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<p> Each team must clearly attribute work done by the student team members on this page. The team must distinguish work done by the students from work done by others, including the host labs, advisors, instructors, and individuals not on the team roster. </p>
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<h5> Why is this page needed? </h5>
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<p>The Attribution requirement helps the judges know what you did yourselves and what you had help with. We don't mind if you get help with difficult or complex techniques, but you must report what work your team did and what work was done by others.</p>
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For example, you might choose to work with an animal model during your project. Working with animals requires getting a license and applying far in advance to conduct certain experiments in many countries. This is difficult to achieve during the course of a summer, but much easier if you can work with a postdoc or PI who has the right licenses.</p>
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    <h1 class="c6 c13" id="h.97pu1pf84pqd"><span class="c10 c18">Attributions</span></h1>
<h5> What should this page have?</h5>
    <p class="c6 c11"><span></span>
    <p class="c6 c11"><span></span>
<li>General Support</li>
<li>Project support and advice</li>
    <a id="t.f8c54351eaf3f701a29a6034f4794f6efe5cb98e"></a>
<li>Fundraising help and advice</li>
    <a id="t.0"></a>
<li>Lab support</li>
    <table class="c21">
<li>Difficult technique support</li>
<li>Project advisor support</li>
            <tr class="c1">
<li>Wiki support</li>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
<li>Presentation coaching</li>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">(Dr./Mr./Mrs.) Name/Affiliation:</span>
<li>Human Practices support</li>
<li> Thanks and acknowledgements for all other people involved in helping make a successful iGEM team</li>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Contribution to the team:</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Dr. Susan Lees-Miller</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Professor, Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Dr. Lees-Miller&rsquo;s lab kindly donated to us the mammalian cell line (HCT116) and gave us access to her gamma cell irradiator, both of which were a great help to us in characterizing BBI.</span>
            <tr class="c15">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Dr. Aaron Goodarzi</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Assistant Professor, Departments of Biochemistry &amp; Molecular Biology</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Dr. Aaron Goodarzi was a great help in conceptualizing the project, from introducing us to soybean derived radioprotective peptides to helping us plan the experiments we conducted to characterize BBI. Dr.Goodarzi also kindly donated the primary fibroblast cell line (1BR3) and trained us in conducting an H2AX foci assay. He was critical to the characterization of BBI.</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c10 c2">Dr. Sui-Lam Wong <br></span><span class="c2">Professor, Microbiology </span><span class="c10 c2"><br></span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span>Dr. Wong</span><span class="c2 c7">&nbsp;</span><span class="c2">provided us with protocols for growth media, super rich media, sporulation media, 2X SG media , competency and glycerol stock protocols for </span><span class="c8 c2">B. subtilis. </span><span class="c2">He kindly gave us </span><span class="c8 c2">B. subtilis</span><span class="c2">&nbsp;WB800</span><span class="c8 c2">&nbsp;</span><span class="c0 c2">strain to with for our project. </span>
                    <p class="c5 c11"><span class="c0"></span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c10">Dr. Craig Jenne and Members of the Jenne Lab<br></span><span>Assistant Professor, <br>Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Infectious Diseases (MIID)</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span>Dr. Jenne has a license to work with mice for scientific purpose. He has assisted the team by submitting the ethics approval for in vivo testing of the patch, BBI, and </span><span class="c8">B. subtilis</span><span>. Members of the UCalgary iGEM team have filled out the ethics application but it was submitted under Dr. Jenne&rsquo;s name. Once, ethics approval was received, Dr. Jenne kindle donated 18 BALB/c mice for the experiment. Rachelle Davis (Graduate Student) and Mandy Tse (Lab Manager) did all the mice handling work(put the patches on, regular check up on mice health and behavior, blood extraction, and euthanization). Dr. Seok-Joo Kim (Post- Doctoral Fellow) and Dr. Jenne assisted in mice tissue analyses </span><span>(staining &hellip;..)</span><span class="c0">&nbsp;</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Daniel Ziemianowicz </span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Ph.D., Graduate Student Advisor</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Daniel was a dedicated supporter of the group who had previous experience of competing in iGEM, who was familiar in many of the different parts of a project and provided coaching to the various subgroups working on different objectives. He also used his experience in mass spectroscopy to help us with two important parts of our project.</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Dennis Kim</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">iGEM 2014 Team</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">BHSc. Undergraduate Student Advisor</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">&nbsp;</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span>Dennis assisted the team in troubleshooting for </span><span class="c8">ComK</span><span>&nbsp;transfromations and integration into </span><span class="c8">Bacillus subtilis. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Nic Sieben</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0 c22">_______________</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">&nbsp;</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">He provided the team with plasmid miniprep protocol. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Rai Chaudhuri </span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">iGEM 2014 Team</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">MSc. Graduate Student Advisor</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Rai assisted the team with chassis experiment troubleshooting. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Agnes Klein </span>
                    <p class="c3"><span class="c0">Director of Centre of Evaluation of Radiopharmaceuticals and Biotherapeutics </span>
                    <p class="c3"><span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Health Canada </span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Agnes Klein, Dr. Ting, Dr. Glennon, Dr. Hagen &nbsp;looked over our policy brief on regulations on cell- based therapeutics in Canada. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Dr. Walter Glennon </span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c2 c7">Bioethicist/Neuroethicist at the University of Calgary </span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5 c11"><span class="c0"></span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c10 c2 c7 c19">Dr Gregory Hagen </span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c2 c7 c12">Associate Professor, Associate Dean (Research) at University of Calgary</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5 c11"><span class="c0"></span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c3"><span class="c9">Dr. Fabiola Ting</span>
