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<h3>An open question</h3>
<p>The case against pathogens as the unique responsible of CCD seems to be closed.
<br>What if it might be a little more complicated than that ?</p>
<p>Studies against neonicotinoids are legions. However it is hard to deny that the utilisation of pesticids lesds to very negatives effets on pollinisators insects.</p>
Varroa might be the main factors of CCD.</p>
<p>But what if, because of the use of pesticides, like neonicotinoids, bees are today more sensitive to varroa infections ? And if yes, why ?
<p>In this context it is really hard to distinguish the effect of each parameter. The lack of knowledge about CCD actors and the lack of communication between beekeepers, researchers and the media participate in the spreading of CCD cases in Europe and in the world. Considering this fact, we made our project evolve in order to give a more appropriate answer to this problem. From a endongenous bacteria able to degrade pesticides to a system able to detect several factors connected to bee health, all of our encounter leads us to a better and more reality connected project.
<h3>A solution</h3>
Our idea to improve the situation, was to create a tool, that would give the knowlegde beekeepers lack, a tool that would help to monitor hives' health. <i>Bee subtilis</i> based project may be a solution to improve beekeepers awareness about CCD actors and give them an easy, quick and cheap tool to follow their beehives or apiary health state. This may prevent spreading of CCD or at least help beekeepers to control this phenomenon.<br>
For researchers, it may be used as a detection kit for epidemiologic and correlation studies in order to fight against CCD and to better understand what are the main actors and develop tools against them. It may impact society because of the supposed implication of pesticides wich may be simply clarified with our system.</p>
<p>For more information you can visit <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:UPMC-Paris/HP/Gold">here</a></p> to learn in detail how every steps of our adventure helped us to create BEE SUBTILIS.

Revision as of 23:04, 19 October 2016