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<br>From this simple question, and from the information we could gather at the time, our first idea was born. The project would be about feeding bee larva with a modified bacteria, part of their microbiota, that would allow them to be protected from pesticide.
<br>From this simple question, and from the information we could gather at the time, our first idea was born. The project would be about feeding bee larva with a modified bacteria, part of their microbiota, that would allow them to be protected from pesticide.
<br>In order to determine if our idea could really help beekeepers, we met with Mr. Phillipe Lecompte, president of the “bees biodiversity network”. He pointed out that the real problem wasn’t pesticide, but rather that, even if pesticide are indeed bad for bees, the real responsible of the CCD was pathogens (mostly <i>P. larvae</i> in the US, responsible of the American foolbrood decease and <i>N. ceranae</i> in France).
<br>In order to determine if our idea could really help beekeepers, we met with Mr. Phillipe Lecompte, president of the “bees biodiversity network”. He pointed out that the real problem wasn’t pesticide, but rather that, even if pesticide are indeed bad for bees, the real responsible of the CCD was pathogens (mostly <i>P. larvae</i> in the US, responsible of the American foolbrood decease and <i>N. ceranae</i> in France).
<br>It would be the lack of informations and academical training that leads beekeepers to focus on pesticide rather than on the health of their colony. The widespread of ??????????
<br>It would be the lack of informations and academical training that leads beekeepers to focus on pesticide rather than on the health of their colony.
<br>After such revelation, we asked beekeepers and searchers (directly and through survey (see section 2)) about our projet, the CCD and the solutions that we might work on (see section 3).
<br>After such revelation, we asked beekeepers and searchers (directly and through survey (see section 2)) about our projet, the CCD and the solutions that we might work on (see section 3).
<br>Find more information about or integrated human practice <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:UPMC-Paris/Integrated_Practices">here</a></p>
<br>Find more information about or integrated human practice <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Team:UPMC-Paris/Integrated_Practices">here</a></p>

Revision as of 06:54, 19 October 2016