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return!1}, c.prototype.leave = function(b){var c = b instanceof this.constructor?b:a(b.currentTarget).data("bs." + this.type); return c || (c = new this.constructor(b.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions()), a(b.currentTarget).data("bs." + this.type, c)), b instanceof a.Event && (c.inState["focusout" == b.type?"focus":"hover"] = !1), c.isInStateTrue()?void 0:(clearTimeout(c.timeout), c.hoverState = "out", c.options.delay && c.options.delay.hide?void(c.timeout = setTimeout(function(){"out" == c.hoverState && c.hide()}, c.options.delay.hide)):c.hide())}, = function(){var b = a.Event("" + this.type); if (this.hasContent() && this.enabled){this.$element.trigger(b); var d = a.contains(this.$element[0].ownerDocument.documentElement, this.$element[0]); if (b.isDefaultPrevented() || !d)return; var e = this, f = this.tip(), g = this.getUID(this.type); this.setContent(), f.attr("id", g), this.$element.attr("aria-describedby", g), this.options.animation && f.addClass("fade"); var h = "function" == typeof this.options.placement?, f[0], this.$element[0]):this.options.placement, i = /\s?auto?\s?/i, j = i.test(h); 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return this.$element.trigger(g), g.isDefaultPrevented()?void 0:(f.removeClass("in"), && f.hasClass("fade")?"bsTransitionEnd", d).emulateTransitionEnd(c.TRANSITION_DURATION):d(), this.hoverState = null, this)}, c.prototype.fixTitle = function(){var a = this.$element; (a.attr("title") || "string" != typeof a.attr("data-original-title")) && a.attr("data-original-title", a.attr("title") || "").attr("title", "")}, c.prototype.hasContent = function(){return this.getTitle()}, c.prototype.getPosition = function(b){b = b || this.$element; var c = b[0], d = "BODY" == c.tagName, e = c.getBoundingClientRect(); null == e.width && (e = a.extend({}, e, {width:e.right - e.left, height:e.bottom -})); var f = d?{top:0, left:0}:b.offset(), g = {scroll:d?document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop:b.scrollTop()}, h = d?{width:a(window).width(), height:a(window).height()}:null; return a.extend({}, e, g, h, f)}, c.prototype.getCalculatedOffset = function(a, b, c, d){return"bottom" == a?{ + b.height, left:b.left + b.width / 2 - c / 2}:"top" == a?{ - d, left:b.left + b.width / 2 - c / 2}:"left" == a?{ + b.height / 2 - d / 2, left:b.left - c}:{ + b.height / 2 - d / 2, left:b.left + b.width}}, c.prototype.getViewportAdjustedDelta = function(a, b, c, d){var e = {top:0, left:0}; 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+ | (this.options.autoPlay = 5E3);; this.$elem.find(".owl-wrapper").css("display", "block"); this.$":visible")?this.$elem.css("opacity", 1):this.watchVisibility(); this.onstartup = !1; this.eachMoveUpdate(); "function" === typeof this.options.afterInit && this.options.afterInit.apply(this, [this.$elem])}, eachMoveUpdate:function(){!0 === this.options.lazyLoad && this.lazyLoad(); !0 === this.options.autoHeight && this.autoHeight(); this.onVisibleItems(); "function" === typeof this.options.afterAction && this.options.afterAction.apply(this, | ||
+ | [this.$elem])}, updateVars:function(){"function" === typeof this.options.beforeUpdate && this.options.beforeUpdate.apply(this, [this.$elem]); this.watchVisibility(); this.updateItems(); this.calculateAll(); this.updatePosition(); this.updateControls(); this.eachMoveUpdate(); "function" === typeof this.options.afterUpdate && this.options.afterUpdate.apply(this, [this.$elem])}, reload:function(){var a = this; g.setTimeout(function(){a.updateVars()}, 0)}, watchVisibility:function(){var a = this; if (!1 === a.$":visible"))a.$elem.css({opacity:0}), | ||
