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DTU biobuilders logo home botton

Gijs Verkleij

MSc. in Biotechnology, 2nd semester.

What is your motivation for joining the iGEM team?

Synthetic biologists are the next rockstars! Not just me who’s saying that: http://www.wired.com/2015/11/move-over-jony-ivebiologists-are-the-next-rock-star-designers/

Theater or cinema?

Cinema, because it’s for young people. I will engineer my own genes to stay forever young.

Stefani Pjaca

MSc. in Biotechnology, 2nd semester.

What is your motivation for joining the iGEM team?

iGEM is an once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity to be a part of an ambitious team and to develop a project from scratch to the final jamboree in Boston and hopefully contribute to the synthetic biology community.

If you had 50.000 DKK to spend in two hours, what would you spend them on?

I really enjoy traveling the world, so I would definitely use the money to go traveling somewhere! I would probably book a trip to Australia since I have never been there before.

Mohamad Ali Khalil El Lakany

MSc. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, 1st semester.

What is your motivation for joining the iGEM team?

I like the entrepreneurial aspect to the whole project. Having and idea and making that idea happen. To watch it grow to something useful, beautiful, practical and presentable. To handle and overcome the obstacles you meet on that road. It really thrills me. Igem is exactly that and more.

What cheers you up?

Oh, that’s a long list. I would say, children and dogs. Children because of their innate, almost unquenchable curiosity, in addition to their appreciation for the even the smallest things. They make us rethink things and reevaluate our habituated views on things and the actions we do. Dogs are just great, and always happy to see you...loyal too.

Isabella Loft

MSc. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, 1st semester.

What is your motivation for joining the iGEM team?

Utilising my skills in concert with other smart people to create something that may some day change or better the life of even a few are always a great way to learn even more.

Which destination would you love to recommend other people visiting?

Marrakech in Morocco is one of my favorite destinations, the food culture is rich with a wealth of spices. Taking a walk in the old city gives both joy for the eyes that can’t rest on a single thing and a quest to not get stuck under a scooter or other vehicle before you can find your way out of the labyrinthine like small streets when you have become lost.

Mikkel Storm

BSc. Biotechnology. 4th semester.

What is your motivation for joining the iGEM team?

I want to further my horizon with a special course in synthetic biology. It is a great motivation to participate in a competition and i look forward meeting other participants and see their projects.

Dogs or cats? Why?

I like dogs, my small puppets to take over the world.

Klaudia Ciurkot

MSc. in Biotechnology, 1st semester

What is your motivation for joining the iGEM team?

The list of reasons is quite long, in fact I cannot find a reason to not join! iGEM is the great opportunity to work on a scientific project with a group of amazing people, dedicated to science while having fun as well.

S. cerevisiae or E. coli - why?

Saccharomyces cerevisiae since I love a freshly baked yeast cake with plums, yummy!

Trine Sofie Bladt

MSc. in Biotechnology. 2nd semester.

What is your motivation for joining the iGEM team?

If you can’t have fun with what you are going to work with the rest of your life - what’s the point of it all?

What would you rather? Always dance instead of walking, or always sing instead of talking.

I would die from pure happiness if my life was a musical, and every conversation was just a build-up to a song about my life! Alas, people who have ever run into me on a long day in the lab will know, that I have an awful singing voice.

Baosheng James Hou

MSc. Biomedical Engineering. 2nd semester.

What is your motivation for joining the iGEM team?

Over a lifetime there are only so many moments where you can join a force of good and become a part of something greater than ourselves. There is a divine message in the code of life - Mankind will be united, we will see past our differences, diseases shall be cured, species shall be saved, Mother Nature shall be defended. In the name of synthetic biology shall we stand, and fight, and die. Such is the way to enter Valhalla.

Mathias Blicher Bjerregård

MSc. Mathematical Modelling. 8th semester.

What is your motivation for joining the iGEM team?

Improve my experience on applied data analysis and modeling

How do you want your remains dealt with when you die?

Forget about burial or burning. I want to have my name (or possibly nickname) engraved in the forehead of my skull, and then have it preserved in a glass case. That way I will still be among my descendants, so they always can consult me.