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<h2>Ca me soule toujours autant</h2>
<p>Plasmidic DNA Extraction on the liquid cultures made Sunday by Nassim and Wilhelm (Zinebe)<br>
    --> Followed protocol: “Monarch plasmid miniprep kit” from NEB <br>
<ol><li>Benjamin : Il s'est fait chier</li>
Note:   First centrifugation of 10 mL, but only 5ml needed, so we re-suspended them in 5mL and centrifuge again.<br>
<li>Nassim : Il a cassé les couilles</li>
DNA concentration obtained using Nanodrop<br>
Plasmid Concentration (µg/mL)    260/280                        260/230      <br>
pMAD    75.136                                1.969                            2.556<br>
pBS1C      81.240                              1.725                            0.740<br>
Competency test check (Djamila) done on Friday 19th failed (Boys checked on Saturday) ie bacteria but no rfp from igem plasmid next step? <br>
BSU9716 Plates from Sunday 20th(Wilhelm/Nassim) <br>
No growth on Kan/Cm and Amp, plate back on Kan, Cm and Amp individually (from “loan plate”) and also frozen from initial BSU batch on LB then 37 degrees overnight<br>
Oligo dilution in TE 1X (Sofiane) final concentration 100 uM, at -20<br>
<u>BSU9716 Plates from Monday 20th(Djamila)</u><br>
Cells on Kan but not on Amp and Cm; should had have it on Kan and Cm so don’t use anymore “loan plate” as BSU9716 source. <br>
Frozen on LB grew, so put it (chose 4 isolates and 2 locations on loan) on Kan/Cm and 37C overnight (Sofiane) <br>
Made more LB agar 15g agar 1L LB<br>
Liquid solutions (not from isolates but loan for bsu and directly from tube in which came from) of pEN and BSU9716 in 10 mL of LB gent (10 ug/mL) and Kan/Cm (50//25ug/mL), respectively, for tomorrow and plated both on appropriate antibiotic<br>
<li>Sofiane : Il a tout fait cramer</li>
<u><b>Preparing lysozyme aliquot (Zinebe) : </u></b><br>
<li>Wilhelm : Il est reparti</li>
Concentration = 20g/L : <br>
→ 0,0220 g lysozyme in 1,1 mL miliQ water (mix with vortex) <br>
Conservation dans le congélo -20°C<br>
<u>pEN plasmid extraction (Djamila)</u> <br>
--> Using the “Monarch Plasmid Miniprep Kit”, according to the NEB protocol <br>
Note: Mistakenly eluted with 130 uL instead of 30 uL <br>
Plasmid Concentration (µg/mL)                  260/280        260/230<br>
pEN-Gent                  33.197                            1.872          1.515<br>
<u>Plates from 24/08/16 (Djamila)</u><br>
Bsu9716 no isolates and pEN single colonies, but on both plate there is a lot of bubbles<br>
gDNA extraction ()<br>
<li>Kévin : Il est pas venu</li>
plasmids glycerol stock ()<br>
<li>Perwin : Continuation de la quête chez les RG</li>
gBolcks/biobrick resuspension ()<br>
<li>Zinebe : Elle a volé le PLA</li>
gblocks digestion? <br>
<li>Djamila : Comme d'hab, le quota</li>
<u><i>E. coli</i> DH5alpha Transformation with pBS1C using the following protocol :</u> <br>
<li>Les autres : Vacances</li></ol>
<b>1. Put 1μL of circular plasmid or all of a ligation reaction of plasmid DNA in a microtube. Gently add ~100μL of competent cells. Do NO DNA control tube with cells and no DNA. </b><br>
<b>2. Incubate for 30 mins on ice. </b><br>
<b>3. Heat shock for 1 mins @ 42°C. Put back on ice. </b><br>
<b>4. Add 900 μL of LB to tubes. Incubate @ 37°C for 30 mins. </b><br>
<b>5. Plate 490 μL of the cells in LBAmp (100µg/ml plates). Plate 100 μL of the NO DNA control in a LB plate (to check for quality of cells). Grow O/N. </b><br>
    --> 2 boites de LBamp à 100 µg/mL avec du e.coli DH5 alpha + pBS1C <br>
  --> 1 boite de LB sans Amp avec que du e.coli DH5 alpha  <br>
<u>Transformation from 26/08 worked:</u> Red on transformed and nothing red on negative control <br>
Made 2 bottles of 1X TAE (100 mL TAE 10X and 900 mL water osmosee) <br>
Set up PCR programs for deleted fragments amplification<br></p>

Revision as of 12:58, 18 October 2016