+ | g.clearInterval(a.autoPlayInterval), g.clearInterval(a.checkVisible); else return!1; a.checkVisible = g.setInterval(function(){a.$":visible") && (a.reload(), a.$elem.animate({opacity:1}, 200), g.clearInterval(a.checkVisible))}, 500)}, wrapItems:function(){this.$userItems.wrapAll('<div class="owl-wrapper">').wrap('<div class="owl-item"></div>'); this.$elem.find(".owl-wrapper").wrap('<div class="owl-wrapper-outer">'); this.wrapperOuter = this.$elem.find(".owl-wrapper-outer"); this.$elem.css("display", "block")}, | ||
+ | baseClass:function(){var a = this.$elem.hasClass(this.options.baseClass), b = this.$elem.hasClass(this.options.theme); a || this.$elem.addClass(this.options.baseClass); b || this.$elem.addClass(this.options.theme)}, updateItems:function(){var a, b; if (!1 === this.options.responsive)return!1; if (!0 === this.options.singleItem)return this.options.items = this.orignalItems = 1, this.options.itemsCustom = !1, this.options.itemsDesktop = !1, this.options.itemsDesktopSmall = !1, this.options.itemsTablet = !1, this.options.itemsTabletSmall = | ||
+ | !1, this.options.itemsMobile = !1; a = f(this.options.responsiveBaseWidth).width(); a > (this.options.itemsDesktop[0] || this.orignalItems) && (this.options.items = this.orignalItems); if (!1 !== this.options.itemsCustom)for (this.options.itemsCustom.sort(function(a, b){return a[0] - b[0]}), b = 0; b < this.options.itemsCustom.length; b += 1)this.options.itemsCustom[b][0] <= a && (this.options.items = this.options.itemsCustom[b][1]); else a <= this.options.itemsDesktop[0] && !1 !== this.options.itemsDesktop && (this.options.items = this.options.itemsDesktop[1]), | ||
+ | a <= this.options.itemsDesktopSmall[0] && !1 !== this.options.itemsDesktopSmall && (this.options.items = this.options.itemsDesktopSmall[1]), a <= this.options.itemsTablet[0] && !1 !== this.options.itemsTablet && (this.options.items = this.options.itemsTablet[1]), a <= this.options.itemsTabletSmall[0] && !1 !== this.options.itemsTabletSmall && (this.options.items = this.options.itemsTabletSmall[1]), a <= this.options.itemsMobile[0] && !1 !== this.options.itemsMobile && (this.options.items = this.options.itemsMobile[1]); this.options.items > this.itemsAmount && | ||
+ | !0 === this.options.itemsScaleUp && (this.options.items = this.itemsAmount)}, response:function(){var a = this, b, e; if (!0 !== a.options.responsive)return!1; e = f(g).width(); a.resizer = function(){f(g).width() !== e && (!1 !== a.options.autoPlay && g.clearInterval(a.autoPlayInterval), g.clearTimeout(b), b = g.setTimeout(function(){e = f(g).width(); a.updateVars()}, a.options.responsiveRefreshRate))}; f(g).resize(a.resizer)}, updatePosition:function(){this.jumpTo(this.currentItem); !1 !== this.options.autoPlay && this.checkAp()}, appendItemsSizes:function(){var a = | ||
+ | this, b = 0, e = a.itemsAmount - a.options.items; a.$owlItems.each(function(c){var d = f(this); d.css({width:a.itemWidth}).data("owl-item", Number(c)); if (0 === c % a.options.items || c === e)c > e || (b += 1);"owl-roundPages", b)})}, appendWrapperSizes:function(){this.$owlWrapper.css({width:this.$owlItems.length * this.itemWidth * 2, left:0}); this.appendItemsSizes()}, calculateAll:function(){this.calculateWidth(); this.appendWrapperSizes(); this.loops(); this.max()}, calculateWidth:function(){this.itemWidth = Math.round(this.$elem.width() / | ||
