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<p id="pp">Examining the degradation time for the protein we adjusted the previously estimated value to be that of green fluorescent protein (GFP), as Killerred is a homologue to provide a more accurate degradation time. However, we could only find a half life of the protein so to calculate the degradation we used equation (1).</p>
<p id="pp">Examining the degradation time for the protein we adjusted the previously estimated value to be that of green fluorescent protein (GFP), as Killerred is a homologue to provide a more accurate degradation time. However, we could only find a half life of the protein so to calculate the degradation we used equation (1).</p>
<p id="pp">
<span class="equation">$T = \frac{T_{\frac{1}{2}}}{ln(2)}  (1)$<span class="equation_ref">(Hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu, 2016)</span></span>
<span class="equation_key">
$T$: Degredation time [$\text{s}$]<br />
$T_{\frac{1}{2}}$: Half life[$\text{s}$]
                 <p id="pp">Running the initial model provides a overall protein quantity of under 3 million and mRNA at a maximum of 4200 (Thermofisher.com, 2016), which fits within the expected amount suggesting that the rates and process are a good, basic approximation of protein production.</p>
                 <p id="pp">Running the initial model provides a overall protein quantity of under 3 million and mRNA at a maximum of 4200 (Thermofisher.com, 2016), which fits within the expected amount suggesting that the rates and process are a good, basic approximation of protein production.</p>

Revision as of 15:12, 8 October 2016