty. Lanes 6, 7 & 8 contain the double knockout strain of <i>S. oneidensis</i> MR-1 (MR-1:DK), lacking both the FeFe & NiFe hydrogenase. In lane 6 0mM of arabinose was added, 1mM in lane 7 and 10mM in lane 8.</p>
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<div class="subTitle">Results: Optical Density Readings</div>
<div class="subTitle">Western Blots</div>
<p class="centerTextMiddle">
<span class="bold">Table 3. Table displaying the chromatograph results, including the retention time, peak area and amount of H2 gas for each headspace. </span>
We ran western blots against the strep-tag attached to the C-terminus of the HydB subunit. These experiments failed to confirm expression of the hydrogenase enzymes from our golden gate expression vector. There are numerous possible reasons for this, the obvious one being the proteins weren’t expressing and the construct does not work. However we cannot write off our construct outright based on this data; other researchers in our lab working with the same strep-tag in <i>S. oneidensis</i> also came across issues getting the antibodies to bind the tag. The hypothesis is that the tag gets cleaved off at some point during protein assembly. Due to the short time frame of this project we were unable to explore the issue further. This means our construct may be expressing, a hypothesis supported by the results observed in the electrochemistry experiments. </br>
<table class="tables" style="width: 550px; margin: auto;">
<th>Retention time/ minutes</th>
<th>Peak area/mV.s</th>
<th>H2 volume/nmol</th>
<td>Air (test sample)</td>
<td>Media (1)</td>
<td>Media (2)</td>
<td>MR1 (1)</td>
<td>MR1 (2)</td>
<td>LS473 (1)</td>
<td>LS473 (2)</td>
<br /><br />
In the future to confirm arabinose induced expression of the hydrogenase enzymes from this construct we would firstly like to transform the vector into the MR-1:DK strain. This would allow for a clearer picture of different expression patterns to be obtained from SDS page analysis. Additionally, we would generate specific antibodies against the hydrogenase enzymes themselves, in order to eliminate doubts surrounding the strep-tag and confirm that our construct does indeed express our hydrogenase enzymes. Due to time constraints however we were unable to explore these options further.
The O2 peaks are missing where they would be expected because the amount of O2 was below the detection limit of the machine.
<div class="subTitle">
Demonstration of bacterial fuel cell with both <i>Shewanella oneidensis</i> MR-1 and LS473/∆<i>HydABC,HyaABC</i> strains.
<div class="subTitle">Aim</div>
                        To demonstrate electrochemical hydrogen production using <i>Shewanella oneidensis</i> MR1 under small scale lab conditions. This would be compared to the double knockout control (LS473/∆<i>HydABC,HyaABC</i>) which should not show reductive current readings (corresponding to continuous electron movement to the hydrogenase enzymes) since both FeFe and NiFe hydrogenases are not present. Since reductive current (and therefore hydrogen production) was not seen with just the bacterial cells added to the poised electrode, a mediator to help transfer electrons from the electrode to the enzymes was added. The mediator methyl viologen was used. The experiment was carried out under anaerobic conditions to preserve FeFe hydrogenase which is very sensitive to oxygen. </p>
<div class="subTitle">Method</div>
<p>Refer to protocol 'Electrochemistry' preparation and use of the electrochemical cells.</p>
<div class="subTitle">Results: Electrochemistry</div>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/2/2f/T--NRP-UEA-Norwich--graph_2.jpg"  class="showFullSizeImage centerMiddle" />
<br /><br />
<span class="bold"> Figure 2: Chronoamperometry to show the change in current over time in the electrochemical cell with the addition of methyl viologen </span>. At 1200seconds a volume of 50µl of methyl viologen was added to cultures of <i>S. oneidensis</i> wildtype MR-1 and LS473/∆<i>HydABC,HyaABC</i> strains. The change in current reflects the flow of electrons into <i>S. oneidensis</i>. These electrons would be used in the reductive process of hydrogen production by the hydrogenases.