+ | this.options.items)}, max:function(){var a = - 1 * (this.itemsAmount * this.itemWidth - this.options.items * this.itemWidth); this.options.items > this.itemsAmount?this.maximumPixels = a = this.maximumItem = 0:(this.maximumItem = this.itemsAmount - this.options.items, this.maximumPixels = a); return a}, min:function(){return 0}, loops:function(){var a = 0, b = 0, e, c; this.positionsInArray = [0]; this.pagesInArray = []; for (e = 0; e < this.itemsAmount; e += 1)b += this.itemWidth, this.positionsInArray.push( - b), !0 === this.options.scrollPerPage && (c = f(this.$owlItems[e]), | ||
+ | c ="owl-roundPages"), c !== a && (this.pagesInArray[a] = this.positionsInArray[e], a = c))}, buildControls:function(){if (!0 === this.options.navigation || !0 === this.options.pagination)this.owlControls = f('<div class="owl-controls"/>').toggleClass("clickable", !this.browser.isTouch).appendTo(this.$elem); !0 === this.options.pagination && this.buildPagination(); !0 === this.options.navigation && this.buildButtons()}, buildButtons:function(){var a = this, b = f('<div class="owl-buttons"/>'); a.owlControls.append(b); a.buttonPrev = | ||
+ | f("<div/>", {"class":"owl-prev", html:a.options.navigationText[0] || ""}); a.buttonNext = f("<div/>", {"class":"owl-next", html:a.options.navigationText[1] || ""}); b.append(a.buttonPrev).append(a.buttonNext); b.on("touchstart.owlControls mousedown.owlControls", 'div[class^="owl"]', function(a){a.preventDefault()}); b.on("touchend.owlControls mouseup.owlControls", 'div[class^="owl"]', function(b){b.preventDefault(); f(this).hasClass("owl-next")?})}, buildPagination:function(){var a = this; a.paginationWrapper = | ||
+ | f('<div class="owl-pagination"/>'); a.owlControls.append(a.paginationWrapper); a.paginationWrapper.on("touchend.owlControls mouseup.owlControls", ".owl-page", function(b){b.preventDefault(); Number(f(this).data("owl-page")) !== a.currentItem && a.goTo(Number(f(this).data("owl-page")), !0)})}, updatePagination:function(){var a, b, e, c, d, g; if (!1 === this.options.pagination)return!1; this.paginationWrapper.html(""); a = 0; b = this.itemsAmount - this.itemsAmount % this.options.items; for (c = 0; c < this.itemsAmount; c += 1)0 === c % this.options.items && | ||
+ | (a += 1, b === c && (e = this.itemsAmount - this.options.items), d = f("<div/>", {"class":"owl-page"}), g = f("<span></span>", {text:!0 === this.options.paginationNumbers?a:"", "class":!0 === this.options.paginationNumbers?"owl-numbers":""}), d.append(g),"owl-page", b === c?e:c),"owl-roundPages", a), this.paginationWrapper.append(d)); this.checkPagination()}, checkPagination:function(){var a = this; if (!1 === a.options.pagination)return!1; a.paginationWrapper.find(".owl-page").each(function(){f(this).data("owl-roundPages") === | ||
+ | f(a.$owlItems[a.currentItem]).data("owl-roundPages") && (a.paginationWrapper.find(".owl-page").removeClass("active"), f(this).addClass("active"))})}, checkNavigation:function(){if (!1 === this.options.navigation)return!1; !1 === this.options.rewindNav && (0 === this.currentItem && 0 === this.maximumItem?(this.buttonPrev.addClass("disabled"), this.buttonNext.addClass("disabled")):0 === this.currentItem && 0 !== this.maximumItem?(this.buttonPrev.addClass("disabled"), this.buttonNext.removeClass("disabled")):this.currentItem === | ||
