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<p>Please visit <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Safety">the main Safety page</a> to find this year's safety requirements & deadlines, and to learn about safe & responsible research in iGEM.</p>
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<p>On this page of your wiki, you should write about how you are addressing any safety issues in your project. The wiki is a place where you can <strong>go beyond the questions on the safety forms</strong>, and write about whatever safety topics are most interesting in your project. (You do not need to copy your safety forms onto this wiki page.)</p>
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<h5>Safe Project Design</h5>
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<p>Does your project include any safety features? Have you made certain decisions about the design to reduce risks? Write about them here! For example:</p>
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<h>Safety Engineering Design</h>
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<h1>1.Pick up one non-pathogenic chassis </h1>
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<p>Selection of vector: pick up the vector(pSB1C3)as required by igem. Vectors from any other sources are not applicable, which avoids the spread of viral vectors and antibiotics resistance genes in the lab and nature.  
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Selection of host strain: Operate the world’s most commonly used, well-recognized and safest system in the lab. Use DH5α as the host strain and adopt BL21 to express host strain. The safety for lab personals, lab and natural environment is universally acknowledged all over the world.  
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<h2>2.Selection parts, no harm to human beings,animals,plants </h2>
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<p>The E. coli used in this experiment are the most common ones used in all labs, which is environmental friendly and doesn’t infect plants. As the e. coli exist in the intestinal tract, it lives inside human beings and animals. It won’t produce any harm to human beings and animals under natural conditions.  
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  <h3>1.Pick up one non-pathogenic chassis</h3>
    <p>Selection of vector: pick up the vector(pSB1C3)as required by igem. Vectors from any other sources are not applicable, which avoids the spread of viral vectors and antibiotics resistance genes in the lab and nature. Selection of host strain: Operate the world’s most commonly used, well-recognized and safest system in the lab. Use DH5α as the host strain and adopt BL21 to express host strain. The safety for lab personals, lab and natural environment is universally acknowledged all over the world. </p> 
<h3>2.Selection parts, no harm to human beings,animals,plants</h3>
<p>The E. coli used in this experiment are the most common ones used in all labs, which is environmental friendly and doesn’t infect plants. As the e. coli exist in the intestinal tract, it lives inside human beings and animals. It won’t produce any harm to human beings and animals under natural conditions. </p>
<h3>3.Safer material replaces dangerous one. </h3>
<h3>3.Safer material replaces dangerous one. </h3>
<p>The chosen DH5α and BL21, the most common used host strains system in labs and pharmaceutical industry, have many great features comparing to wild E.coli: easy manipulate, safe to use and lower pathogenicity. </p>
<p>The chosen DH5α and BL21, the most common used host strains system in labs and pharmaceutical industry, have many great features comparing to wild E.coli: easy manipulate, safe to use and lower pathogenicity. </p>
<h4>4.Include the equipment with "induced lethality" or "refusal of entrance" </h4>
<h3>4.Include the equipment with "induced lethality" or "refusal of entrance" </h3>
</p>To further increase the security and avoid any harm to operating personnel and environment, the project is designed with a photo induced suicide program. Upon receiving the UV or sunshine, RecA promoter is activated, which in turn activate the expression of ccdB suicide protein. Therefore, expressed CCDB protein can inactivate DNA gyrase and lead the death of host strain cell. In conclusion, this process secure the influence of genetic engineered bacteria on the outside environment.  
<p>To further increase the security and avoid any harm to operating personnel and environment, the project is designed with a photo induced suicide program. Upon receiving the UV or sunshine, RecA promoter is activated, which in turn activate the expression of ccdB suicide protein. Therefore, expressed CCDB protein can inactivate DNA gyrase and lead the death of host strain cell. In conclusion, this process secure the influence of genetic engineered bacteria on the outside environment. Lab Security Management - All operations were conducted under supervision. Any experiments related to bacteria are required to be operated on the clean bench. Lab staff must wear lab coat, disposable gloves, cap, respirator and other safety products according to lab regulations. - Any experiments related to organic solvent are required to be completed in the fume hood. Wearing protective head-cover to avoid steam of organic solvent to cause any harm to operator or other lab staff. Lab wastes are processed based on their classification under the lab regulation rules. All lab appliances contaminated by bacteria and DNA must be disinfected by high pressure steam before discarding. Safe Delivery - The delivery of relevant biology modules to igem is based on the normalized requirements of igem. The plasmid, kept as solid form, is sealed off in the perforated plate and capped with microplate sealer to avoid leak and spread during transport.
Lab Security Management
- All operations were conducted under supervision. Any experiments related to bacteria are required to be operated on the clean bench. Lab staff must wear lab coat, disposable gloves, cap, respirator and other safety products according to lab regulations.  
- Any experiments related to organic solvent are required to be completed in the fume hood. Wearing protective head-cover to avoid steam of organic solvent to cause any harm to operator or other lab staff. Lab wastes are processed based on their classification under the lab regulation rules. All lab appliances contaminated by bacteria and DNA must be disinfected by high pressure steam before discarding.  
Safe Delivery  
- The delivery of relevant biology modules to igem is based on the normalized requirements of igem. The plasmid, kept as solid form, is sealed off in the perforated plate and capped with microplate sealer to avoid leak and spread during transport.  
<li>Choosing a non-pathogenic chassis</li>
<li>Choosing parts that will not harm humans / animals / plants</li>
<li>Substituting safer materials for dangerous materials in a proof-of-concept experiment</li>
<li>Including an "induced lethality" or "kill-switch" device</li>
<p>*Choosing a non-pathogenic chassis</p><p>*Choosing parts that will not harm humans / animals / plants</p><p>*Substituting safer materials for dangerous materials in a proof-of-concept experiment</p><p>*Including an "induced lethality" or "kill-switch" device</p>
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<h5>Safe Lab Work</h5>
<p>What safety procedures do you use every day in the lab? Did you perform any unusual experiments, or face any unusual safety issues? Write about them here!</p>
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<h5>Safe Shipment</h5>
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<p>Did you face any safety problems in sending your DNA parts to the Registry? How did you solve those problems?</p>
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Revision as of 10:18, 18 October 2016



