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<p>Moikka! The Aalto-Helsinki 2016 team started working in the beginning of March. Our brainstorming sessions resulted in more than 50 ideas, of which some were good, some were bad <del> and some were really, really bad</del>. We narrowed the ideas down to the top 5 and then did research to figure out what would be the most promising idea. Ultimately we decided to work with cyanobacteria and the problem they pose every summer in Finland. </p>
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<p>Cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, are a problem in Finnish waters especially in the late summer, when they develop big blooms. They produce toxins that can be harmful to people and animals. We decided to concentrate on the most common cyanotoxin found in fresh waters called microcystin-LR (MC), which is a hepatotoxin. We studied MC’s toxicity mechanisms extensively to figure out the best way to tackle it. The toxicity mechanism in mammalian cells is based on the MC’s inhibitory effects on protein phosphatase (PP) 1 and 2a. When the PPs are inhibited their target proteins remain phosphorylated which eventually leads to hyperphosphorylation. This results in production of reactive oxygen species that ultimately manifest as oxidative stress. We also found out that the same basic mechanism also happens in yeast cells. So we decided to take advantage of <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae'</i>s oxidative stress response to detect MC. </p>
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<p>We also want to degrade the toxin. There are a few bacteria that naturally degrade cyanotoxins. We decided to use an enzyme called microcystinase (MlrA), found in some <i>Sphingomonas</i> strains. The degradation leads to a nontoxic product, which is the linear form of the otherwise toxic cyclic heptapeptide. </p>
<p>We will study the enzyme kinetics of microcystinase and also the toxicity mechanisms in yeast cells, in order to gain a deeper understanding about the system.</p>
<p>We have also worked together with Finland’s environment center (SYKE). As one of our public outreach projects, we will collaborate with them and work on their Levävahti (Algae Watch) -app. We will try to model a dynamic population model so we could predict how the cyanobacteria blooms will grow and develop, and have this as one of the features in the app.</p>
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<text class="title" font-family="bebas_neuebold" x=344 y=250 font-size=110 font-weight=600 fill="white" style="margin: auto">MC YEAST
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<tspan font-family="robotolight" x=45 y=310 font-size=40 fill="white" font-weight=450 style="margin: auto">Stress-based detection and enzymatic degradation</tspan>
<tspan font-family="robotolight" x=160 y=360 font-size=40 fill="white" font-weight=450 style="margin: auto">of the cyanobacterial toxin microcystin</tspan>
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<h5>Before you start: </h5>
<h1 id="ONE">Welcome to the Aalto-Helsinki 2016 wiki!</h1>
<p> Please read the following pages:</p>
<p class="justify" style="font-size:19px;">We have been working the whole summer to provide a solution for the annual problem of blue-green algae and their toxins. Here you can see how our project turned out.</p></br>
<li> <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Requirements">Requirements page </a> </li>
<p class="justify" style="font-size:19px;">From the <a href="project.html" class="index" style="color:#ff9900">Project</a> page you can read all about the design and background of our project. There you can also find the project overview as well our project introduction video, “Matti and the cyanobacteria”.
<li> <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Wiki_How-To">Wiki Requirements page</a></li>
<li> <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Resources/Template_Documentation"> Template Documentation </a></li>
<p class="justify" style="font-size:19px;">In the <a href="lab.html" class="index" style="color:#ff9900">Laboratory</a> page you will find details about our assays and methods used in our lab work, as well as the results from the whole summer. There you can also find links to the protocols we’ve used, in addition to a link to our lab book. You can also read about the safety in our lab.
<p class="justify" style="font-size:19px;">The <a href="model.html" class="index" style="color:#ff9900">Modelling</a> page has everything about our modelling results. There you can learn how our models were formulated and what results we got from our simulations.
<p class="justify" style="font-size:19px;">Our public outreach and how we integrated it in our project design can be found in the <a href="humanpractices.html" class="index" style="color:#ff9900">Human Practices</a> page. There is also discussion about the ethical side if our project.
<p class="justify" style="font-size:19px;">To find out about iGEM meetups we participated in, our collaborations with other iGEM teams and the software tools we provided to help the work of future iGEM teams, go to the <a href="community.html" class="index" style="color:#ff9900">Community</a> page. There you can also find the results of our InterLab study.
<p class="justify" style="font-size:19px;">In the <a href="people.html" class="index" style="color:#ff9900">People</a> page you can get to know our team and the people who have helped us. You can also find out about the sponsors of our project.
<p class="justify" style="font-size:19px;">To see our main results, discussion on how the project turned out, and explanations for the fulfilled medal criteria, go to the <a href="people.html" class="index" style="color:#ff9900">Achievements</a> page.