+ | this.maximumItem?(this.buttonPrev.removeClass("disabled"), this.buttonNext.addClass("disabled")):0 !== this.currentItem && this.currentItem !== this.maximumItem && (this.buttonPrev.removeClass("disabled"), this.buttonNext.removeClass("disabled")))}, updateControls:function(){this.updatePagination(); this.checkNavigation(); this.owlControls && (this.options.items >= this.itemsAmount?this.owlControls.hide()}, destroyControls:function(){this.owlControls && this.owlControls.remove()}, next:function(a){if (this.isTransition)return!1; | ||
+ | this.currentItem += !0 === this.options.scrollPerPage?this.options.items:1; if (this.currentItem > this.maximumItem + (!0 === this.options.scrollPerPage?this.options.items - 1:0))if (!0 === this.options.rewindNav)this.currentItem = 0, a = "rewind"; else return this.currentItem = this.maximumItem, !1; this.goTo(this.currentItem, a)}, prev:function(a){if (this.isTransition)return!1; this.currentItem = !0 === this.options.scrollPerPage && 0 < this.currentItem && this.currentItem < this.options.items?0:this.currentItem - (!0 === this.options.scrollPerPage? | ||
+ | this.options.items:1); if (0 > this.currentItem)if (!0 === this.options.rewindNav)this.currentItem = this.maximumItem, a = "rewind"; else return this.currentItem = 0, !1; this.goTo(this.currentItem, a)}, goTo:function(a, b, e){var c = this; if (c.isTransition)return!1; "function" === typeof c.options.beforeMove && c.options.beforeMove.apply(this, [c.$elem]); a >= c.maximumItem?a = c.maximumItem:0 >= a && (a = 0); c.currentItem = c.owl.currentItem = a; if (!1 !== c.options.transitionStyle && "drag" !== e && 1 === c.options.items && !0 === c.browser.support3d)return c.swapSpeed(0), | ||
+ | !0 === c.browser.support3d?c.transition3d(c.positionsInArray[a]):c.css2slide(c.positionsInArray[a], 1), c.afterGo(), c.singleItemTransition(), !1; a = c.positionsInArray[a]; !0 === c.browser.support3d?(c.isCss3Finish = !1, !0 === b?(c.swapSpeed("paginationSpeed"), g.setTimeout(function(){c.isCss3Finish = !0}, c.options.paginationSpeed)):"rewind" === b?(c.swapSpeed(c.options.rewindSpeed), g.setTimeout(function(){c.isCss3Finish = !0}, c.options.rewindSpeed)):(c.swapSpeed("slideSpeed"), g.setTimeout(function(){c.isCss3Finish = !0}, | ||
+ | c.options.slideSpeed)), c.transition3d(a)):!0 === b?c.css2slide(a, c.options.paginationSpeed):"rewind" === b?c.css2slide(a, c.options.rewindSpeed):c.css2slide(a, c.options.slideSpeed); c.afterGo()}, jumpTo:function(a){"function" === typeof this.options.beforeMove && this.options.beforeMove.apply(this, [this.$elem]); a >= this.maximumItem || - 1 === a?a = this.maximumItem:0 >= a && (a = 0); this.swapSpeed(0); !0 === this.browser.support3d?this.transition3d(this.positionsInArray[a]):this.css2slide(this.positionsInArray[a], 1); this.currentItem = | ||
+ | this.owl.currentItem = a; this.afterGo()}, afterGo:function(){this.prevArr.push(this.currentItem); this.prevItem = this.owl.prevItem = this.prevArr[this.prevArr.length - 2]; this.prevArr.shift(0); this.prevItem !== this.currentItem && (this.checkPagination(), this.checkNavigation(), this.eachMoveUpdate(), !1 !== this.options.autoPlay && this.checkAp()); "function" === typeof this.options.afterMove && this.prevItem !== this.currentItem && this.options.afterMove.apply(this, [this.$elem])}, stop:function(){this.apStatus = "stop"; g.clearInterval(this.autoPlayInterval)}, | ||
+ | checkAp:function(){"stop" !== this.apStatus &&}, play:function(){var a = this; a.apStatus = "play"; if (!1 === a.options.autoPlay)return!1; g.clearInterval(a.autoPlayInterval); a.autoPlayInterval = g.setInterval(function(){!0)}, a.options.autoPlay)}, swapSpeed:function(a){"slideSpeed" === a?this.$owlWrapper.css(this.addCssSpeed(this.options.slideSpeed)):"paginationSpeed" === a?this.$owlWrapper.css(this.addCssSpeed(this.options.paginationSpeed)):"string" !== typeof a && this.$owlWrapper.css(this.addCssSpeed(a))}, | ||