As shown by figure 2, the addition of the bacteria to the electrochemical cell caused a decrease in the current at roughly 600 sec, which then returned to just under 0µA until the mediator, methyl viologen, is added to each fuel cell at 1200 sec. This had little effect on the knockout strain (LS473/∆<i>HydABC,HyaABC</i>) but caused a sudden drop in the current for the wildtype MR-1 strain, which begins to even out at -32µA but continues to slowly decrease over time.
<div class="subTitle">
Demonstration of mediated electrochemical hydrogen production in wildtype <i>Shewanella oneidensis</i> MR-1 and <i>HydABC</i> C-terminally SII tag strain overexpressing FeFe hydrogenase..
<div class="subTitle">Aim</div>
This was a repeat experiment for the demonstration of electrochemical hydrogen production with <i>Shewanella oneidensis</i> MR-1 and our overexpression construct which contains the three FeFe hydrogenase subunits in the wildtype MR-1 strain, with the double knock out strain (LS473/∆<i>HydABC,HyaABC</i> as a negative control. The aim of this experiment was to discover whether overexpression of FeFe Hydrogenase in <i>Shewanella oneidensis</i> MR-1 will have an effect on the current in our electrochemical system. We predicted the experiment overexpressing hydrogenases would demonstrate a larger reductive current compared to the wildtype, as the current corresponds to hydrogen production. As previously described, the experiment was initially conducted using just cell suspensions with the electrode, but when no reductive current was observed the mediator methyl viologen was added. The experiment was carried out under anaerobic conditions to preserve FeFe hydrogenase activity which is very sensitive to oxygen.
<div class="subTitle">Method</div>
Refer to protocol 'Electrochemistry' for the general preparation and use of the electrochemical cells. In this experiment <i>Shewanella oneidensis</i> MR-1 and the FeFe overexpression construct overnights were prepared to inoculate 500ml of M72 media in durans (2% inoculum) and the antibiotic kanamycin (50µg/ml) was added to the FeFe overexpression culture. After inoculation both 500 ml durans were sparged for 10 minutes and 1mM arabinose (final concentration) was added to both cultures to keep the conditions comparable after 7 hours of growth (OD 0.3). This was used to induce expression in the FeFe overexpression construct strain and account for any effect on growth in the wildtype MR-1 strain.
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/a/ac/T--NRP-UEA-Norwich--graph_3.jpg"  class="showFullSizeImage centerMiddle" />
<br /><br />
<span class="bold">Figure 3. Chronoamperometry of electrochemical cells for our three different cultures, wild type MR1, FeFe NiFe hydrogenase knock outs (LS473/∆<i>HydABC,HyaABC</i>) and our FeFe overexpression strain </span>. The knockout strain acted as the negative control. Methyl viologen was added at 720sec.
<div class="subTitle">Results: Chronoamperometry</div>
The results for this chronoamperometric analysis have been combined with the demonstration results gathered earlier for the double knock out strain and overlaid to show a clear comparison between the double knock out strain and the wildtype strains with and without the FeFe overexpression construct. Each of the cultures were added at around 350 seconds and no changes in current were observed, this suggests the hydrogenases were not coupling to the electrode. After the addition of the mediator methyl viologen figure 3 shows how the double knock out strain did not change other than a temporary dip at 720 sec, due to the lack of hydrogenase expression, whereas the wildtype MR-1 strain dropped and levelled out around -25 µA. More promisingly, the FeFe overexpression strain, which has added arabinose to promote FeFe hydrogenase overexpression, has levelled out at a more negative current of around -33µA and continues to fall over time, demonstrating a larger reductive current compared to the wild type. This could suggest an increase in hydrogen production, supporting the hypothesis. There are however a number of caveats to this claim and this should be repeated/investigated in more detail. These three experiments were normalised to initial optical density (OD600) and a Bradford assay confirmed comparable amounts of protein in each bioreactor after the experiment.

