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<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">High school visits and children's education</h2>
<p class="Raleway">To ensure that the younger generation is fairly informed about the science progress and to encourage them to seek the knowledge on the field, our team spent several months on communication with the schools of Lithuania while paying visits and giving talks. The aim of the school visits was to spread the knowledge to both students with scientific and non-scientific profile. Our team visited 11 schools in 6 cities, met 530 pupils aged from 7 to 18 years old and got filled 214 questionnaires by high school students. Adding to that, we had a chance to run workshops in "The Centre for Child Development" for children with developmental, mental and behavioural disorders and in an annual event "Children’s University". <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">Read more</a></p>
              <p class="Raleway">Although nowadays it is easy to find any information you seek for, there is also a great problem of society's disinformation. Scientific community is rather closed and rarely present its work to audiences not related with science. As a consequence, society's beliefs are formed by low quality online newspapers and other unreliable sources, often providing readers with inaccurate information.</p>
<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">Competition for school students - “A Day of Scientist”</h2>
              <p class="Raleway">As a team of young scientists, working with synthetic biology and genetic engineering, we are concerned about society‘s attitude towards life sciences. As a survey, conducted in collaboration with <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">Aachen iGEM team</a>, showed, Lithuania’s society is poorly informed about the field, therefore, also rather critical. We seek to enlighten society and foster scientific culture as well as encourage young audiences to pursue careers in science. We also believe that establishing the dialogue between science and society is the main fuel for scientific progress. Science should benefit the society, therefore, it is important for scientists to know society's needs and worries and for society to clearly understand the benefits new technologies and inventions can offer as well as get closer with the field to have more trust in it. It was very important for us to reach as many people as possible, so a great variety of activities, suited for a wide age spectrum, were organised.</p>
<p class="Raleway">Our team believes that one of the most important things for the world’s successful future is the connection between science and schools. That is the reason, why we decided to announce a competition for secondary school students, called “A Day of Scientist”. The winners of this competition had an extraordinary opportunity to visit the biggest and the most innovative science centres in Lithuania: UAB “ThermoFisher Scientific Baltics” and Vilnius University Life Sciences Centre. <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">Read more</a></p>
            <p class="Raleway">First of all, we drew our attention to the future generation. In order to get in touch, we contacted 11 <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">schools</a> and held lessons there. In the theoretical part of these events, we explained to high school students, what synthetic biology is and how scientific work looks like. We also tried our best to familiarize them with the scientific atmosphere by letting to try how automatic pipettes work. We also organised a competition for school students, providing a prize of tours around most innovative life sciences centres in Lithuania. We did not forget younger students as well. For this reason, we conducted few workshops for primary school students at 'Children's university' and 'The Centre for Child Development'. During these activities, we were encouraging students to imagine, what project would they do, if they were participating in iGEM. Their ideas and imagination were helpful for us by reminding to keep dreaming about the 'impossible'.</p>
<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">The COINS</h2>
            <p class="Raleway">First of all, we drew our attention to the future generation. In order to get in touch, we contacted 11 <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">schools</a> and held lessons there. In the theoretical part of these events, we explained to high school students, what synthetic biology is and how scientific work looks like. We also tried our best to familiarize them with the scientific atmosphere by letting to try how automatic pipettes work. We also organised a <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">competition</a> for school students, providing a prize of tours around most innovative life sciences centres in Lithuania. We did not forget younger students as well. For this reason, we conducted few workshops for primary school students at 'Children's university' and 'The Centre for Child Development'. During these activities, we were encouraging students to imagine, what project would they do, if they were participating in iGEM. Their ideas and imagination were helpful for us by reminding to keep dreaming about the 'impossible'.</p>
            <p class="Raleway">Moreover, we organized a cycle of discussions called <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">'Café Scientifique'</a>, where we invited wide society to learn about 5 different topics related to science. During these events, people could have asked questions and heard the answers right away from Lithuanian scientists and doctors, working on a certain field. Also, we had an opportunity to present our ideas to the non-scientific public and hear its opinions on  many issues related to science ethics. These discussions were a great success – around 50 people were participating in each of them. We also streamed the discussions online on Facebook, making it possible for people watch despite the location. </p>
<p class="Raleway">The COINS is the biggest international conference of life sciences, which is organised annually only by students. Our team had a chance to represent themselves at this conference and share the ideas with the scientific community. The presentation was followed by the vast interest of the public, which motivated the team to pursue their ideas. The feedback on the project helped us to plan the project more thoroughly, taking into account all possible issues.<a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">Read more</a></p>
            <p class="Raleway">Furthermore, we participated in the annual, related with science, events in Lithuania, where we encouraged people to try out more interactive activities. One of which was science festival <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">'Spaceship Earth'</a>, for which we equipped an escape room, called 'BioBreakroom'. This interactive game required to solve various tasks based on life sciences knowledge in order to get out of the room. We believe, that this kind of entertainment might encourage students to seek knowledge and actively participate in the development of scientific culture. In fact, all participants greatly enjoyed this escape room and left with a vision of how both - important and inspiring -  science can be.</p>  