+ | addCssSpeed:function(a){return{"-webkit-transition":"all " + a + "ms ease", "-moz-transition":"all " + a + "ms ease", "-o-transition":"all " + a + "ms ease", transition:"all " + a + "ms ease"}}, removeTransition:function(){return{"-webkit-transition":"", "-moz-transition":"", "-o-transition":"", transition:""}}, doTranslate:function(a){return{"-webkit-transform":"translate3d(" + a + "px, 0px, 0px)", "-moz-transform":"translate3d(" + a + "px, 0px, 0px)", "-o-transform":"translate3d(" + a + "px, 0px, 0px)", "-ms-transform":"translate3d(" + | ||
+ | a + "px, 0px, 0px)", transform:"translate3d(" + a + "px, 0px,0px)"}}, transition3d:function(a){this.$owlWrapper.css(this.doTranslate(a))}, css2move:function(a){this.$owlWrapper.css({left:a})}, css2slide:function(a, b){var e = this; e.isCssFinish = !1; e.$owlWrapper.stop(!0, !0).animate({left:a}, {duration:b || e.options.slideSpeed, complete:function(){e.isCssFinish = !0}})}, checkBrowser:function(){var a = k.createElement("div"); = " -moz-transform:translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); -ms-transform:translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); -o-transform:translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); -webkit-transform:translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); transform:translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)"; | ||
+ | a =\(0px, 0px, 0px\)/g); this.browser = {support3d:null !== a && 1 === a.length, isTouch:"ontouchstart"in g || g.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints}}, moveEvents:function(){if (!1 !== this.options.mouseDrag || !1 !== this.options.touchDrag)this.gestures(), this.disabledEvents()}, eventTypes:function(){var a = ["s", "e", "x"]; this.ev_types = {}; !0 === this.options.mouseDrag && !0 === this.options.touchDrag?a = ["touchstart.owl mousedown.owl", "touchmove.owl mousemove.owl", "touchend.owl touchcancel.owl mouseup.owl"]: | ||
+ | !1 === this.options.mouseDrag && !0 === this.options.touchDrag?a = ["touchstart.owl", "touchmove.owl", "touchend.owl touchcancel.owl"]:!0 === this.options.mouseDrag && !1 === this.options.touchDrag && (a = ["mousedown.owl", "mousemove.owl", "mouseup.owl"]); this.ev_types.start = a[0]; this.ev_types.move = a[1]; this.ev_types.end = a[2]}, disabledEvents:function(){this.$elem.on("dragstart.owl", function(a){a.preventDefault()}); this.$elem.on("mousedown.disableTextSelect", function(a){return f("input, textarea, select, option")})}, | ||
+ | gestures:function(){function a(a){if (void 0 !== a.touches)return{x:a.touches[0].pageX, y:a.touches[0].pageY}; if (void 0 === a.touches){if (void 0 !== a.pageX)return{x:a.pageX, y:a.pageY}; if (void 0 === a.pageX)return{x:a.clientX, y:a.clientY}}}function b(a){"on" === a?(f(k).on(d.ev_types.move, e), f(k).on(d.ev_types.end, c)):"off" === a && (f(k).off(d.ev_types.move), f(k).off(d.ev_types.end))}function e(b){b = b.originalEvent || b || g.event; d.newPosX = a(b).x - h.offsetX; d.newPosY = a(b).y - h.offsetY; d.newRelativeX = d.newPosX - h.relativePos; | ||
+ | "function" === typeof d.options.startDragging && !0 !== h.dragging && 0 !== d.newRelativeX && (h.dragging = !0, d.options.startDragging.apply(d, [d.$elem])); (8 < d.newRelativeX || - 8 > d.newRelativeX) && !0 === d.browser.isTouch && (void 0 !== b.preventDefault?b.preventDefault():b.returnValue = !1, h.sliding = !0); (10 < d.newPosY || - 10 > d.newPosY) && !1 === h.sliding && f(k).off("touchmove.owl"); d.newPosX = Math.max(Math.min(d.newPosX, d.newRelativeX / 5), d.maximumPixels + d.newRelativeX / 5); !0 === d.browser.support3d?d.transition3d(d.newPosX):d.css2move(d.newPosX)} | ||