1.Pick up one non-pathogenic chassis

Selection of vector: pick up the vector(pSB1C3)as required by igem. Vectors from any other sources are not applicable, which avoids the spread of viral vectors and antibiotics resistance genes in the lab and nature. Selection of host strain: Operate the world’s most commonly used, well-recognized and safest system in the lab. Use DH5α as the host strain and adopt BL21 to express host strain. The safety for lab personals, lab and natural environment is universally acknowledged all over the world.

2.Selection parts, no harm to human beings,animals,plants

The E. coli used in this experiment are the most common ones used in all labs, which is environmental friendly and doesn’t infect plants. As the e. coli exist in the intestinal tract, it lives inside human beings and animals. It won’t produce any harm to human beings and animals under natural conditions.

3.Safer material replaces dangerous one.

The chosen DH5α and BL21, the most common used host strains system in labs and pharmaceutical industry, have many great features comparing to wild E.coli: easy manipulate, safe to use and lower pathogenicity.

4.Include the equipment with "induced lethality" or "refusal of entrance"

To further increase the security and avoid any harm to operating personnel and environment, the project is designed with a photo induced suicide program. Upon receiving the UV or sunshine, RecA promoter is activated, which in turn activate the expression of ccdB suicide protein. Therefore, expressed CCDB protein can inactivate DNA gyrase and lead the death of host strain cell. In conclusion, this process secure the influence of genetic engineered bacteria on the outside environment. Lab Security Management - All operations were conducted under supervision. Any experiments related to bacteria are required to be operated on the clean bench. Lab staff must wear lab coat, disposable gloves, cap, respirator and other safety products according to lab regulations. - Any experiments related to organic solvent are required to be completed in the fume hood. Wearing protective head-cover to avoid steam of organic solvent to cause any harm to operator or other lab staff. Lab wastes are processed based on their classification under the lab regulation rules. All lab appliances contaminated by bacteria and DNA must be disinfected by high pressure steam before discarding. Safe Delivery - The delivery of relevant biology modules to igem is based on the normalized requirements of igem. The plasmid, kept as solid form, is sealed off in the perforated plate and capped with microplate sealer to avoid leak and spread during transport.

*Choosing a non-pathogenic chassis

*Choosing parts that will not harm humans / animals / plants

*Substituting safer materials for dangerous materials in a proof-of-concept experiment

*Including an "induced lethality" or "kill-switch" device