                    <p class="c3"><span class="c0">Instructor, Community of Health Sciences </span>
                    <p class="c3"><span>University of Calgary </span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5 c11"><span class="c0"></span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Eduardo and Nicholas </span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">__________________</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">&nbsp;They planned and executed a Tom Baker Cancer Institute Tour for our team. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c3"><span class="c10">Minds in Motion</span><span class="c0">&nbsp;</span>
                    <p class="c3"><span class="c0">Calgary </span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">They provided the team with an outreach opportunity to interact and educate children between the ages of 10-14 years.</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c3"><span class="c10">Beakerhead</span><span class="c0">&nbsp;</span>
                    <p class="c3"><span class="c0">Calgary </span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">We were provided with an outreach opportunity to interact with children and adults with Bacterial painting. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c3"><span class="c9">Telus Spark </span>
                    <p class="c3"><span class="c0">Calgary </span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Telus Spark provided the team with an outreach opportunity to educate adults about synthetic biology through their Hack It Adults Night. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c3"><span class="c9">Guanajuato Mexico</span>
                    <p class="c3"><span class="c0">2016 iGEM Team </span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Collaborated with the Mexico iGEM team to create and execute a curriculum to educate first year university students on the basis of synthetic biology. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c3"><span class="c9">University of Rice </span>
                    <p class="c3"><span class="c0">2016 iGEM Team </span>
                    <p class="c3 c11"><span class="c0"></span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Contributed to their Humans of Synthetic Biology project by providing them with the story of why one of our team members joined iGEM. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c3"><span class="c9">Mind Fuel </span>
                    <p class="c3"><span class="c0">Calgary </span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Provided the team with the opportunity to meet with international iGEM judges and receive critical feedback on our project. Also, they worked with us to plan and execute aGEM, a competition between all Alberta iGEM high school and collegiate teams. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Dr. Amir Nezhad</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Dr. Nezhad offered counselling on the early development of the project and referred various professor to us for resources</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Dr. Colin Dalton</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Dr. Dalton gave us an extensive insight into microneedles and their inadequacy for the objective of the project and advised the change of design to a transdermal patch</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Dr. Uttandaraman (U.T.) Sundararaj</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Dr. Sundararaj offered technical support with the prototype by providing us insights on thermoforming and properties of polymers and how we can incorporate these methods for small scale production. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">3M</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">3M provided the materials for making the prototype for mouse testing and fabricated a prototype in their lab for the team</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Dow Corning</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Dow Corning provided adhesives for making the prototype for mouse testing</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Robert Mayall </span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Offered counsel on the membrane experiment and alternative materials</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Patrick Wu </span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">iGEM design seminar on Wiki design, and visual presentation tips. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c10 c2 c23">Dr. Justin MacCallum</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Modelling simulations.</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Nicholas Jette</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Ph.D., Graduate Student Advisor</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Nicholas was a great aid in the execution of the assays that we wished to run. From giving us training in tissue culture, to teaching how to do the clonogenics assay, Nicholas was a great help in characterizing BBI.</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Shaun Moore</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Ph.D., Graduate Student</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Shaun provided us with advice in conducting the double strand break assay and helped us with the troubleshooting of our assays.</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Karolin Klement</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Ph.D. Post Doctoral Fellow</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Karolin helped us with the clonogenics assay and provided us with advice when we changed our cell lines from HCT116 to 1BR3. Since primary cell lines have different requirements than cancer cells, she showed us what was required to run a clonogenic assay with 1BR3. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Alina Kunitskaya</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Advisor </span>
                    <p class="c5 c11"><span class="c0"></span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Alina had mentored the device subgroup by providing guidance on the design process, troubleshooting visual modelling and providing alternative opinions. She also acted as our contact within NASA and helped to schedule a meeting with Dr. Cagle</span>
    <p class="c6 c11"><span></span>
    <p class="c6"><span class="c10">Team</span>
    <a id="t.6f1d6b8deacfceb99425beab4f89c581b6266401"></a>
    <a id="t.1"></a>
    <table class="c21">