+ | function c(a){a = a.originalEvent || a || g.event; var c; = || a.srcElement; h.dragging = !1; !0 !== d.browser.isTouch && d.$owlWrapper.removeClass("grabbing"); d.dragDirection = 0 > d.newRelativeX?d.owl.dragDirection = "left":d.owl.dragDirection = "right"; 0 !== d.newRelativeX && (c = d.getNewPosition(), d.goTo(c, !1, "drag"), h.targetElement === && !0 !== d.browser.isTouch && (f("click.disable", function(a){a.stopImmediatePropagation(); a.stopPropagation(); a.preventDefault(); f("click.disable")}), | ||
+ | a = f._data(, "events").click, c = a.pop(), a.splice(0, 0, c))); b("off")}var d = this, h = {offsetX:0, offsetY:0, baseElWidth:0, relativePos:0, position:null, minSwipe:null, maxSwipe:null, sliding:null, dargging:null, targetElement:null}; d.isCssFinish = !0; d.$elem.on(d.ev_types.start, ".owl-wrapper", function(c){c = c.originalEvent || c || g.event; var e; if (3 === c.which)return!1; if (!(d.itemsAmount <= d.options.items)){if (!1 === d.isCssFinish && !d.options.dragBeforeAnimFinish || !1 === d.isCss3Finish && !d.options.dragBeforeAnimFinish)return!1; | ||
+ | !1 !== d.options.autoPlay && g.clearInterval(d.autoPlayInterval); !0 === d.browser.isTouch || d.$owlWrapper.hasClass("grabbing") || d.$owlWrapper.addClass("grabbing"); d.newPosX = 0; d.newRelativeX = 0; f(this).css(d.removeTransition()); e = f(this).position(); h.relativePos = e.left; h.offsetX = a(c).x - e.left; h.offsetY = a(c).y -; b("on"); h.sliding = !1; h.targetElement = || c.srcElement}})}, getNewPosition:function(){var a = this.closestItem(); a > this.maximumItem?a = this.currentItem = this.maximumItem:0 <= this.newPosX && (this.currentItem = | ||
+ | a = 0); return a}, closestItem:function(){var a = this, b = !0 === a.options.scrollPerPage?a.pagesInArray:a.positionsInArray, e = a.newPosX, c = null; f.each(b, function(d, g){e - a.itemWidth / 20 > b[d + 1] && e - a.itemWidth / 20 < g && "left" === a.moveDirection()?(c = g, a.currentItem = !0 === a.options.scrollPerPage?f.inArray(c, a.positionsInArray):d):e + a.itemWidth / 20 < g && e + a.itemWidth / 20 > (b[d + 1] || b[d] - a.itemWidth) && "right" === a.moveDirection() && (!0 === a.options.scrollPerPage?(c = b[d + 1] || b[b.length - 1], a.currentItem = f.inArray(c, a.positionsInArray)): | ||
+ | (c = b[d + 1], a.currentItem = d + 1))}); return a.currentItem}, moveDirection:function(){var a; 0 > this.newRelativeX?(a = "right", this.playDirection = "next"):(a = "left", this.playDirection = "prev"); return a}, customEvents:function(){var a = this; a.$elem.on("", function(){}); a.$elem.on("owl.prev", function(){a.prev()}); a.$elem.on("", function(b, e){a.options.autoPlay = e;; a.hoverStatus = "play"}); a.$elem.on("owl.stop", function(){a.stop(); a.hoverStatus = "stop"}); a.$elem.on("owl.goTo", function(b, e){a.goTo(e)}); | ||
+ | a.$elem.on("owl.jumpTo", function(b, e){a.jumpTo(e)})}, stopOnHover:function(){var a = this; !0 === a.options.stopOnHover && !0 !== a.browser.isTouch && !1 !== a.options.autoPlay && (a.$elem.on("mouseover", function(){a.stop()}), a.$elem.on("mouseout", function(){"stop" !== a.hoverStatus &&}))}, lazyLoad:function(){var a, b, e, c, d; if (!1 === this.options.lazyLoad)return!1; for (a = 0; a < this.itemsAmount; a += 1)b = f(this.$owlItems[a]), "loaded" !=="owl-loaded") && (e ="owl-item"), c = b.find(".lazyOwl"), "string" !== typeof"src")? | ||
