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<h3 class="c-font-uppercase c-font-bold">Project Description</h3>
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<center><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/9/9f/T--UofC_Calgary--space.jpg"></center><br><br><p>Mars and the cosmos are a tantalizingly close goal for Mankind to reach in the next century; however, there are several glaring problems that we must overcome to reach such an objective. Radiation is chief among them. On Earth, individuals annually receive 2.4 mSv of ionizing radiation (IR), which is easily tolerated by the human body. Unfortunately, without the protection of the magnetosphere, astronauts in space are exposed to high levels of IR in the range of 50 to 2000 mSv. This level of radiation causes the accumulation of deleterious double strand breaks in DNA. Despite current research into methods of IR protection, many solutions such as radiation shield coating are quite expensive, especially to transport to space.  </p> <p>
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Biological solutions, such as the use of ingestible or injectable radioprotectors, are subject to sinusoidal pharmacokinetics. The therapeutic is delivered once, and although it may be effective initially, it will be degraded over time by the body, dropping its efficiency rate. This results in the need of re-administration of a drug to increase its activity in the body, resembling a sinusoidal curve. Certain naturally-occurring proteins and peptides, such as the Bowman-Birk Protease Inhibitor (BBI), have been found to confer protection against DNA damage in cells exposed to ionizing radiation. Previous studies have shown that BBI increases the survival rate of cells significantly after they are irradiated by augmenting endogenous DNA repair mechanisms (Dittmann <i>et al.</i>, 2003).
<h5>Advice on writing your Project Description</h5>
<p style="float:right; padding: 20px;"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/f/f1/T--UofC_Calgary--Rocket.png" width="250" height="250"/></p>
<p>To create a cost effective and continuous delivery system for IR protection during space travel, we have designed a transdermal patch for the delivery of a modified version of BBI (mBBI) through the skin. The patch hosts recombinant <i>Bacillus subtilis</i> cells that express mBBI with a transdermal tag that allows the peptide to travel through the layers of the skin and into the bloodstream for dispersal throughout the body. This recombinant protein is fused to a <i>B. subtilis</i>-specific secretory tag, which permits the peptide to be secreted into the growth medium. Using <i>B. subtilis</i> for the production of mBBI allows for constant delivery and resolves the issue of sinusoidal pharmacokinetics. This long term, continuous delivery is also cost effective and minimizes waste. Ultimately, our transdermal delivery patch allows for the administration biotherapeutics within an efficient and practical system, while maintaining the flexibility of modularity, as <i>B. subtilis</i> could be used to produce a multitude of various peptides or small molecules.
We encourage you to put up a lot of information and content on your wiki, but we also encourage you to include summaries as much as possible. If you think of the sections in your project description as the sections in a publication, you should try to be consist, accurate and unambiguous in your achievements.  
<center><div class="col-sm-12" style="padding-bottom:30px"><video controls="controls" width="1000" height="600" poster="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/9/98/T--UofC_Calgary--VideoThumbnail.png" name="Video Name" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2016/0/0e/T--UofC_Calgary--Christine%27s_Animation.mov"></video></div><p style="padding-top: 30px"></center>
<p>Our team was excited about this project right from when we were first introduced to the topic of radio-protection by Dr. Aaron Goodarzi. A senior team mentor, Alina Kunitskaya, was also intensely interested in the quest to put mankind on Mars. Based on these twin influences, synthetic biology technologies in space seemed to be a great niche for our team to explore. The seeds of our project were planted, and research on current space travel technology ensued. In terms of radio-protection, our team realized that synthetic biology is a perfect solution for this problem of long-term travel through the cosmos. </p>
                                        <p> We began with the project by toying around with ideas on how to deliver peptides into the body in an efficient way that astronauts could use easily everyday. This idea gradually evolved into a patch containing mBBI fused to a transdermal tag alongside the development of <i> B. subtilis </i> as a platform to secrete our chosen peptide. We divided up the work to be done by subgroup types, and our team began the work of realizing our goals.
Judges like to read your wiki and know exactly what you have achieved. This is how you should think about these sections; from the point of view of the judge evaluating you at the end of the year.
<p>References</p><p><font size ="2">Dittmann, K.H., Mayer, C., and Rodemann, H.P. (2003). Radioprotection of normal tissue to improve radiotherapy: the effect of the Bowman Birk protease inhibitor. <i>Current Medicinal Chemistry - Anticancer Agents, 3</i>(5), 360-363.</font></p>
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<h4 class="c-post-title"><a href="#">Fully Trained!</a></h4>
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Our entire team received a full BioSafety education from the University of Calgary! This entailed going to classes to prepare for a final quiz that tested our ability to be safe in the lab. Several of our members also had radiation training and clearance to ensure that work done with radiation was safe!
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<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Imperial/Project"> Imperial</a></li>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:UC_Davis/Project_Overview"> UC Davis</a></li>
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Latest revision as of 22:34, 19 October 2016

