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<h2>Ca me soule toujours autant</h2>
<u>Gradient PCR for pEN plasmid</u> (Gent amplification) <br>
61.6 degrees middle and +2 gradient 3 on left and 3 on right tube 4 in whole 7<br>
Dilution Primers: final concentration 5 uM (2.5 uL primer+47.5 uL nuclease free water) <br>
Dilution pEN: 1/10 (2 uL pEN + 18 uL Elution Buffer EB) final concentration 3.32 ug/mL<br>
Component 20 μl Reaction Final Concentration
Nuclease free water 3.9 μl
2X Phusion Master Mix 10 1x
5 μM Forward Primer 2 0.5 μM
5 μM Reverse Primer 2 0.5 μM
Template DNA (3.3 ug/mL or ng/uL) 1.5 5 ng
DMSO (optional) 0.6 3%
Program Gent: IGEM1601<br>
Step Temperature Time
Denaturation 98°C 30s
Annealing and elongation 98°C 30s
61.6°C_ Gradient 2 °C 15s
72°C 15s
Final elongation 72°C 5 min
Hold 4°C -
<ol><li>Benjamin : Il s'est fait chier</li>
<u>BSU9716 liquid culture prep</u> <br>
<li>Nassim : Il a cassé les couilles</li>
<li>Sofiane : Il a tout fait cramer</li>
<li>Wilhelm : Il est reparti</li>
<li>Kévin : Il est pas venu</li>
<li>Perwin : Continuation de la quête chez les RG</li>
<u>1.2% Gel of Gent amplification PCR product (Djamila)</u> <br>
1.2 g Agarose 100 mL TAE 1X 10 uL (10000 X) Gel red<br>
Samples: <br>
5 uL DNA,  4 uL loading dye, 11 uL MilliQ H2O Run 90V 45 min then 120V 55 min<br>
Gent resistance gene size: 534 bp Band looks like it’s around the expected size<br>
<li>Zinebe : Elle a volé le PLA</li>
<li>Djamila : Comme d'hab, le quota</li>
<li>Les autres : Vacances</li></ol>
M        1      2      3      4        5        6        7
<b>Note:</b> Have same amount of DNA in all well and this was supposed to be a gradient PCR. <br> Therefore, it looks like all temperature are working well. Next PCR simple instead of gradient then if don’t work will do gradient<br>
Run PCR for fragment A and B<br>
Component 20 μl Reaction Final Concentration
Nuclease free water 4.4 μl
2X Phusion Master Mix 10 1x
5 μM Forward Primer 2 0.5 μM
5 μM Reverse Primer 2 0.5 μM
Template DNA (initial concentration?) 1 Don’t know how much DNA
DMSO (optional) 0.6 3%
Program A IGEM1602<br>
Step Temperature Time
Denaturation 98°C 30s
Annealing and elongation 98°C 30s
66.2°C 15s
72°C 15s
Final elongation 72°C 5 min
Hold 4°C -
Program B: IGEM1603 65.9 (remember to change the name it’s IGEM1604 on the thermos cycler) <br>
Step Temperature Time
Denaturation 98°C 30s
Annealing and elongation 98°C 30s
65.9 °C 15s
72°C 15s
Final elongation 72°C 5 min
Hold 4°C -
<b>Note:</b> issue with PCR of B; when looked at the TC to check evolution there was an error and we assumed the beginning of the PCR was done so we just did the final elongation step. <br>
Run gel for fragment A and B (second half of the 1.2% Gel of the morning) <br>
3 uL of DNA + 4 uL of loading dye + 13 uL milliQ H2O<br>
Run 140V 30 min 160V 30 min<br>
Band around 500 bp for A and nothing for B. Not surprising since maybe no PCR was done on it. Start over the B tomorrow and join A and Gent. Maybe purify do bigger volume and purify PCR before joining them. <br>
        M            A              B                  M            A          B
<u>PCR Fragments A, B and Gent</u><br>
Used diluted samples and oligos done for previous PCR<br>
Component 60 μl Reaction Final Concentration
Nuclease free water 13.2 μl
2X Phusion Master Mix 30 1x
5 μM Forward Primer 6 0.5 μM
5 μM Reverse Primer 6 0.5 μM
Template DNA (initial concentration?) 3 Don’t know how much DNA
DMSO (optional) 1.8 3%
PCR programs: A IGEM1602, B IGEM1603 and Gent IGEM1601 without gradient<br>
1.2% Gel (prepared the 30/08) <br>
5 uL of DNA + 3.5 uL of loading dye + 11.5 uL milliQ H2O<br>
Have a band for each sample around 500 bp as expected but faint for B, and even for A compared to yesterday’s results. <br>
      M      A      B      G
<u>PCR purification</u><br>
Used 40 uL of each sample. Followed QIAquick PCR Purification Kit Protocol. <br>
<b>Note:</b> Samples centrifuged at 12000 rpm<br>
<u>Recombinant PCR AG</u><br>
Used diluted samples and oligos done for previous PCR<br>
Component 60 μl Reaction 1 60 μl Reaction 2 Final Concentration
Nuclease free water - -
2X Phusion Master Mix 30 30 1x
5 μM Forward Primer DF1A 6 6 0.5 μM
5 μM Reverse Primer RR 6 6 0.5 μM
Template DNA A 6.6 8.2 (should have been 9.2) ?
Template DNA Gent 6.6 6 ?
DMSO (optional) 1.8 1.8 3%
PCR programs: A-Gent IGEM1601 without gradient (Ta= 61.6) <br>
<u>Recombinant PCR AGB</u><br>
Used purified AG 1 and 2 <br>
Component 60 μl Reaction 1 60 μl Reaction 2 Final Concentration
Nuclease free water 1.2 1.2 -
2X Phusion Master Mix 30 30 1x
5 μM Forward Primer DF1A 6 6 0.5 μM
5 μM Reverse Primer RR 6 6 0.5 μM
Template DNA A 6 6 ?
Template DNA Gent 6 6 ?
DMSO (optional) 1.8 1.8 3%
PCR programs: A-Gent IGEM1604 (Ta= 61.8) <br>
<u>PCR purif (Zinebe)</u><br>
Used 40 uL of each sample (AG1, 2 and AGB 1, 2). Followed QIAquick PCR Purification Kit Protocol. <br>
<b>Note: </b>Samples centrifuged at 12000 rpm<br>
<u>Gel electrophoresis (Djamila) </u><br>
5 uL DNA,  4 uL loading dye, 11 uL MilliQ H2O Run 90V 45 min then 120V 55 min<br>
  No  A-G1  AG2  M AGB1 AGB2<br>
<b>Note: </b>none of the bands are where they are supposed to be. Plan was to ligate into plasmid but first start over gel and check bands. After that may need to start over recombinant PCR<br>
M1 Meeting at UPMC with IONIS<br>
PCR purified samples concentration (Djamila): all are in ng/uL<br>
AG1 113.1<br>
AG2 60<br>
AGB1 20<br>
AGB2 43.5<br>
A 19.8<br>
G 35.6<br>
B 13.4<br>
• Did the blank with water as there was no EB at Peronnet’s (elution in EB) <br>
• No idea on purity (took pictures to have all purity on file but don’t have the phone anymore and the picures with) <br>
Biobricks digestion ligation Gel<br> </p>

Revision as of 13:22, 18 October 2016