+ |"owl-loaded", "loaded"):(void 0 ==="owl-loaded") && (c.hide(), b.addClass("loading").data("owl-loaded", "checked")), (d = !0 === this.options.lazyFollow?e >= this.currentItem:!0) && e < this.currentItem + this.options.items && c.length && this.lazyPreload(b, c)))}, lazyPreload:function(a, b){function e(){"owl-loaded", "loaded").removeClass("loading"); b.removeAttr("data-src"); "fade" === d.options.lazyEffect?b.fadeIn(400); "function" === typeof d.options.afterLazyLoad && d.options.afterLazyLoad.apply(this, | ||
+ | [d.$elem])}function c(){f += 1; d.completeImg(b.get(0)) || !0 === k?e():100 >= f?g.setTimeout(c, 100):e()}var d = this, f = 0, k; "DIV" === b.prop("tagName")?(b.css("background-image", "url(" +"src") + ")"), k = !0):b[0].src ="src"); c()}, autoHeight:function(){function a(){var a = f(e.$owlItems[e.currentItem]).height(); e.wrapperOuter.css("height", a + "px"); e.wrapperOuter.hasClass("autoHeight") || g.setTimeout(function(){e.wrapperOuter.addClass("autoHeight")}, 0)}function b(){d += 1; e.completeImg(c.get(0))?a():100 >= d?g.setTimeout(b, | ||
+ | 100):e.wrapperOuter.css("height", "")}var e = this, c = f(e.$owlItems[e.currentItem]).find("img"), d; void 0 !== c.get(0)?(d = 0, b()):a()}, completeImg:function(a){return!a.complete || "undefined" !== typeof a.naturalWidth && 0 === a.naturalWidth?!1:!0}, onVisibleItems:function(){var a; !0 === this.options.addClassActive && this.$owlItems.removeClass("active"); this.visibleItems = []; for (a = this.currentItem; a < this.currentItem + this.options.items; a += 1)this.visibleItems.push(a), !0 === this.options.addClassActive && f(this.$owlItems[a]).addClass("active"); | ||
+ | this.owl.visibleItems = this.visibleItems}, transitionTypes:function(a){this.outClass = "owl-" + a + "-out"; this.inClass = "owl-" + a + "-in"}, singleItemTransition:function(){var a = this, b = a.outClass, e = a.inClass, c = a.$owlItems.eq(a.currentItem), d = a.$owlItems.eq(a.prevItem), f = Math.abs(a.positionsInArray[a.currentItem]) + a.positionsInArray[a.prevItem], g = Math.abs(a.positionsInArray[a.currentItem]) + a.itemWidth / 2; a.isTransition = !0; a.$owlWrapper.addClass("owl-origin").css({"-webkit-transform-origin":g + "px", "-moz-perspective-origin":g + | ||
+ | "px", "perspective-origin":g + "px"}); d.css({position:"relative", left:f + "px"}).addClass(b).on("webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd animationend", function(){a.endPrev = !0;"webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd animationend"); a.clearTransStyle(d, b)}); c.addClass(e).on("webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd animationend", function(){a.endCurrent = !0;"webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd animationend"); a.clearTransStyle(c, e)})}, clearTransStyle:function(a, | ||
+ | b){a.css({position:"", left:""}).removeClass(b); this.endPrev && this.endCurrent && (this.$owlWrapper.removeClass("owl-origin"), this.isTransition = this.endCurrent = this.endPrev = !1)}, owlStatus:function(){this.owl = {userOptions:this.userOptions, baseElement:this.$elem, userItems:this.$userItems, owlItems:this.$owlItems, currentItem:this.currentItem, prevItem:this.prevItem, visibleItems:this.visibleItems, isTouch:this.browser.isTouch, browser:this.browser, dragDirection:this.dragDirection}}, clearEvents:function(){this.$".owl owl mousedown.disableTextSelect"); | ||
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