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<h5> Styling your wiki </h5>
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<p>You may style this page as you like or you can simply leave the style as it is. You can easily keep the styling and edit the content of these default wiki pages with your project information and completely fulfill the requirement to document your project.</p>
<p>While you may not win Best Wiki with this styling, your team is still eligible for all other awards. This default wiki meets the requirements, it improves navigability and ease of use for visitors, and you should not feel it is necessary to style beyond what has been provided.</p>  
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<h5> Wiki template information </h5>
<p>We have created these wiki template pages to help you get started and to help you think about how your team will be evaluated. You can find a list of all the pages tied to awards here at the <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Judging/Pages_for_Awards/Instructions">Pages for awards</a> link. You must edit these pages to be evaluated for medals and awards, but ultimately the design, layout, style and all other elements of your team wiki is up to you!</p>
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<h5> Editing your wiki </h5>
<p>On this page you can document your project, introduce your team members, document your progress and share your iGEM experience with the rest of the world! </p>
<p> <a href="https://2016.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Team:Example&action=edit"> </a>Use WikiTools - Edit in the black menu bar to edit this page</p>
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<p>This wiki will be your team’s first interaction with the rest of the world, so here are a few tips to help you get started: </p>
<li>State your accomplishments! Tell people what you have achieved from the start. </li>
<li>Be clear about what you are doing and how you plan to do this.</li>
<li>You have a global audience! Consider the different backgrounds that your users come from.</li>
<li>Make sure information is easy to find; nothing should be more than 3 clicks away.  </li>
<li>Avoid using very small fonts and low contrast colors; information should be easy to read.  </li>
<li>Start documenting your project as early as possible; don’t leave anything to the last minute before the Wiki Freeze. For a complete list of deadlines visit the <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Calendar">iGEM 2016 calendar</a> </li>
<li>Have lots of fun! </li>
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<p> You can also view other team wikis for inspiration! Here are some examples:</p>
<li> <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:SDU-Denmark/"> 2014 SDU Denmark </a> </li>
<li> <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Aalto-Helsinki">2014 Aalto-Helsinki</a> </li>
<li> <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:LMU-Munich">2014 LMU-Munich</a> </li>
<li> <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Michigan"> 2014 Michigan</a></li>
<li> <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:ITESM-Guadalajara">2014 ITESM-Guadalajara </a></li>
<li> <a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:SCU-China"> 2014 SCU-China </a></li>
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<h5> Uploading pictures and files </h5>
<p> You can upload your pictures and files to the iGEM 2016 server. Remember to keep all your pictures and files within your team's namespace or at least include your team's name in the file name. <br />
When you upload, set the "Destination Filename" to <br><code>T--YourOfficialTeamName--NameOfFile.jpg</code>. (If you don't do this, someone else might upload a different file with the same "Destination Filename", and your file would be erased!)</p>
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Revision as of 03:50, 20 October 2016


MC YEAST Stress-based detection and enzymatic degradation of the cyanobacterial toxin microcystin

Welcome to the Aalto-Helsinki 2016 wiki!

We have been working the whole summer to provide a solution for the annual problem of blue-green algae and their toxins. Here you can see how our project turned out.

From the Project page you can read all about the design and background of our project. There you can also find the project overview as well our project introduction video, “Matti and the cyanobacteria”.

In the Laboratory page you will find details about our assays and methods used in our lab work, as well as the results from the whole summer. There you can also find links to the protocols we’ve used, in addition to a link to our lab book. You can also read about the safety in our lab.

The Modelling page has everything about our modelling results. There you can learn how our models were formulated and what results we got from our simulations.

Our public outreach and how we integrated it in our project design can be found in the Human Practices page. There is also discussion about the ethical side if our project.

To find out about iGEM meetups we participated in, our collaborations with other iGEM teams and the software tools we provided to help the work of future iGEM teams, go to the Community page. There you can also find the results of our InterLab study.

In the People page you can get to know our team and the people who have helped us. You can also find out about the sponsors of our project.

To see our main results, discussion on how the project turned out, and explanations for the fulfilled medal criteria, go to the Achievements page.