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Dr. Mayi Arcellana-Panlilio</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Adjunct Associate Professor, Biochemistry &amp; Molecular Biology</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5 c11"><span class="c0"></span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Nicholas D&rsquo;Aleo-Sotas</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">BSc. Cellular Molecular Microbial Biology, Team Member</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Worked on HCT116 and Fibroblast clonogenics. Tissue culture guru. ComK transformation into Bacillus subtilis savant.</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Nilesh Sharma</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">BSc. Neuroscience </span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Team Member</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Worked in immunoflourescence assay with cell fixing and antibody staining. Worked in prototype testing, writing ethics application and observing patch application. Also worked on mathematical modelling of how BBI diffuses through the skin and on molecular simulations of BBI movement through a lipid bilayer. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Miriam Li</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">BHSc. Biomedical Sciences</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Team Member</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Worked on HCT116 and 1BR3 clonogenics assays. Oversaw mice trials including administration of patch and blood draws. Also worked in Human Practices in writing up the whole policy brief, setting up meetings with professionals, and doing write-ups.</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Syed Jafri</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">BHSc. Bioinformatics</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Team Member</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span>Coded the Wiki. Worked in immunofluorescence assays using </span><span class="c2 c17"><a class="c20" href="https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3501397/&amp;sa=D&amp;ust=1475964354929000&amp;usg=AFQjCNEjslkLkF6w33CR5ubdBi9-yGZdag">&gamma;</a></span><span class="c0">-H2AX and 53BP1 antibodies to visualize DSBs. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Sid Goutam</span>
                    <p class="c5 c6"><span class="c0">BHSc. Biomedical Sciences</span>
                    <p class="c5 c6"><span class="c0">Team Member</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Worked on the clonogenic assay with HCT116 cells. Worked on the double strand break assay using immunofluorescence. Took part in mathematical modeling.</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Nishi Patel</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">BSc. Cellular Molecular Microbial Biology</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Team Member</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span>Designed genetic constructs for BBI and the indicator system. Worked with the Jenne lab for ethics approval and </span><span class="c8">in vivo </span><span class="c0">testing of transdermal patches in mice. Oversaw the manufacture, administration of patches. Analyzed mice tissue for any immunological responses. For Human Practices, consulted on the policy brief and helped set up meetings. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">James Johnston </span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">BHSc. Biomedical Sciences </span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Team Member </span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span>Worked on determining the growth of </span><span class="c8">Bacillus</span><span>&nbsp;with Rachelle. Worked on the cloning and eventual expression of BBI into both</span><span class="c8">&nbsp;E. coli </span><span>and </span><span class="c8">Bacillus subtilis. </span><span class="c0">I also helped with the layout and coding of the wiki.</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Rachelle Varga</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">BSc. Cellular, Molecular, and Microbial Biology</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Team Member</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span>Determined growth rates of </span><span class="c8">B. subtilis </span><span>at varying temperatures and using different media. Worked on developing usable ComK genetic construct and cloning it in </span><span class="c8">E. coli </span><span>and </span><span class="c8">B. subtilis</span><span class="c0">. Organized outreach events. Ran all forms of social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Elena Fekete </span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">BSc. Cellular, Molecular, and Microbial Biology </span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Team Member</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Planned outreach activities, and worked on research and editing for the policy brief. Helped to set up interviews with professionals.</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Shalpinder Dhothar</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">BSc. Biological Sciences</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Team Member</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Arranged and conducted meetings with professionals, planned outreach programs, assisted with collaboration work, and worked on the research, writing and editing of the policy brief.</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Christine Phan</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">BSc. Biological Sciences</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Team Member</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Performed assays for material testing, created Solidworks model of the design, created Autodesk Maya animation of the system and collaborated on the design process for the physical delivery system. Designed wiki wireframes as well as slide deck for the presentation. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Tiffany Dang </span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">BSc. Chemical and Biomedical Engineering </span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Team Member</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Collaborated on the design process for the physical delivery system, created Solidworks model of the design, and performed material testing. For Human Practices, set up meeting with professionals, consulted on the policy brief, helped with outreach programs and organized collaboration. </span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">David Nguyen</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">BSc. Chemical and Petroleum Engineering</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Team Member</span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Undertook material research, reached out to companies to obtain materials, designed and fabricated a physical prototype for the mouse testing, initialized the diffusion mathematical model and provided support throughout the project, compiled device subteam notebook and results as well as applying for travel cost funding</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Neliza Mendoza </span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">BSc. Civil Engineering </span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Team Member </span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Took charge of the analytical modelling for diffusion of drug through skin using MATLAB, performed adhesive assays for patch laminates used in prototyping, and compiled an information manual for our biotherapeutic device for potential user reference. Certified meeting organizer.</span>
            <tr class="c1">
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c9">Noshin Karim </span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">BSc. Mechanical Engineering</span>
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Team Member </span>
                <td class="c4" colspan="1" rowspan="1">
                    <p class="c5"><span class="c0">Took charge of the numerical modelling of diffusion of peptide through the physical delivery system using MATLAB. Led discussions on design process for the physical delivery system, researched into materials, helped with developing SolidWorks model of design. Combined mathematical model and lab experiment results to determine how the patch works.</span>
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iGEM Calgary 2016