<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">Blood donation</h2>
          <p class="Raleway">What is more, from the very beginning of our project, we were collaborating with Kristupas Sabolius and other Lithuanian artists, who were interested in scientific researches and, most importantly, tried to understand what meaning the visualization has in science as it is very important in our everyday life. Workshop, which took place at <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">'European Researchers’ Night'</a> festival, summarised all the ideas. During this event we unravelled scientists ambition to visualise microscopic things, unseen with the naked eye. We conducted a theoretical introduction, workshop and finally opened a protein 3D structure exhibition. During all these activities, a great dialogue was established between our team members and participants. We were discussing synthetic biology, GMO, biotechnology and every other question, that might occur for a person with a different to scientific background. After the event, we were thrilled and proud of the fact, that there are so many open-minded people, wanting to broaden their knowledge of bio-sciences.</p>
<p class="Raleway">Sometimes giving is easy, but it makes all the difference in the world. With this idea in mind, eight bravest Vilnius iGEM team members participated in the unpaid blood donation campaign. <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">Read more</a></p>
          <p class="Raleway">During all of these activities, we spread the word  and experiences related to synthetic biology, biotechnology, genetic engineering, iGEM competition and much more concerning life sciences. We were happy to see that people are looking forward to knowing more and that our ways of public engagement seemed to be successful.  On the other hand, we learned many things too. We found the best ways to gather the public and interest it as well as realised the importance of sincere contact and close communication. We even found parallels between subjects we never thought existed and had a possibility to consider questions and problems that have never crossed our minds before as we are maybe too concentrated on our field and lack wider sight ourselves. </p>  
<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">Discussion cycle "Café Scientifique"</h2>
          <p class="Raleway">To sum up, we held many activities that, hopefully, were beneficial to both us and public. </p>  
<p class="Raleway">In collaboration with "Café Scientifique" project ambassadors in Lithuania - Baltic Institute of Advanced Technology (BPTI), our team organised discussions cycle. The subject of each event was chosen in order to cover as many questions about life sciences as possible. 5 discussions were conducted – about Synthetic biology and GMO’s, Biotechnology in Lithuania, Human genome editing, Art and science and finally Rare genetic diseases. Around 50 people were participating in each event. <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all"> Read more </a></p>
<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">Collaboration with artists and participation in European Researchers’ Night</h2>
<p class="Raleway">We were proud to discover that the news about our team had spread out and reached many people from different fields: we were contacted by Kristupas Sabolius, Lithuanian writer and Associate Professor of Philosophy at Vilnius University, who expressed interest in both our project and scientific research in general. Throughout this year we have conducted several meetings with Kristupas and his colleagues and had a few very interesting discussions, one of which was open to the public and took place during our discussions cycle “Café Scientifique”.  The important part of this exciting collaboration was the workshop “Adjusting Bacteria” at the public event, called "European Researchers’ Night". During this event, we were able to not just introduce people to the theoretical background of the topic, but also give them the possibility to put this theory in practice – to stain microorganisms and examine the results using microscopy.  We have also exhibited 3D protein structures. This exhibition perfectly illustrated the need of visualization in science.<a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">Read more</a></p>
<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">Participation in National Science festival “Spaceship Earth”</h2>
<p class="Raleway">National Science festival "Spaceship Earth" is an annual event, where children of all ages, schoolchildren and families are taking part at the various activities. Our team took a chance to organise few events during this festival. We conducted a lecture for high school students about the modern biotechnology, genetic engineering, iGEM competition and synthetic biology. The other activity was more interactive. We created an escape room, called BioBreakroom, where students had to use their life sciences knowledge to get out within a set time limit. The purpose of this activity was to make science more attractive to students, engage them to pursue career in life sciences and spark new scientific curiosity. <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all"> Read more </a></p>
<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">Human Practices collaboration with iGEM Aachen</h2>
<p class="Raleway">We have organised a Human Practices collaboration with <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Aachen"> iGEM Aachen. </a> . We have found out the opinion and defined the current knowledge of the common public about genetic engineering in Lithuania. Our team managed to question 57 people of different educational background and age. Results revealed that the majority of people in Vilnius were poorly informed about genetic manipulations. <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">Read more</a></p>
<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">The European Biotech Week</h2>
<p class="Raleway">The European Biotech Week is a series of events, dedicated to celebrating biotechnology, an innovative and vibrant sector, the beginning of which was set by the discovery of the DNA molecule back in 1953. For this event we have organised team-quiz game "Life Sciences Quiz" and invited people with any educational level. It was a great chance to encourage participants to broaden their knowledge in the life sciences field. <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">Read more</a></p>
<h2 class="Raleway" style="text-align:center;">Life Sciences Baltics</h2>
<p class="Raleway">Life Sciences Baltics 2016 is the only international forum in the Baltic states for world-class biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical devices experts from all around the world. During the conference we presented our project to many people from life sciences industry, attended meetings with representatives of various companies, made a few collaborations and also raised our knowledge about industry of life sciences in the Baltic states.<a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices/all">Read more</a></p>

