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Our Team

SCU-China is founded in 2012,with the support of the College of Life Science of Sichuan University.The team exists as a scholar club in the university and it really provides a platform for all students to show their passions and potentials.Some guys have been working in the team for a few years,making the whole team really a big family.

This year,we get students from ten different colleges and it gives us the chances to know different majors and work together.We really enjoy the time and it leaves such a deep impression on everyone who contributes here.We design all our projects independently by ourselves.

Though we haven't got any gold medal as far,we gained a lot from the process.We really enjoy the iGEM competition.

This year, we shot a video in our campus called “Ordinary E. coli” to show our team spirit and attract others’ attention to our project. And we got the copyrights from the original song writer “iLem” on Sina Weibo to cover the original song “Ordinary Disco”, which is quite famous in China. Check this out!


It is my pleasure to see the growth of the students full of energy and vitality.

Nianhui Zhang

iGEM is a valuable, insightful and rewarding educational experience. It’s really a great honor for me to be a team member of SCU-China.I hope everyone could enjoy it.

Chuanfang Wu


This is the third year for me to be an iGEMer. Honestly, iGEM plays a critical role during my college years. From a team member for last two years, to the team leader (the group leader of CecropinXJ expression group as well) for this year, I have learnt too much from iGEM. Personally speaking, iGEM is a fantastic platform for college students to learn what is real research, and how to collaborate with others in lab environment. My passion towards research will be continued even after I've become a former iGEMer.

Shiji Zhao
20 Biological Science


It's the second year for me to join the iGEM competition. It's surprised that I became the co-leader of the team as a Grade 2 student then and the project designer this year. I'm responsible for the VHb gene in experiment part. I really appreciate the recognization of me. I want to thank all the team members. It's you guys who company me through the whole year. The experience of working together for one goal will become an important part of my student life forever. And I've decided to enter a synthetic biology lab to study further in this field.

Hongbin Yu
19 Clinical Medicine / Biological Science


This is the second year for me to participate in the iGEM. In retrospect of last year, I have learned rudimentary molecular experiment skills from our precedents. During this year, I get myself familiar with other advanced skills such as Gibson Assembly, OE OCR and qPCR. I believe that the headquarter of iGEM gives us a scope to image our own biology machine freedomly although for a short while. At last, I would like to appreciate Miss. LUO as a crucial precedent to guide me into this interesting molecular biology realm.

Shaobo Yang
21 Biological Science


Excited by the idea of becoming a scientist since I was a small child, my interests in pursuing graduate studies intensified during my undergraduate education and my research experience.This year, I try to express CecropinXJ in E.coil and detect its activity for inhabiting the growth of other bacteria and fungi .With the experience, I have tried my best to seize every opportunity to improve my abilities for my further dream.So I am grateful for iGEM.

Junsong Yuan
21 Biological Science


I may have passed one thousand days with iGEM. At the beginning, I learned basic knowledge of biology and tried to do some easy experiment. After one year, reading paper and knowing the principle of experiment became important. Now I'm helping freshmen, designing the experiment of expressing AarC and let it come true. There are so much reminiscence and growth during the time in iGEM, which are the most precious wealth.

Haoyu Wang
21 Biological Science


This year I am responsible for knock out the gene "tnaA" of BL21.I'm the leader of the gene knock-out group.I think iGEM is a effective platform for college students to learn synthetic biology,and making friends with kinds of specialty.Thanks to iGEM,I enjoy the last summer holidays in laboratory at sichuan university.

Xi Chen
22 Biological Science


iGEM is not merely Biology, I am happy to take advantage of my major to take part in it. Acting as the leader of the hardware group, I mainly involved in synthesizing the new type hydrogels and designing the insole models. It was iGEM that galvanized my interest and passion for the interdisciplinary of Biology and Chemical Engineering, and it won’t cease.

Yuanfang Huang
21 Chemical Engineering and Technology


Having taken part in iGEM for three years(2014-2016) , I learned lots of knowledge about synthetic biology Then, in this year, I became the leader of temperature-sensitive self-killer team and designed a new CIλrepressor, which is more sensitive in 37℃.My team assemble this part in the plasmid with self-killer gene-hokD. At last, thanks to SiChuan University and KangHan, ZhangNianhui , LuoYunzi professor.

Zekun Lv
20 Biological Science


It's a precious experience for me to join 2016 SCU iGEM team. iGem competition brings me a chance to design and practice a whole project, which is the first time for me. I'm the main member of Aarc expression group for this year. During the experiment process, honestly, there always troubles and problems come out. But they taught us a lot after we get through. In short, iGem gives me a hot sense of uplift in research and the joy of experiment.