HP - Silver


(Dr./Mr./Mrs.) Name/Affiliation:

Contribution to the team:

Dr. Susan Lees-Miller

Professor, Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Dr. Lees-Miller’s lab kindly donated to us the mammalian cell line (HCT116) and gave us access to her gamma cell irradiator, both of which were a great help to us in characterizing BBI.

Dr. Aaron Goodarzi

Assistant Professor, Departments of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Dr. Aaron Goodarzi was a great help in conceptualizing the project, from introducing us to soybean derived radioprotective peptides to helping us plan the experiments we conducted to characterize BBI. Dr.Goodarzi also kindly donated the primary fibroblast cell line (1BR3) and trained us in conducting an H2AX foci assay. He was critical to the characterization of BBI.

Dr. Sui-Lam Wong
Professor, Microbiology

Dr. Wong provided us with protocols for growth media, super rich media, sporulation media, 2X SG media , competency and glycerol stock protocols for B. subtilis. He kindly gave us B. subtilis WB800 strain to with for our project.

Dr. Craig Jenne and Members of the Jenne Lab
Assistant Professor,
Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Infectious Diseases (MIID)

Dr. Jenne has a license to work with mice for scientific purpose. He has assisted the team by submitting the ethics approval for in vivo testing of the patch, BBI, and B. subtilis. Members of the UCalgary iGEM team have filled out the ethics application but it was submitted under Dr. Jenne’s name. Once, ethics approval was received, Dr. Jenne kindle donated 18 BALB/c mice for the experiment. Rachelle Davis (Graduate Student) and Mandy Tse (Lab Manager) did all the mice handling work(put the patches on, regular check up on mice health and behavior, blood extraction, and euthanization). Dr. Seok-Joo Kim (Post- Doctoral Fellow) and Dr. Jenne assisted in mice tissue analyses (staining …..) 