Revision as of 22:50, 19 October 2016

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Although nowadays it is easy to find any information you seek for, there is also a great problem of society's disinformation. Scientific community is rather closed and rarely present its work to audiences not related with science. As a consequence, society's beliefs are formed by low quality online newspapers and other unreliable sources, often providing readers with inaccurate information.

As a team of young scientists, working with synthetic biology and genetic engineering, we are concerned about society‘s attitude towards life sciences. As a survey, conducted in collaboration with Aachen iGEM team, showed, Lithuania’s society is poorly informed about the field, therefore, also rather critical. We seek to enlighten society and foster scientific culture as well as encourage young audiences to pursue careers in science. We also believe that establishing the dialogue between science and society is the main fuel for scientific progress. Science should benefit the society, therefore, it is important for scientists to know society's needs and worries and for society to clearly understand the benefits new technologies and inventions can offer as well as get closer with the field to have more trust in it. It was very important for us to reach as many people as possible, so a great variety of activities, suited for a wide age spectrum, were organised.

First of all, we drew our attention to the future generation. In order to get in touch, we contacted 11 schools and held lessons there. In the theoretical part of these events, we explained to high school students, what synthetic biology is and how scientific work looks like. We also tried our best to familiarize them with the scientific atmosphere by letting to try how automatic pipettes work. We also organised a competition for school students, providing a prize of tours around most innovative life sciences centres in Lithuania. We did not forget younger students as well. For this reason, we conducted few workshops for primary school students at 'Children's university' and 'The Centre for Child Development'. During these activities, we were encouraging students to imagine, what project would they do, if they were participating in iGEM. Their ideas and imagination were helpful for us by reminding to keep dreaming about the 'impossible'.

First of all, we drew our attention to the future generation. In order to get in touch, we contacted 11 schools and held lessons there. In the theoretical part of these events, we explained to high school students, what synthetic biology is and how scientific work looks like. We also tried our best to familiarize them with the scientific atmosphere by letting to try how automatic pipettes work. We also organised a competition for school students, providing a prize of tours around most innovative life sciences centres in Lithuania. We did not forget younger students as well. For this reason, we conducted few workshops for primary school students at 'Children's university' and 'The Centre for Child Development'. During these activities, we were encouraging students to imagine, what project would they do, if they were participating in iGEM. Their ideas and imagination were helpful for us by reminding to keep dreaming about the 'impossible'.

Moreover, we organized a cycle of discussions called 'Café Scientifique', where we invited wide society to learn about 5 different topics related to science. During these events, people could have asked questions and heard the answers right away from Lithuanian scientists and doctors, working on a certain field. Also, we had an opportunity to present our ideas to the non-scientific public and hear its opinions on many issues related to science ethics. These discussions were a great success – around 50 people were participating in each of them. We also streamed the discussions online on Facebook, making it possible for people watch despite the location.

Furthermore, we participated in the annual, related with science, events in Lithuania, where we encouraged people to try out more interactive activities. One of which was science festival 'Spaceship Earth', for which we equipped an escape room, called 'BioBreakroom'. This interactive game required to solve various tasks based on life sciences knowledge in order to get out of the room. We believe, that this kind of entertainment might encourage students to seek knowledge and actively participate in the development of scientific culture. In fact, all participants greatly enjoyed this escape room and left with a vision of how both - important and inspiring - science can be.

What is more, from the very beginning of our project, we were collaborating with Kristupas Sabolius and other Lithuanian artists, who were interested in scientific researches and, most importantly, tried to understand what meaning the visualization has in science as it is very important in our everyday life. Workshop, which took place at 'European Researchers’ Night' festival, summarised all the ideas. During this event we unravelled scientists ambition to visualise microscopic things, unseen with the naked eye. We conducted a theoretical introduction, workshop and finally opened a protein 3D structure exhibition. During all these activities, a great dialogue was established between our team members and participants. We were discussing synthetic biology, GMO, biotechnology and every other question, that might occur for a person with a different to scientific background. After the event, we were thrilled and proud of the fact, that there are so many open-minded people, wanting to broaden their knowledge of bio-sciences.

During all of these activities, we spread the word and experiences related to synthetic biology, biotechnology, genetic engineering, iGEM competition and much more concerning life sciences. We were happy to see that people are looking forward to knowing more and that our ways of public engagement seemed to be successful.  On the other hand, we learned many things too. We found the best ways to gather the public and interest it as well as realised the importance of sincere contact and close communication. We even found parallels between subjects we never thought existed and had a possibility to consider questions and problems that have never crossed our minds before as we are maybe too concentrated on our field and lack wider sight ourselves.

To sum up, we held many activities that, hopefully, were beneficial to both us and public.