Kun Shuang
20 Clinical Medcine


I'm a junior from College of Physical Science and Technology and it is my first time to attend iGEM. My job is to bulid a model to analyse the biochemical system as well as help design the insole with mechanical compution. To tell the truth, meeting new friends and solving scientific problems make me excited, that's why I do enjoy my journey of iGEM.

Guoye Guan
21 Physics


The art designer & member of VHb group. It's a bit unexpected for me that I've been involved in the team much more than I'd expected one year ago. The experience as an iGEMer has introduced me the method of doing research as well as problem-solving skills, and of course, many important friends in my life. I do appreciate the chance to work with these creative and enthusiastic guys and to struggle towards the same goal together. I really enjoy the journey with all my pals.

Jiusi Guo
19 Stomatology / Clinical Medicine


I am a member of knocking out tnaA gene group. Useing the Red Recombination system, we successfully knock out tnaA gene to create an indole deficient Escherichia coli strain. This is the first year I take part in the iGEM and it is my honour to be an iGEMer. I have learnt many useful experiment skills, creative ideas and the latest progress of Synthetic Biology in the team this year. Ultimately, I am extremely grateful to iGEM for brodening my horizons and seasoning my character.

Xinhao Yan
20 Biological Science


Actually, this is the first year of my iGEM journey, to which I have contributed all my passion and talent. I am a grade 2 student of phamarcy, iGEM was a whole new thing for me at the very beginning. With my experience on proteomics and phamarcy, I joined in "tnaA knocking out" group and take the responsibility of RED recombination operation and protein gel & HPLC certification work. Working with all these kind guys is a wonderful experience, from which I have learned a lot. I am proud of being a iGEMer.

Bowen Li
20 Pharmacy


This is my first year as an iGEMer. During the year being a group member of VHb and hardware group, I have learned so much from molecular biology to polymer science, which provides a deeper view of how research is done as well as inspirations for future interdisciplinary study. For me, iGEM changes my life in an unexpected positive way, offering me enjoyment of being an active member of a research group and finally cultivates me towards an enthusiastic young researcher. Thank you, iGEM.

Luyu Jia
20 Pharmacy


This year, I am lucky to join the interesting iGEM which add a lot of fun to my university life.In the process of learning and experiment,I continually absorb the knowledge of synthetic biology, molecular experiments and other aspects, and improve experimental operating skills.Team members’, especially the leaders’ work style let me think a lot, I believe it will give me great help in the later study and work.I will never forget iGEM.

Junyan Zhu
19 Biological Science


This is the second year for me to be an iGEMer in SCU-China. This year I do much hard work on the expression of CecropinXJ and practice a lot not only the experimental skills but also the logical and critical thinking. To be honest, it is iGEM that makes me determined to devote myself to biological research. And fortunately, I have met the most important friends in my life in the course of the two years in our team. We are all fond of iGEM and we are going to continue working for it.

Fangfang Lu
20 Biological Science


iGEM is a platform where I gain expertise and friends at the same time. I take part in knocking out the smell of the E.coli at first and then turn to construct and test a device which can induce the cell to lysis itself when the temperature up to 37℃. In iGEM, with the lost, I gain.

Tianying Chen
20 Biological Science


This is the first year that I become an iGEMer of SCU_China. As a new sophomore, I believe iGEM brings the best thing to me in the last year--not only the research capacity but aslo a great improvement of the communication ability. I palyed a important role in the Human Practise part, and contributed a lot to make our project looks like more reasonable.iGEM is the best opportunity that I can come into contact with the research in my undergraduate period and I cherish it!

Chunyi Yan
19 Biological Science


I am so excited to join the great game to be a iGEMer in the first year. I made lots of friends and learned a lot this year in iGEM(I did a lot of analytic chemistry experiments and gene knock-out experiments.). I really feel that it's so cool to spend my time to one project which I loved and I have been fully attracted by the fantastic bio-science. I am ready to do more in science research as a iGEMer.

Yuliang Xiang
19 Pharmacy


This is my first year in an iGEM team and I have learned a lot from it. The experiments we did truly broght me into the world of scientific research. From the common molecular experiments to the data processing in the verification group, synthetic biology showed its fantacy to me gradually and is really intrigued to me.