Daniel Ziemianowicz

Ph.D., Graduate Student Advisor

Daniel was a dedicated supporter of the group who had previous experience of competing in iGEM, who was familiar in many of the different parts of a project and provided coaching to the various subgroups working on different objectives. He also used his experience in mass spectroscopy to help us with two important parts of our project.

Dennis Kim

iGEM 2014 Team

BHSc. Undergraduate Student Advisor


Dennis assisted the team in troubleshooting for ComK transfromations and integration into Bacillus subtilis.

Nic Sieben



He provided the team with plasmid miniprep protocol.

Rai Chaudhuri

iGEM 2014 Team

MSc. Graduate Student Advisor

Rai assisted the team with chassis experiment troubleshooting.

Agnes Klein

Director of Centre of Evaluation of Radiopharmaceuticals and Biotherapeutics

        Health Canada

Agnes Klein, Dr. Ting, Dr. Glennon, Dr. Hagen  looked over our policy brief on regulations on cell- based therapeutics in Canada.

Dr. Walter Glennon

Bioethicist/Neuroethicist at the University of Calgary

Dr Gregory Hagen

Associate Professor, Associate Dean (Research) at University of Calgary

Dr. Fabiola Ting

Instructor, Community of Health Sciences

University of Calgary

Eduardo and Nicholas


 They planned and executed a Tom Baker Cancer Institute Tour for our team.

Minds in Motion 


They provided the team with an outreach opportunity to interact and educate children between the ages of 10-14 years.



We were provided with an outreach opportunity to interact with children and adults with Bacterial painting.

Telus Spark


Telus Spark provided the team with an outreach opportunity to educate adults about synthetic biology through their Hack It Adults Night.

Guanajuato Mexico

2016 iGEM Team

Collaborated with the Mexico iGEM team to create and execute a curriculum to educate first year university students on the basis of synthetic biology.

University of Rice

2016 iGEM Team

Contributed to their Humans of Synthetic Biology project by providing them with the story of why one of our team members joined iGEM.

Mind Fuel


Provided the team with the opportunity to meet with international iGEM judges and receive critical feedback on our project. Also, they worked with us to plan and execute aGEM, a competition between all Alberta iGEM high school and collegiate teams.

Dr. Amir Nezhad

Dr. Nezhad offered counselling on the early development of the project and referred various professor to us for resources

Dr. Colin Dalton

Dr. Dalton gave us an extensive insight into microneedles and their inadequacy for the objective of the project and advised the change of design to a transdermal patch

Dr. Uttandaraman (U.T.) Sundararaj

Dr. Sundararaj offered technical support with the prototype by providing us insights on thermoforming and properties of polymers and how we can incorporate these methods for small scale production.


3M provided the materials for making the prototype for mouse testing and fabricated a prototype in their lab for the team

Dow Corning

Dow Corning provided adhesives for making the prototype for mouse testing

Robert Mayall

Offered counsel on the membrane experiment and alternative materials

Patrick Wu

iGEM design seminar on Wiki design, and visual presentation tips.

Dr. Justin MacCallum

Modelling simulations.

Nicholas Jette

Ph.D., Graduate Student Advisor

Nicholas was a great aid in the execution of the assays that we wished to run. From giving us training in tissue culture, to teaching how to do the clonogenics assay, Nicholas was a great help in characterizing BBI.

Shaun Moore

Ph.D., Graduate Student

Shaun provided us with advice in conducting the double strand break assay and helped us with the troubleshooting of our assays.

Karolin Klement

Ph.D. Post Doctoral Fellow

Karolin helped us with the clonogenics assay and provided us with advice when we changed our cell lines from HCT116 to 1BR3. Since primary cell lines have different requirements than cancer cells, she showed us what was required to run a clonogenic assay with 1BR3.

