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==The Problem==
<h3>★  ALERT! </h3>
*Platinum is an essential natural resource with no real method of extraction than destructive mining methods.  
<p>This page is used by the judges to evaluate your team for the <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Judging/Awards#Special_Prizes"> design special prize</a>. </p>
<p> Delete this box in order to be evaluated for this medal. See more information at <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Judging/Pages_for_Awards/Instructions"> Instructions for Pages for awards</a>.</p>
*Platinum resources are draining and if recycling methods are not developed, the world could run out of platinum in the upcoming 50 years.
*As a result of emissions from automobile catalytic converters there are high concentrations of platinum deposited in the soil next to highways and big roads, often higher than in mines.
By talking about your design work on this page, there is one medal criterion that you can attempt to meet, and one award that you can apply for. If your team is going for a gold medal by building a functional prototype, you should tell us what you did on this page.
*There is also a smaller issue of wastewater treatment plants where there is so much mineral and metal accumulation that companies just prefer to abandon a plant and rebuild a new one. Platinum concentrations are elevated in the plants too because of the treatment of rainwater that passes through roads.
<p>This is a prize for the team that has developed a synthetic biology product to solve a real world problem in the most elegant way. The students will have considered how well the product addresses the problem versus other potential solutions, how the product integrates or disrupts other products and processes, and how its lifecycle can more broadly impact our lives and environments in positive and negative ways.</p>
==The Problem with current Platinum Extraction==
Platinum is a rare metal because there are only a few mines in the world where it can be obtained. And even then it is only a by-product of nickel and copper mining. During the process of extraction huge amounts of hydrochloric and sulfuric acid are used to eliminate impurities.
There are also various socio medical complications associated with platinum mining. Miners and workers are usually exposed to unsafe chemical substances and toxic fumes. Safety measures are often disregarded. An alternative solution to mining could help in the resolvement of this issue.
If you are working on art and design as your main project, please join the art and design track. If you are integrating art and design into the core of your main project, please apply for the award by completing this page.
Most importantly, platinum resources are draining. Experts have estimated that in the year 2064 all known economically workable platinum deposits will be exhausted. It will be necessary to exploit other sources of platinum and develop viable recycling methods.
<p>Teams who want to focus on art and design should be in the art and design special track. If you want to have a sub-project in this area, you should compete for this award.</p>
Finally, there are no current methods of recycling platinum from the soil next to highways that have been shown to work.  
==The Solution==
*Concentrate the platinum accumulated in plants by phytoremediation or present in sludge in rainwater treatment centers.
*Purify the Platinum from other metals or inorganic compounds.
*Transform it into a highly desirable form - nanoparticles.
The main goal of our project is to
The first step relies on the affinity of small organic molecules, siderophores, to bind solubilized Platinum atoms and thus favor the further solubilisation of more platinum compounds. We accomplish this by inserting a plasmid containing an operon with the four enzymes (Des A, Des B, Des C, Des D) necessary to synthesise our siderophore - Desferrioxamine B, into E. coli.
As a second level of concentrating the platinum even more, we plan to use the principle of biosorption. A modified fliC protein complex will be cloned into E. coli and enable the flagella of the bacterium so that it can bind platinum atoms. This specificity will be possible thanks to a recently discovered peptide that will be inserted into the sequence of the fliC. The benefit of using the biosorption is to obtain nanoparticles of platinum, a highly valuable form of the metal.

Revision as of 10:42, 12 October 2016