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(#Protocol 5 : Generalised transduction using phage P1)
(#Protocol 5 : Generalised transduction using phage P1)
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Test clones by PCR
Test clones by PCR
Transplant the good clones on LB-AB appropriate petri dishes  
Transplant the good clones on LB-AB appropriate petri dishes
== #Protocol 6 : Cadaverin HPLC analysis ==
===Reaction of lysine and cadaverine produced by biotransformation with whole cells===
The assays were performed in a total volume of 500µL, containing 500mM sodium acetate buffer (ph = 6.0), 10mM L-lysine, 0.1 mM pyridoxal-5-phosphate, and 20µL whole cells, at 37°C in a water bath. The reaction was stopped after 24h by the addition of 10µL ethanol. The reaction mixtures were centrifuged and the 30µL of supernatant was applied to derivatization to determine the amounts of residual lysine and product, i.e cadaverine.
===Derivatization reaction===
Diamine deritatives were obtained by the reaction of 180µL of borate buffer 0.05M (pH9), 60µL of 100% methanol, 47µL diethyl ethoxymethylenemalonate without any pretreatment. The samples were heated at 70)C for 2h to allow complete degradation of excess DEEMM and derivatization.
===HPLC analysis===
After derivatization with diethyl ethoxymethylmalonate, analyses were performed on a high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC Agilent technologies, 1260 Infinity) consisting of a binary pump, an inline degasser, an autosampler and a column thermostat. Chromatographic separation was carried out by reverse-phasechromatography on a C18 column maintained at 35°C. Mobile phase A was composed of 100% acetonitrile, and B was made up of 25mM aqueous sodium acetate buffer (pH = 4.8). The flow rate of 1mL/min was used, with the following gradient program : 0-2min, (20-25% A; 2-32min, 25-60%A; 32-40min, 60-20%A. Detection was carried out at 284nm.

Revision as of 09:59, 12 October 2016