iGEM Calgary 2016

Project Description

Mars and the cosmos are a tantalizingly close goal for Mankind to reach in the next century; however, there are several glaring problems that we must overcome to reach such an objective. Radiation is chief among them. On Earth, individuals annually receive 2.4 mSv of ionizing radiation (IR), which is easily tolerated by the human body. Unfortunately, without the protection of the magnetosphere, astronauts in space are exposed to high levels of IR in the range of 50 to 2000 mSv. This level of radiation causes the accumulation of deleterious double strand breaks in DNA. Despite current research into methods of IR protection, many solutions such as radiation shield coating are quite expensive, especially to transport to space.

Biological solutions, such as the use of ingestible or injectable radioprotectors, are subject to sinusoidal pharmacokinetics. The therapeutic is delivered once, and although it may be effective initially, it will be degraded over time by the body, dropping its efficiency rate. This results in the need of re-administration of a drug to increase its activity in the body, resembling a sinusoidal curve. Certain naturally-occurring proteins and peptides, such as the Bowman-Birk Protease Inhibitor (BBI), have been found to confer protection against DNA damage in cells exposed to ionizing radiation. Previous studies have shown that BBI increases the survival rate of cells significantly after they are irradiated by augmenting endogenous DNA repair mechanisms (Dittmann et al., 2003).

To create a cost effective and continuous delivery system for IR protection during space travel, we have designed a transdermal patch for the delivery of a modified version of BBI (mBBI) through the skin. The patch hosts recombinant Bacillus subtilis cells that express mBBI with a transdermal tag that allows the peptide to travel through the layers of the skin and into the bloodstream for dispersal throughout the body. This recombinant protein is fused to a B. subtilis-specific secretory tag, which permits the peptide to be secreted into the growth medium. Using B. subtilis for the production of mBBI allows for constant delivery and resolves the issue of sinusoidal pharmacokinetics. This long term, continuous delivery is also cost effective and minimizes waste. Ultimately, our transdermal delivery patch allows for the administration biotherapeutics within an efficient and practical system, while maintaining the flexibility of modularity, as B. subtilis could be used to produce a multitude of various peptides or small molecules.

Our team was excited about this project right from when we were first introduced to the topic of radio-protection by Dr. Aaron Goodarzi. A senior team mentor, Alina Kunitskaya, was also intensely interested in the quest to put mankind on Mars. Based on these twin influences, synthetic biology technologies in space seemed to be a great niche for our team to explore. The seeds of our project were planted, and research on current space travel technology ensued. In terms of radio-protection, our team realized that synthetic biology is a perfect solution for this problem of long-term travel through the cosmos.

We began with the project by toying around with ideas on how to deliver peptides into the body in an efficient way that astronauts could use easily everyday. This idea gradually evolved into a patch containing mBBI fused to a transdermal tag alongside the development of B. subtilis as a platform to secrete our chosen peptide. We divided up the work to be done by subgroup types, and our team began the work of realizing our goals.


Dittmann, K.H., Mayer, C., and Rodemann, H.P. (2003). Radioprotection of normal tissue to improve radiotherapy: the effect of the Bowman Birk protease inhibitor. Current Medicinal Chemistry - Anticancer Agents, 3(5), 360-363.


iGEM is an international competition promoting synthetic biology as a means to solve social, economic and humanitarian problems around the globe. The iGEM Jamboree is held in Boston annually. In 2016, over 300 teams are competing against each other.

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Fully Trained!

Our entire team received a full BioSafety education from the University of Calgary! This entailed going to classes to prepare for a final quiz that tested our ability to be safe in the lab. Several of our members also had radiation training and clearance to ensure that work done with radiation was safe!

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Located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

  • University of Calgary
  • igem.calgary@gmail.com