Fuqiang Yang
19 Biological Science


This is my first year in SCU-China iGEM team and I'm mainly responsible for the experiment about the expression of Ceceopin XJ.Honestly speaking,I do feel lucky and glad to be an iGEMer.iGEM is a competition needing not only creativity but also hardwork and teamwork.During this year in iGEM,I have gained a lot such as knowledge,patience,perseverance and friendship.I enjoy myself to be an iGEmer and I 'm ready to move forward.

Zixian Yu
20 Biological Science


I have been an iGEMer two years.Last year I think I did not do anything useful. The only thing I did is learning the basic experimental skills. In this year I mainly responsible for knocking out tnaA and verify the knock out bacteria. I participated in determination of indole curve and some other things. The competition of iGem though my college, it will be the best memory in the future.

Jie Ren
20 Basic Medical Sciences


This year, I am lucky to join the interesting iGEM which add a lot of fun to my university life.In the process of learning and experiment,I continually absorb the knowledge of synthetic biology, molecular experiments and other aspects, and improve experimental operating skills.Team members’, especially the leaders’ work style let me think a lot, I believe it will give me great help in the later study and work.I will never forget iGEM.

Zhisheng Liang
20 Biological Science



Thanks for the help from TMMU_China and collaboration between IngenuityLab_Canada and SCUT-China_A.

Thanks to Yu Lou, SCU-China 2014 & 2015 Team member to help us solve many problems.

Thanks to SCU-China 2014 Team member Anji Lian, now postgraduate student in College of Materials Science and Engineering, Sichuan University and Han Kang, staff in College of Life Science, Sichuan University for helping us use microplate reader.

Thanks to Prof. Yunzi Luo from State Key Lab of Biotherapy, Prof. Fangdong Zou, Prof. Qun Sun, A/Prof. Shuo Li, Xiaoping Wan, Jia Fan from College of Life Science, Sichuan University for helping us determine the project and achieve ACMA.

Thanks to A/Prof. Nianhui Zhang and A/Prof. Chuanfang Wu for helping us join the whole competition process.

Special thanks to Yun Zhao, the vice-president of College of Life Science, Sichuan University for supporting us joining iGEM.

And thanks to our further team members for their effort in this year’s project!

I am responsible for the wiki page development of our team. I would like to acknowledge the organizors of iGEM for having given me such a chance of honor to meet and join the team, amist which we have all the outstanding minds of their respective areas. The team works like a most advanced jet aircraft, complex yet effective and autonomous, making one of the best teams I've ever worked with.

Jiyuan Wang
19 Computer Science


As a sophomore, this is my first year to be an iGEMer. Through the past whole year, I gradually knew the meaning of this competition. I felt amazed about how attractive and challenging this competetion could be. In terms of the experiments, I worked in the CecropinXJ expression group. During the whole process, I gained not only the experimental skills, but also the importance of team work. I do appreciate the unforgettable experience which this competetion offered me, and I believe it will be a precious gift through my life.

Hanyue Xu
20 Clinical Medicine


This is the first year for me to be an iGEMer. I joined it as soon as I came to my college because I really like it where I can have a good method and skill in the experiment. What's more, I enjoy the atmosphere when we cooperate with each other by means of group discussion, seminars and doing experiment together. Honestly speaking, I learned a lot in this year and am planning to go further and deeper in this interesting area.

Pinjie Li
18 Biological Science


It's my first time to take part in the iGEM. In summer, I stay in the lab for a month. I have never worked for a long time in the lab before and this is really a valuable experience in my life. I have learned how to keep everything ready so our work won't be delayed frequently. Also, I gained many interesting friends and found many delicious foods around my collage : ). To me, iGEM is an excellent chance to do our own experiments but never worry about the funds and results. Thanks to iGEM. Thanks to SCU. Thanks to the Lifescience school.

Mingyi Lv
19 Biological Science


Undeniably, when it comes to the most unique experience I have gained as a freshman, the time I spend on iGEM should be mentioned. Worked in acetate metabolism and human practice groups, I'm glad to acquire so much synthetic biology knowledge, experiment skills from responsible seniors, and get used to teamwork. iGEM provides us with an excellent stage to design, demonstrate, and present the project, which deeply attracts me. When we design the project with inspirations and creativity, the synthetic biology is definitely brought to life.

Yibing Tao
19 Biological Science


It's my honour to become an iGEMer as a freshman in SCU. Not only do I improve my experimental skills,but also make new friends and really get fun. The comprehensive help given by senior, the cheer with partners in human practice and the felling of designing something now--these are what I love that attract me. And I wish I will always keep my passion going along this road.

Xuetong Qu
19 Biological Science