Alina Kunitskaya


Alina had mentored the device subgroup by providing guidance on the design process, troubleshooting visual modelling and providing alternative opinions. She also acted as our contact within NASA and helped to schedule a meeting with Dr. Cagle


Dr. Mayi Arcellana-Panlilio

Adjunct Associate Professor, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Nicholas D’Aleo-Sotas

BSc. Cellular Molecular Microbial Biology, Team Member

Worked on HCT116 and Fibroblast clonogenics. Tissue culture guru. ComK transformation into Bacillus subtilis savant.

Nilesh Sharma

BSc. Neuroscience

Team Member

Worked in immunoflourescence assay with cell fixing and antibody staining. Worked in prototype testing, writing ethics application and observing patch application. Also worked on mathematical modelling of how BBI diffuses through the skin and on molecular simulations of BBI movement through a lipid bilayer.

Miriam Li

BHSc. Biomedical Sciences

Team Member

Worked on HCT116 and 1BR3 clonogenics assays. Oversaw mice trials including administration of patch and blood draws. Also worked in Human Practices in writing up the whole policy brief, setting up meetings with professionals, and doing write-ups.

Syed Jafri

BHSc. Bioinformatics

Team Member

Coded the Wiki. Worked in immunofluorescence assays using γ-H2AX and 53BP1 antibodies to visualize DSBs.

Sid Goutam

BHSc. Biomedical Sciences

Team Member

Worked on the clonogenic assay with HCT116 cells. Worked on the double strand break assay using immunofluorescence. Took part in mathematical modeling.

Nishi Patel

BSc. Cellular Molecular Microbial Biology

Team Member

Designed genetic constructs for BBI and the indicator system. Worked with the Jenne lab for ethics approval and in vivo testing of transdermal patches in mice. Oversaw the manufacture, administration of patches. Analyzed mice tissue for any immunological responses. For Human Practices, consulted on the policy brief and helped set up meetings.

James Johnston

BHSc. Biomedical Sciences

Team Member

Worked on determining the growth of Bacillus with Rachelle. Worked on the cloning and eventual expression of BBI into both E. coli and Bacillus subtilis. I also helped with the layout and coding of the wiki.

Rachelle Varga

BSc. Cellular, Molecular, and Microbial Biology

Team Member

Determined growth rates of B. subtilis at varying temperatures and using different media. Worked on developing usable ComK genetic construct and cloning it in E. coli and B. subtilis. Organized outreach events. Ran all forms of social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).

Elena Fekete

BSc. Cellular, Molecular, and Microbial Biology

Team Member

Planned outreach activities, and worked on research and editing for the policy brief. Helped to set up interviews with professionals.

Shalpinder Dhothar

BSc. Biological Sciences

Team Member

Arranged and conducted meetings with professionals, planned outreach programs, assisted with collaboration work, and worked on the research, writing and editing of the policy brief.

Christine Phan

BSc. Biological Sciences

Team Member

Performed assays for material testing, created Solidworks model of the design, created Autodesk Maya animation of the system and collaborated on the design process for the physical delivery system. Designed wiki wireframes as well as slide deck for the presentation.

Tiffany Dang

BSc. Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Team Member

Collaborated on the design process for the physical delivery system, created Solidworks model of the design, and performed material testing. For Human Practices, set up meeting with professionals, consulted on the policy brief, helped with outreach programs and organized collaboration.

David Nguyen

BSc. Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

Team Member

Undertook material research, reached out to companies to obtain materials, designed and fabricated a physical prototype for the mouse testing, initialized the diffusion mathematical model and provided support throughout the project, compiled device subteam notebook and results as well as applying for travel cost funding

Neliza Mendoza

BSc. Civil Engineering

Team Member

Took charge of the analytical modelling for diffusion of drug through skin using MATLAB, performed adhesive assays for patch laminates used in prototyping, and compiled an information manual for our biotherapeutic device for potential user reference. Certified meeting organizer.

Noshin Karim

BSc. Mechanical Engineering

Team Member

Took charge of the numerical modelling of diffusion of peptide through the physical delivery system using MATLAB. Led discussions on design process for the physical delivery system, researched into materials, helped with developing SolidWorks model of design. Combined mathematical model and lab experiment results to determine how the patch works.


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