Latest revision as of 19:01, 19 October 2016



Protein expression assays for FeFe hydrogenase expression from the golden gate hydABC gene cluster construct


After successful electroporation< of the hydABC cluster (FeFe hydrogenase expression vector) into Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 SDS page and western blot analysis were conducted to investigate whether the gene cluster was expressing protein. We also wanted to assess the extent to which the arabinose inducible promoter gave control over levels of hydrogenase enzymes present. Our biobricks contain a version of the HydB transfer subunit of the FeFe HydABC hydrogenase enzyme with a C-terminal streptavidin tag which was used as a target for the primary antibody during western blot analysis.


See relevant protocols for S. oneidensis sample preparation, SDS page and western blots. The OD was checked every 2h before the correct OD was reached for induction. The induction phase was done roughly 12h before the cells were pelleted and the appropriate protocol was applied, the pelleted cells were not frozen.

Results: SDS-PAGE

Figure shows an SDS page gel of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 whole cell lysates from the MR-1:hydABC strain in lanes 2, 3 & 4 and from the ΔhydABC, hyaABC strains in lanes 6, 7 and 8. Comparing lanes 2, 3 and 4 the MR-1:hydABC strain did not appear to show increasing levels of expression from 1mM of arabinose sample (lane 3) and the 10mM arabinose sample (lane 4). Even comparing these to lane 2, where no arabinose was added, there is no discernible difference in the amount of protein expressed. Comparing lanes 6, 7 and 8 the increasing arabinose expression did not appear to make a difference to the levels of protein expressed in the cells. This makes sense as the ΔHydABC, HyaABC strain does not contain our hydABC expression vector and therefore arabinose should have no effect on protein expression. As for lanes 2, 3 and 4, the lack of difference in protein expression levels indicates arabinose may not have induced expression levels of protein above the background levels of expression in the wild type S. oneidensis. This would be clearer but during the electroporation experiments we failed to transform the hydABC construct into the ΔHydABC, HyaABC strain. As the wild type expression background is present in our S. oneidensis strain containing the hydABC expression vector it is difficult to perceive differences in levels of expression.

Figure 1. SDS-page gel of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 cell lysates with various concentrations of arabinose added at an optical density (OD) of ~0.5nm. Lane 1 contains the size marker ladder, with the size of each fragment in kDa marked to the left. Lanes 2, 3 & 4 contain S. oneidensis MR-1 transformed with HydABC FeFe plasmid (MR1:hydABC). In lane 2 0mM of arabinose was added, 1mM in lane 3 and 10mM in lane 4. Lane 5 is empty. Lanes 6, 7 & 8 contain the double knockout strain of S. oneidensis MR-1 (MR-1:DK), lacking both the FeFe & NiFe hydrogenase. In lane 6 0mM of arabinose was added, 1mM in lane 7 and 10mM in lane 8.

Western Blots

We ran western blots against the strep-tag attached to the C-terminus of the HydB subunit. These experiments failed to confirm expression of the hydrogenase enzymes from our golden gate expression vector. There are numerous possible reasons for this, the obvious one being the proteins weren’t expressing and the construct does not work. However we cannot write off our construct outright based on this data; other researchers in our lab working with the same strep-tag in S. oneidensis also came across issues getting the antibodies to bind the tag. The hypothesis is that the tag gets cleaved off at some point during protein assembly. Due to the short time frame of this project we were unable to explore the issue further. This means our construct may be expressing, a hypothesis supported by the results observed in the electrochemistry experiments.

In the future to confirm arabinose induced expression of the hydrogenase enzymes from this construct we would firstly like to transform the vector into the MR-1:DK strain. This would allow for a clearer picture of different expression patterns to be obtained from SDS page analysis. Additionally, we would generate specific antibodies against the hydrogenase enzymes themselves, in order to eliminate doubts surrounding the strep-tag and confirm that our construct does indeed express our hydrogenase enzymes. Due to time constraints however we were unable to explore these options further.
