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                <p id="pp">Protein production:</p>
                <p id="pp">At the outset, multiple assumptions were made to simplify the the system, enabling suitable definition of  appropriate variables and rates. Mutations were also ignored to eradicate this further layer of complexity. Mindful that the timeframe considered was much larger than the replication time of <i>E. coli</i>,  the amount of mRNA, Protein etc was adjusted accordingly by assuming that it splits evenly and halving the amount every time replication occurs, also affecting the amount of plasmids. However,  as cited in (Nordström and Dasgupta, 2006), the frequency of replication is variable to maintain a constant amount. Therefore, in the case of our plasmid pSB1C3, which had a high copy number ~300, the amount was kept constant even after replication of the <i>E. Coli</i>.</p>
                <p id="pp">We then isolated one cell and listed the major factors in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) starting from the transcription of mRNA.</p>
                    <li>k1 is the rate of transcription.</li>
                    <li>k2 is the rate of mRNA degradation</li>
                    <li>k3 is the rate of protein production</li>
                    <li>k4 is the rate of degradation of the protein</li>
                    <li>k6 is the rate of ros production</li>
                <p id="pp">From this, we isolated the Transcription/Translation mechanism (k1 & k3) along with the degradation (k2 & k4) to obtain a protein production time. </p>
                <p id="pp">K1 was calculated to be 22.175s. This was achieved by taking the total number of base pairs of the plasmid (887) and dividing through by the transcription rate of 40 base pairs per second for the T7 promoter (García and Molineux, 1995).</p>
                <p id="pp">K3 was calculated in a similar way to be 28.690s. As the value found for the rate of 8.4 amino acids per seconds (Siwiak and Zielenkiewicz, 2013) is given in amino acids and not base pairs, this result was arrived at by taking the total number of base pairs of the protein coding region (723) and dividing by 3, given that a conversion of 3 base pairs = 1 amino acid is viable.</p>
                <p id="pp">K2 was found to be 3-8 minutes for 80% of mrna (Bernstein et al., 2002). 5 minutes was used as an approximation of the median time as the actual number fluctuates.</p>
                <p id="pp">K4 was initially estimated to be greater than 10 hours using protparam on expasy.org. 10 hours was used as the degradation time as this exceed the observed time taken for death of the cell.</p>
                <p id="pp">Simbiology, a modelling app for matlab, was used to model the flow diagram with the above rate parameters. Running the simulation, a rate for mrna production and protein production could be found. A few issues were initially identified, these being that the degradation times affected the transcription/translation rate directly and also that as soon as mrna production started, protein production was initialised. This suggested that even when the mrna is in the process of being transcribed, translation has started and we know this not to be the case as you can’t start transcription with a non integer amount of mRNA.
                <p id="pp">To correct this, the mRNA needed to be a step function, so limiting the amount to whole integers and meaning that production of the protein was restricted until the first mrna was produced. However, this only served to add a delay onto the overall protein production and multiply it by the mRNA amount as seen in Figure 1. This highlights another problem. As we can see in Figure 2 below, we know that it takes ~28 s to produce a protein (K3) after the mRNA has been made, suggesting that it should occur at  ~54s. However, the second mRNA is produced in advance of this, increasing the rate at which the protein are produced and making the first protein at  ~53s. This correctly describes the overall rate of the system in producing proteins but is incorrect for finding the time at which they are made, as each mRNA is independent of any other. This means that each mRNA required  individual consideration based on each having a separate protein production mechanism that contributes to a total protein quantity. </p>
                <p id="pp">To enable this we moved away from Simbiology and attempted to use Simulink. However, after careful consideration, we decided instead to write the process in C. This allowed us to handle each mRNA and its creation time separately and have it produce proteins up to the time in which the protein was induced. An array was used with each element representing a second; every time a protein was created the corresponding time element would increase by one. The total of all elements were then taken to find an overall amount of protein.
                <p id="pp">The next step was to include degradation. This was achieved by limiting the protein production of an individual mRNA to its respective degradation time. For protein degradation, the amount of time left from the time of creation until the overall run time (in our case the point at which we started shining light on the cultures) was compared to the degradation time; if the difference was greater, the protein degrades and is subtracted from the total.
                <p id="pp">Further, we took into account multiple ribosomes on one mRNA (polyribosome) and maturation. Polyribosomes were included in the code by restricting the first protein created by each mRNA to the the calculated translation rate found above (~28s). Then for the following proteins we used a modified rate where we divided the rate by the amount of ribosomes, which was found to be 3.46 per 100 codons (Siwiak and Zielenkiewicz, 2013). In this case, it was calculated to be 8 if we rounded down to the nearest integer. As the degradation and the ability to produce ROS applies to only folded proteins, we wanted to know how many mature proteins there would be. Calculating of a new run time was achieved by  taking away both the maturation time in addition to the time taken to make one mRNA and protein,  suggesting that the proteins made in the new run time were created and matured and ready to produce ROS if they had not degraded.  </p>
                <p id="pp">Examining the degradation time for the protein, we adjusted the previously estimated value to be that of green fluorescent protein (GFP), as KillerRed is a homologue to provide a more accurate degradation time. However, able to only find a half-life of the protein, we used equation (1) to calculate the degradation.
                <p id="pp">Running the initial model provided an overall protein quantity of under 3 million and mRNA at a maximum of 4200 (Thermofisher.com, 2016), which fits within the expected amount. This suggests  that the rates and process are a good, basic approximation of protein production.
                <h6>ROS production:</h6>
               <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="block">
               <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="block">

Revision as of 22:22, 13 October 2016