Difference between revisions of "Team:HUST-China"

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Revision as of 05:41, 29 June 2016


Bistable responses in bacterial genetic networks are an important model in synthetic biology. Case study as lac operon, molecular mechanism responsible for the lysis versus lysogeny decision in bacteriaphage γ,  Dpp and Egfr pathways in Drosophila’s wing vein patterning and so on,all prove that bistability exists in every living process of the cell. Synbio and the iGEM coummunity are trying to analyze them and take the advantage of those delicate biological system to biuld artificial ones.Based on previous achievements about bistability in bacteria, we found something interesting to study.


Usually, the responses level to the external stimulation in the engineered strain depend on the stimulus intensity. What if we could build an circuit that could transform the input into the output no matter what stimulus level it is. It works like a genetic filter which could senses even a pulse of input and turns out a stable output.


So this year, we plan to developing a basic tool when people want to design a genetically engineered micro-organism which could sense the pulse signal from outer environment and switch its inner stable state. Additionally, we provide eukaryotic and prokaryotic types to suits multiple applications.



