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− | <a class="item" href="">
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− | <b>Human practices</b>
| |
− | </a>
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− | <a class="item" href="" style="margin-left: 10%">
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− | <i class="selected radio icon"></i>
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− | <b>Safety</b>
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− | <b>Sponsors</b>
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− | <h1 class="ui centered dividing header"><span> </span>Project description</h1>
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− | <p class="ui fluid segment text container">
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− | In the past years of iGEM and synthetic biology a lot of projects have been devoted to the development of
| |
− | synthetic genetic circuits and logic gates. Most of those were based on transcription regulation, however
| |
− | this mechanism is relatively slow and the final output can be detected only after several hours or days.<br>
| |
− | This year team Slovenia has decided to tackle the problem of the design of fast logic circuits. We plan to
| |
− | introduce new protein-based sensors that will allow cells to quickly respond to input signals such as light
| |
− | stimulation or chemical dimerizers and produce outputs that could potentially be used for therapeutic
| |
− | treatment.
| |
− | </p>
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− | <h1 class="ui centered dividing header"><span id="intro" class = "section"> </span>Project</h1>
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− | <map name="projectmap">
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− | <area class="popup" shape="poly" coords="74, 132, 136, 217, 241, 225, 319, 175, 365, 89, 298, 42, 152, 62" alt="module1" onmouseover="loadImage('//igem2016.fri.uni-lj.si/img_auth.php/9/92/Main-scheme1.png', 'module1')" onmouseout="loadImage('//igem2016.fri.uni-lj.si/img_auth.php/d/da/Main-scheme0.png', 'module1')" href="resultsModule1.html"></area>
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− | </map>
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− | <div class="popup bottomLeft">
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− | <span class="popuptext" id="module1">Module 1 some text <br/> some other text</span>
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− | </div>
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− | <div class="popup bottomLeft">
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− | <span class="popuptext" id="module2">Module 2 some text <br/> some other text</span>
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− | <div class="popup bottomLeft">
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− | <span class="popuptext" id="module3">Module 3 some text <br/> some other text</span>
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− | <span class="popuptext" id="module4">Module 4 some text <br/> some other text</span>
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− | <h1 class="ui centered dividing header"><span id="achievements" class = "section"> </span>Achievements</h1>
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− | <h1 class="ui centered dividing header"><span id="requirements" class = "section"> </span>Medal requirements</h1>
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